Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair


The wedding is considered the most responsible event in the life of every girl. Not only the bride should look beautiful to this momentous day, but also her girlfriend. The image of the witness must be selected in accordance with the stylist of the main culprit of the celebration, so the style of the dress, makeup and hairstyle should be thought out in advance.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_2

Features and traditions

A girlfriend of the bride is one of the main people at the wedding, since it accompanies newlyworked throughout the holiday. According to tradition, a girlfriend can be a girl of any age. Since it is entrusted with many functions and it is considered an "assistant" of the bride, its outfit and the design hairstyles should be no less attractive. Choosing hair styling for the witness, it is important to consider the image of the newlywed, since the same laying is not allowed.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_3

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_4

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_5

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_6

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_7

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_8

The hairstyle for girlfriend the bride should be simultaneously stylish and restrained, it is chosen, given the following nuances.

  • External data. Girls with a beautiful pronounced figure and high growth is suitable classic evening laying. Middle Body and Growth Ladies It is desirable to give preference to more magnificent forms with a wig. If the girlfriend has a high forehead, it is necessary to hide it for a long bang, it can be given oblique or direct shape. The round ladies are not recommended to combed straight back, they are best to place curls.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_9

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_10

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_11

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_12

  • Dress model. The stylistics of hair laying depends on the choice of style. Going to the wedding to the girlfriend in a long dress, the witness is undesirable to unwind the hair, they need to be carefully gathered in the tail or a small bundle. The short dresses will be beautifully combined with long curls.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_13

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_14

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_15

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_16

  • Length hairstyles. The owners of lush hair were lucky, because for them you can pick up a lot of laying models, ranging from the "French shell" and ending with the "Greek" oblique. Girls who have an average hair length or short haircut, you can grow straight, they will look natural and give a lacking volume. In addition, laying on short hair must be added to decorative accessories.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_17

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_18

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_19

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_20

Bride's girlfriend is recommended to stop the choice on a more simplified version, since the most beautiful image should be in the bride. Considering this, the girls should not sprinkle sparkles and use white hairpins or buds of flowers as decorations. A good choice for laying data will be colored ribbons or rims.

To date, there are many types of hairstyles that can be chosen for a girlfriend of the bride. All of them are distinguished by original design and chic. The following styling models enjoy great popularity.

  • "French" braid. This hairstyle is ideal for witnesses that have long hair. You can use it and young beauties with a short haircut, for this you only need to give the volume of curls at the expense of artificial strands that are usually attached to the hairpins. To create such an elegant and attractive braid, a satin bow can be required, thin gum and studs. The laying starts from the upper area of ​​the bangs, while it is worth noting that the braid need to be placed in the usual way, the strands in this case are put under the bottom. As a result, the original hairstyle is obtained with a convex form. At the request, the hair can be decorated with pearls with pearls or colored pebbles, and put the atlantic bow in the center.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_21

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_22

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_23

  • "Ponytail". This option is most often choosing for girls with perfect face forms. The ladies who have a high forehead should be avoided, as the oval of faces will additionally stretch. The laying is carried out with a flat breadth, varnish, invisible and gum. A wide strand is separated and fixed with a rubber band, the rest are collected in the tail. It is important to ensure that the strands go neatly. Invisible needs to be chosen under the shade of the hair.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_24

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_25

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_26

  • Large curls. This evening hairstyle is good because it can be applied both on long and medium hair. In addition, only mousse or varnish can be used for laying. This laying looks elegant and elegant, well harmonizes with any outfit. Stacking starts with a canopy of strands, then the curls are formed using a curling or curlers. Each curl must be lacquered and straighten.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_27

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_28

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_29

  • "Basket". This laying is suitable for medium hair and is often used when you need to create summer hairstyles. They are distinguished by a gentle view and simple design. The hair was at first, then dried not to the end and processed by a special gel. Locks become "obedient", they are divided into one smooth sample and proceed to weaving braids from the left temple. The remaining hair can be hidden in the tail, so leave, separately screwed.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_30

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_31

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_32

  • "Bohemian" braids. This model is hairstyle choose for the image in the style of Bocho. She is striking with her sophistication and chic. Koshets rush and fasten invisible or hairpins, they must connect into one braid and have a whole view. Additionally, hair can be decorated with small accessories.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_33

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_34

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_35

How can I do with your own hands?

Most girls who are chosen as a girlfriend of the bride think about how to make an evening hairstyle: use the services of a professional hairdresser or to place the styling on your own at home. If you give preference to the first option, then you need to agree with the master in advance, since such celebrations are mostly coming on weekends. But at the same time it is worth considering that the witness will have to be close to the newlyweds from the very early morning, help her dress and morally support. Therefore, it is best to stop the choice on creating hairstyles at home. Despite the fact that the process of registration of evening laying is complicated, you can easily cope with it without a hairdresser, since the wedding hairstyle of the girlfriend should be simple.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_36

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_37

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_38

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_39

Classical and fast styling is as follows:

  • straight hair must be screwed with a curl or curlers;
  • perform weaving braids, treat them with varnish and gently tie on the back of a satin ribbon;
  • To supplement the laying of dedicated strands and beautiful hairpins.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_40

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_41

The hairstyle with the tail will also look no less attractive. For this, the hair is washed, dried, then the mousse is applied to them and the curls form. All strands need to be collected in one large tail and fix the installation of invisible or hairpins. At the same time, the hair should be screwed down clockwise.

