How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration


Flowers - the best gift for a woman, and just a good mark of attention. Since the rose is almost always the most preferred option, then the question often arises how to assemble a bouquet of roses. Consider how you can do it quickly, with what colors roses are combined, what other nuances need to be considered.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_2

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_3

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_4

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_5

What can I use?

To make a bouquet, you need to cook, in addition to the colors themselves, the necessary tools and attributes. In different cases, you may need:

  • Floral sponge;

  • Thin flexible wire;

  • Capacity for colors (not always);

  • Floristic TEYP-tape;

  • Beautiful paper;

  • cellophane;

  • satin ribbons;

  • secator;

  • scissors;

  • Floral knife;

  • Thermoclaysheaver pistol;

  • Stapler.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_6

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_7

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_8

Composition with flowers should look stylish and harmonious. Compilation of bouquets is a whole science. Therefore, it is better to keep the color circle, the so-called crib, which will tell what colors are combined with each other to combine different plants in one bouquet.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_9

According to florists, very many flowers are combined with roses - you only need to find the right shades. But there are those that cannot be seen with roses in one bouquet. These include gladiolus, tulips, chrysanthemums. But good neighbors for roses may be:

  • lilies;

  • gerbera;

  • Calla;

  • lavender;

  • lilac;

  • hydrangea;

  • Orchids.

Often, green sprigs are added to roses: most often in bouquets you can meet Palm of Robelni, Fern, Ruskus.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_10

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_11

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_12

General rules

To properly draw up any composition of flowers and plants, and roses are no exception, you need to follow some rules. The main thing is that the bouquet look harmoniously, has been set aside in the correct color scheme. Florists recommend in one bouquet to connect the colors of one season. But if we consider that roses can bloom in some regions with almost spring to deep autumn, then very many flowers will come to them.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_13

To create, indeed, a stylish and beautiful bouquet need to be borne in mind that there are styles in floristics, and choosing one of them, You can create your small flower work.

  • Vegetative style suggests naturalness . Therefore, you can collect in the bouquet of roses of one shade (for example, white or pink), add green twigs, berries and moss to them.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_14

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_15

  • Decorative style is distinguished by using various, even bright, shades. A bouquet can be built on a contrasting combination. For example, you can include saturated burgundy roses in the composition in combination with white or with the addition of suitable shades. In the design you can use additional decorations, the main thing is that there is no too much abundance of shades.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_16

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_17

  • Linear style is suitable in order to create a strict bouquet, without riot of paints and decorations. Here will most likely, only flowers of one shade.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_18

  • Massive style It assumes a large number of colors connected very tight. It will be, for example, a ball or heart.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_19

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_20

Options for small roses

Homemade bouquets can be made of roses that grow on the site. Good roses with small flowers are suitable for this purpose. The main thing is to do it right.

  • First you should prepare flowers . Since in this case, roses are used in this color, all stems are cleaned, lower leaves are removed.

  • Next you can start To the build of a bouquet which is going on the spiral. Then the flowers must be tied with jute.

  • For packing We use the Korean film of two colors that are ideal for the color of roses. Cut the sheets of the desired size.

  • It turned out several squares . Next, pack colors in them. Very gentle and elegant bouquet ready.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_21

A beautiful bouquet is obtained in this case.

  • For him, we take two types of roses, white and red twigs, only 7.

  • We add greens to them. Color flowers and greens in a bouquet.

  • Then we take a thin felt for packaging colors. Wrap the flowers, and in conclusion we say a ribbon.

  • Such a bouquet is suitable for any celebration.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_22

How to collect large roses beautifully?

To collect your own hands a big lush bouquet in the form of a heart, you need to see the master class. Consider step by step, as the assembly occurs in this case.

  • The heart will consist of 41 large flower . The inner part is made of red roses around the edges.

  • Using spiral equipment, we collect the core of red roses, tightly placing roses to each other . At the same time, the hands need to keep them closer to the flower, it will facilitate the work process.

  • Next, one add red buds to the heart, forming a central part, Looking a bit down to get a drop.

  • When all red roses are grouped in the center, We start adding white, so that they framed red.

  • It turned out a bulk bright heart which can be wrapped in paper on roses.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_23

Examples of registration

To make an independent bouquet, we need only the flowers themselves - high-quality and fresh. This is the main key to success. To approximately represent what a bouquet I want to see in the end, you can look at the examples of finished bouquets. At first, it is better not to strive to create too complex compositions.

  • A bright stylish bouquet of red colors is created very simple. They are connected along the spiral technology, then tied up with a ribbon. The advantage of this option is a bright color and a large number of roses.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_24

  • Pink buds are connected to the same principle. . And the bouquet looks no less exquisite.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_25

  • You can create an original heart. This requires a container, on the bottom of which the floral sponge is stacked, it will retain the flowers with fresh long time. Roses are placed in it. Candy placed in the middle. Very original bouquet in the form of a heart is ready.

How to assemble a bouquet of roses (26 photos): how to make it yourself? How to make a comprehensive composition? Examples of registration 7973_26

Learn to collect beets from roses on spiral technology, we have the next video.

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