Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be?


Wedding loaf is the only tradition that has lived to this day, has undergone very small changes. This is not just a cake, it is a real symbol of love, heat and tenderness. According to custom, representatives of the older generation provide these benefits to the young family.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_2

Traditions and signs

Any tradition, as well as any custom has his amazing story. For example, wedding loaf. In fact, the true name of this ceremony "bread-salt". The cake himself was preparing not only on the occasion of a wedding celebration, home pastries were greeted by privately expensive guests. Baked bread in the hostess. Bread meant wealth. Salon with salt was a faith against evil spirits. Such an arsenal said that the receiving party asks God's mercy for its guests.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_3

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_4

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_5

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_6

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_7

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_8

In ancient times, a loaf, baked for a wedding, was a symbol of the blessing of a new family. At the meeting, the native young spouse gave young people with a special cake, thereby giving it to understand that they take the bride into their home and would treat her as a daughter. Few people paid attention, but the shape of the cake is designed not just like that. Round baking symbolizes heavenly shining - sun. It is it that gives the fertility of crops, and people, respectively, well-being. This kindness underlies the punitive, and these good wishes are transmitted to a young family to the older generation.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_9

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_10

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_11

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_12

In Russia, even the preparation of a wedding karabav flowed according to custom. To knead the dough and bake bread had the right to a woman who is happy in his own marriage and acquired several children with fitting health. It was believed that the energy and the positive attitude, which are endowed with the cook, are transferred to the bride and groom. In addition, special attention was paid to the decoration of the cake, where every image of the decor, winged from the dough, had its own designation. The scenery for karabava could be made after baking the foundation or from the very beginning:

  • The combined rings talk about the conclusion of the marriage union;
  • spikelet compared with sufficiency;
  • Image of birds talks about mutual trust;
  • Roses - a symbol of beauty;
  • Kalina symbolizes a solid alliance.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_13

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_14

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_15

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_16

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_17

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_18

In the past century, it was baked for a wedding for one karavaj, with which young spouses met. All invited was to get on a piece of festive bread. But today the views on this issue have changed dramatically. One punishment will not be enough, so the custom allows you to bake two pie for the event. This is especially true for wedding. It should be noted: the people always paid attention to the signs. Even to the cooking process, the punitive was treated as something sacred:

  • Water and flour for cooking were to be taken from seven different capacities;
  • The preparation of a festive cake to the stove sent a man in marriage;
  • The burst loaf was considered a bad sign;
  • Finished baking should be hidden from an outside guess;
  • The process of separation of the cake has begun on the shoulders of shaved parents of newlyweds;
  • Each invited should try a piece of wedding karabia.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_19

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_20

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_21

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_22

How to serve?

To begin with, it should be clarified that the festive cake must be large. Its size and variety of jewelry is prophesy to newlyweds a muddy and bright future. In our time, of course, you can not spend time baking with your own hands, the easiest way to place an order in the bakery. But in this case, the symbolism of happiness and well-being, transmitted by a young family from the older generation, will lose its meaning.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_23

Meeting of newlyweds with punctuate is an ancient Russian rite. The served guests get up in the semicircle, leaving the bridegroom with a bride a large space for the passage. Hand a young loose man groom relies. Father, in turn, stands next to his mother and holds the icon of the Virgin or the Savior in the hands of the icon. There is a belief that before the meeting of newlyweds to the festive cake crucifiate special words, thereby wanting a young family of peace and good.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_24

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_25

In rare cases, the parents of the bridegroom cannot attend the celebration, so their duties shift on the shaft parents either on the senior relatives in the family.

Serve a loaf on a tray is strictly prohibited. According to Russian custom, no stand should be. The baked bread is laid on the towel, and the salt was put on its top, filled with salt. It is important to know that the towel, that is, the roaster must be long, but not to touch the surface of the earth. At the time of the meeting, the young bare cake blesses lovers, speaking a specially prepared welcome speech. Optionally in poetic form, the main thing is to feel sincerity.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_26

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_27

At the end of good words, it is necessary to tell the phrase "Council and Love", which is a prerequisite. After the parents fulfilled their roles, the bride and groom comes. As a sign of gratitude and respect, newlyweds are bowed to the meeting, and the guests are applauding. And after you fall a wedding loaf according to tradition, without hands.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_28

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_29

What to replace?

