Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young?


Meeting of the newlyweds after registration of marriage with wedding carabin is an old rite that has survived to this day almost unchanged. As a rule, the parents of the groom met young parents. Nowadays, they do not give much importance to those whose relatives keep this solemn symbol in their hands.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_2

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_3

What does it symbolize?

The Russian rite came from ancient Rome, where a man and a woman were considered her husband and wife only when they were tired of a piece of specially cooked cake. In Russian traditions, bread in the form of a circle was a symbol of the sun. It was believed that this is the God of the Sun descended from the sky to have newlyweds. The loaf symbolized good welfare and a comfortable life. Previously, young spouses handed out slices of wedding karadi guests in exchange for some gift. It was impossible to leave the holiday without a piece of karabav, otherwise luck would go away.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_4

Currently, these traditions have not lost. The happiness and wealth of a new family is determined by the puff of punitive. He is made on the trench, embroidered manually, the mother and father of a newly new spouse, treat young people. Nowadays, there are many decoration options for dishes - these are edible flowers, swans, pigeons, rings. If a loaf is decorated with berries or hearts, it is believed that eternal love is waiting for young people. Flowers are a sign of the purity of the bride. Birds personify the honesty and sincerity of the spouses. Spikelets symbolize family well-being.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_5

By the way, earlier the cutting of the wedding cake on the part was a sign of the loss of virginity of the bride, so karabia fragments, especially decorations, treated unmarried ladies. It was believed that if such a guest leaves a piece of cake under the pillow at night, then she will dream of her future spouse.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_6

Who makes and keeps?

In ancient times, newly new spouses began their family life in the groom's house. That is why the wedding loaf endured her husband's parents. Met young on the threshold of the parent house. The loaf itself and Solonki kept the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law kept in his hands the icon, which blessed newlyweds to the happy marital union.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_7

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_8

Now the established married couple is not necessarily going to live in the house of the spouse And the meeting with punctures usually happens on the threshold of the banquet hall. Mother of the bride can make this sweet symbol. These are all Russian traditions, but it may be so that some of the young people have parents. Then the roles of father or mother can act as a father or mother. Another option is the closest married relative, who participated in the education of the bride and groom.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_9


By itself, the rite has its own Traditions that are desirable to follow.

  • Wedding loaf carry on a beautiful towel.
  • In the middle of the cake, a small hole is formed, where they put salt with salt.
  • The mother of the groom or a relative, who serves him, pronounces sincere congratulations and farewell. Father holding an icon blesses newlyweds on a happy family life.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_10

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_11

  • After that, the script may vary. Most often, the bride and groom are laid down on a piece of cake, make up in salt and treat each other. This tradition implies further joint overcoming all family difficulties. Another option: each of the spouses is blicking in a piece - who bit off a slightly larger, he will become the head of the family.
  • After the young people got a loaf, you need to drink a sip of champagne or wine, break glasses for happiness.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_12

  • Further, the applause of guests, which were lined up in advance in Shan, meeting newlyweds in front of the banquet hall. As soon as the glasses are broken, you can sow rose petals, rice grains, coins.
  • The perpetrators of the celebration or the leading holiday invite guests to proceed to the banquet.

Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_13


A special place in the delivery of the Karabaya is given by the parting speech of the mother. The right words are always difficult to pick up, even more difficult to say to them.

    Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_14

    When compiling speech, try using the tips.

    • The main idea of ​​the text is the wish of a happy family life, a strong union, easy joint overcoming all adversity.
    • It is enough 3 or 4 sentences, as the long speech is tired and guests, and young, for the whole day everything is already tired and hungry.
    • Words should be sincere, so it is not worth the all night to rehearse them in front of the mirror, otherwise the dry text is poured out of the mouth.
    • It is recommended to hold a rite under the control of the lead, which can smooth out unforeseen situations at the right moment to prompt words.
    • You can write down a congratulation on a piece of paper and imperceptibly peeping if all the words will fly out of the head from the excitement.

    Who keeps loaf at the wedding? Who should bear and serve a loaf young? 7862_15

    It doesn't matter whose relatives are loose at the wedding. It is necessary that these people be sincerely happy for a new existing family and were able to pick up warm words while presenting the sweet cauldron to newlyweds.

    How to bake a loaf, look in the video below.

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