Holders of long hair can be made laying with loose strands, for this they give a wavy appearance. At first, before such laying, you need to create a volume in the root zone. This is done using a special powder. The hair is separated into separate curls, each of which is fixed with varnish or mousse. Then, the strands are collected in the harness and are rewinded with a hairdryer, as a result, elegant and wavy curls are obtained. At the site of the probor, it is recommended to stick the hair with decorative elements.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_42

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_43

If the evidence chose a volumetric braid as an evening stacking, then several days should be trained with such a hairstyle. To get a pomp hair, you need to learn how to put it down under the bottom strands, especially after the weaving is reached. At the end, the strands are collected in a beautiful beam in the form of a shell and fix it with decorative studs. So that the laying "lasted" the whole day, it needs to be covered with a varnish of strong fixation.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_44

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_45

Beauty, who have curls of medium length, do not need to despair, because of them, you can also independently make a beautiful and original laying. The optimal option in this case is the high bundle. The strands are thoroughly combing and tilting the head down, collects a horse tail. Hair must be fixed with a thick rubber band, otherwise the bunch will look like a noncain. Around the gum strands are evenly distributed and pinned with studs. Give romanticism will help multiple curls released on the sides.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_46

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_47

A hairstyle with curls will be a good choice. It can be done both with a grid and without it. Stacking from the middle of the head begins: the sample form the center, the strand is fixed in the harness. It can be put in the form of a ring and decorate with a small floral bud. Similarly, they do with all strands. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the styling is not oversaturated decorations. On the sides are produced two curls.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_48

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_49

Beautiful images

The wedding image of a newlywed friend should be as impeccable, as well as the most culprit of the holiday, so before the beginning of the celebration, it is necessary to thoroughly think over all the details, including the outfit, hairstyle and makeup. Special attention should be paid to the face and give it a smooth color and gloss. In such makeup, errors and the presence of defects are not allowed. A few weeks before the wedding, the witness needs to bring hair, the skin of the face and neck in order using nutritional lotions, milk and masks for this. On the day of the celebration, well-humidized hair will easily share, and only day cream will be applied to the purified face.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_50

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_51

So that the hairstyle harmoniously complemented the image of the girl, it is recommended to choose bright shades of a tonal cream and shadows for makeup. Thanks to the neutral color scheme in cosmetics, unwanted contrast can be avoided during the wedding photo session. Blue-eyed beauties are advised to paint strands into bright colors, they advantageously emphasize the shadows of chocolate, orange and yellow. Sulfurizum girls are suitable shades of blue and purple.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_52

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_53

In addition, color blush must be present in makeup, they will allow additionally to highlight the cheekbones and emphasize the beauty of elegant laying. Blushes are selected according to the color of the skin and hair. Most often for evening images use pink and terracotta tones Rumba. In order for the evidence to remain unchanged throughout the celebration, it is recommended to use strong fixation hair styling products and give preference to waterproof cosmetics.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_54

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_55

Today, among the images of the bride's girlfriend, the following are tremendous.

  • Nude. It is characterized by minimal use of makeup. In this stylistic direction, the main barcode is given to natural beauty. The hairstyle choose classic with loose hair or weaving braids. So that the face had a natural shine and purity, all defects mask on it, choosing cosmetics of neutral colors. Bright colors in lipstick and shadows are not allowed. It applies to hair styling, it is done with minimal decorations. The same evidence can be chosen in any color palette.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_56

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_57

  • Retro. Unlike the previous image, a variety of bright colors reigns in this design. All visible disadvantages on the face are hiding under special cosmetics and the person acquires the correct shape, thanks to which the original game can be performed by light and shadows. In addition to a tonal cream, a bronzer and highlighter is also applied to the face. Praises in the image give a light waviness.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_58

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_59

Such an image is great for ladies, which have an average and short hair length. Stacking is recommended to complement openwork inserts, but it is undesirable to choose hairpins from pearls and stones. Simple hairstyle can be reduced by satin dressings or ribbons.

  • Smoky Eyes. In this image, the main attention is paid to the design of the eyes, which are isolated by arrows. As a result, the face acquires clear and correct lines, and their eyes become expressive and mysterious. For a larger effect in the image, it is recommended to use hairstyles with collected hair. An ideal choice in this case is such a laying as "Greek" braid and "basket". To make a girlfriend of the bride look gorgeous, but not too shone on the backdrop of the newlywed, in makeup you need to use gold and green shades.

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_60

Hairstyle for girlfriend Bride (61 photos): wedding images for a friend and for witness, simple wedding laying for long hair 7957_61

About how to make a hairstyle for the wedding of your girlfriend, see the next video.

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