In modern weddings, few people use the Old Slavonic scenario fully. Mostly everything passes in a modern style, using the traditions of ancient Russia. That is why it is believed that the meeting of newlyweds can pass near the entrance to the restaurant, and instead of punishing mom's groom will keep a tray with a special dessert. In fact, the replacement of a traditional festive cake is considered a creative step. It remains only to decide which dish is more suitable for this process.

  • Baguette with red caviar. And dried along. The center is laid out caviar. The custom requires to decide who in the house will be the owner. For this, the bride and the bride need to bite the bunch each for his part, who has a piece of more, he has the main word in the house.
  • Berries with cream. Modern brides in the most unforgettable day in their life do not want to appear before guests with a huge piece of bread in the mouth. Therefore, for a meeting of young people organized a special vase with fruit, basically uses strawberries. Whipped cream placed in a small bowl. The bride and groom treat each other berries in a sweet grain.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_30

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_31

  • Chocolate. A very unusual choice for replacing karabav. But it looks very original. For the contrast of the bride treats his spouse to the dark tile, and the bride will choose a white piece.
  • Ice cream. A good replacement method, especially in the summer. The main thing is to decorate beautifully and quickly sue so that beauty does not melted in the sun.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_32

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_33

  • Baranki with honey. Dessert assorted ancient Russia. Excellent option for replacing karabav. But it is important not to overdo it with honey.
  • Cookies with predictions. By the way, not necessarily only cookies. It can be a cupcake or croissant. Newlyweds are invited to close the eyes and choose to the touch by the baking you like. Found prediction must be read out loud for all guests.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_34

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_35

  • Watermelon. Exclusively for a summer wedding. Moreover, for late summer, otherwise the festive event can end the discomfort of the general condition.
  • Coffee. This way of replacing karabava came from England. On the tray there are two cups with cooked coffee and expect the culprits of the celebration.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_36

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_37

  • Tequila with lime and salt. This combination is chosen by newlyweds extremely rarely. The only plus is that the salt can be slipped with the hands of its second half.
  • Pizza. Italian dish is more choosing young couples. Especially if Italy became the theme of the wedding celebration.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_38

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_39

  • Fruits on a skewer. Very tasty and exquisite, especially if you dip the berries in a chocolate fountain.
  • Hamburger. Who would have thought, but the boob with cutlets and vegetables can be a replacement of an extraordinary wedding cavalry.
  • Milk with a cake. A rather pleasant combination of products, especially for children before bedtime. But such a dessert some couples replace a festive pie.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_40

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_41

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_42

What to do with karable after the wedding?

To date, it is certainly how they came with carable after the wedding in ancient, no one can. Some speak one, others - the other. Of the general opinions there are five options that can be done with carabically after the wedding.

  • Hanging bread worn home to them. The loaf was supposed to do the man. As they say, the more young husband will eat wedding bread, the faster the firstborn will appear.
  • The remaining bread is closed by newlyweds, dried to the state of superstars. During the period of illness or a black strip in life, it is enough to eat only one piece. Health will be restored, and things will go uphill.
  • The loaf is divided on all guests, and everyone should eat their piece.
  • According to the Christian custom, attenuated cake must be attributed to the church as a donation.
  • Complex three-layer caravas were divided according to a special way. The upper part is designed by the perpetrators of the celebration. The second layer is divided into all relatives. Third tier for guests.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_43

According to the information provided, it follows that the loaf can be used between all people present at the wedding without a residue. Or leave the bride groom with the bride. In any case, to choose the most acceptable option to be to future spouses.

Beautiful design options

Wedding cave - this is not just a pie for the festive ceremony, but a whole work of art. Bake such beauty for the power of every mistress, but more unusual decorations are capable of making unusual decorations. Wedding bread has a classic round shape, symbolizing the sun and warm. At the edges, the cake is decorated with a lush pigtail. On the surface there are images of swans and rings. Neat and miniature roses make a certain color in the overall picture.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_44

For the design of modern wedding pies, multicolored methods of jewelry and an extraordinary approach are used. In this case, the loaf is decorated with images of grape brushes. Artificial sprigs rowan are used on the edges for a variety of color stylistics. For a big wedding, the size of the puncture must be appropriate, especially if you consider that each layer has its own special purpose. Decoration of this cake is made in the old-circuit style. Mostly there are images of wildflowers and plants. Roses on the upper layer Karabavy symbolize the purity and love that is just suitable for a wedding celebration.

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_45

Caparaway for a wedding (46 photos): What do the traditions do with the wedding karable after the wedding and how should it be? 7853_46

About how to make a loaf for a wedding, see the next video.

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