Wedding Dresses Slanovskiy: Best Collections (29 photos)


Wedding brand Slanovskiy - here you need to take an example, equal and admire. The creation of each wedding dress here belongs to the trepidation, considering it a lifestyle and the dreams of the dreams that the bride puts out in their maiden gold. In each model, the spirit of the wedding celebration, his sacrament and splendor is concluded.

Such a dress sets the nature of the wedding and the mood of all those present, gives stunning sensations, worst, allows you to be proud and beat a heart with doubled power.

Wedding dress from Slagovsky

Philosophy and essence of the brand

Slanovskiy trademark designers do not create dresses than all other non-fulfilling designers do. Everything happens a little differently - images are created, contours are outlined, bright colors are added. All this takes an ideal shape that personifies the overall dream of all women - to be beautiful and irresistible, be the only and most happy world.

Lush wedding dress from brand Sland

Wedding dress with bass from Sland

Greek wedding dress from Sland

Wedding dress lace from Sland

About company

Youth and little experience may not be barriers to the creation of perfect images, sensual models and perfect wedding dresses. The proof of this is the Slanovskiy brand, which from the very first day of its existence declared himself loudly and confidently.

For some, it is impossible to create a wedding dress that would be recognizable, did not merge in the crowd of faceless images. But the outfits from Slanovskiy remain recognized ever and everywhere. Take any model - a strict straight dress or luxurious in your pomp, decorated with stones or veiled lace - in each of them there will be a copyright and unique raisin.

Wedding dress straight from Slanovskiy

Wedding dress lush from Slanovskiy

Wedding dress Ampir from Slanovskiy

Wedding Lace Dress from Slandens Direct

Short wedding dress from Sland

Wedding dress with lace riding Sland

Designers of this brand do not follow and do not chase the fashion trends, do not try to follow them - they themselves set fashion and always turn out to be ahead. In this, it helps the constant improvement of knowledge, skills and exchange experience with other brands.

The release of each new collection is carried out stably twice every year, occupying leadership positions on global shows, international exhibitions and festivals. The most famous global models dream of participating in the demonstration of new collections from Slanovskiy.

Lush wedding dress peeling

Features of the dresses

Designers always try to combine strict lines with refined content, gentle textures with confident styles. At the same time, the details never go into the background.

The Slanovskiy brand clearly demonstrates how from the Italian sparkling and transfusional chantung and an amazing charter with the help of a manually decorative flower element and a miniature weightless loop, an exquisite skirt with a beads of beads from Japanese craftsmen, you can create a truly unique image.

Wedding dress from Sland

A feature and even some highlight of many images often becomes:

  • pearl decor in which sophistication is hidden;
  • lush skirts imitating roses buds;
  • Volumetric elements;
  • transparent corsets;
  • lace.

Wedding dress with a transparent corset from Sland

Wedding dress with dense lace

Wedding dress with color insert

Wedding dress Mermaid with lush skirt

Lush wedding dress with a multi-layer skirt

Wedding dress with a clearing skirt

Wedding dress with bulk elements

Wedding dress decorated with pearls

There are no monotony of the styles in the collections, so you always have brides from what to choose and pick up a dress in your figure.

The brand has unique elements that no one daily dared to repeat:

  1. Skirt created from miniature leaves connecting in the side part.
  2. The ideal shape of the corsets, which emphasize, support and adjust the waist.
  3. Magic styles that are able to turn any girl in the queen, well, or at least in the princess.

All this can be found in any salon Slanovskiy.

Wedding dress with corset from Sland

Wedding dress Mermaid from Sland

Bridal dress from Sland

Decor - a separate word

On ideal dresses, the same ideal decor must be present - this is one of the rules for which the outfits of this brand are created.

The perfect decor is natural from the company "Swarovski":

  • On rhinestones, there is a maximum possible number of lateral faces, due to which the effect of constant blinding sparkling is created;
  • Stones are characterized by clarity and sharpness, which speaks of their high quality;
  • Each product has a silver-mirror lining.

Wedding dress decorated with pearls from Sland

Wedding dress with rhinestone Swarovski

Wedding dress with corset decorated pearls

A frequent problem of wedding dresses with an abundant decor is its low-quality mount. But the Slanovskiy brand is nothing to do. Each element is attached to the lining is not just hard, but tight.

Wedding dress from Slandsky lush with rhinestones Swarovski

Dresses from Slanovskiy are elegant and, in general, the best of everything that can offer world fashion. But still designers of this brand, it is possible to maintain the face and do not make their creations with the screaming and the eclipse of the bride.

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