Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas


Modern weddings try to make bright and unforgettable. You can make a celebration in the style of the thematic party, you can make a bright celebration using unusual colors. A very unexpected solution is a wedding in a yellow or orange tone. It is worth considering in more detail what the feature of these colors is.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_2

What symbolize such colors?

Choosing a color for registration of an important family celebration, it is necessary to take into account the value and energy of the selected shade. For example, if you want your wedding to be orange or you want to choose a yellow color, then consider not only the value, but also a combination of colors. Many newlyweds do not want to choose boring shades for making their wedding, therefore preferred bright and warm, for example, yellow and orange bloom. Yellow in many people are associated with warmth and sun. In fact, this shade has an amazing energy.

Thanks to the warm color, people can become cheerful, more fun and recharged positive and energy. In addition, this color is able to get rid of apathy and feeling anxiety. If you surround yourself with this sunny color, you can achieve even more mutual understanding from others. A man who puts on clothes of such a shade, necessarily attracts people to himself, has everyone around to himself and causes a sense of trust and warmth. Therefore, this color is quite suitable for the design of such an important family celebration as a wedding.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_3

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_4

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_5

As for orange color, on the energy of its shades of something similar to yellow, but there are still some differences. Tints of orange helps a person get peaceful warmth, recharge your positive and tune on the right wave of fun. In addition, it is said that this color helps to strengthen the sexual attraction to each other. Since both of these bright colors are self-sufficient, perfectly complement each other and do not cause aggression, it is quite possible to use both shades to design the main celebration of your life. In addition, it is worth mentioning that both colors are associated with joy, wealth and prosperity. In many countries, these colors use these colors to design a wedding, because they believe that these solar shades will bring young all the best.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_6

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_7

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_8

Registration of invitation

If you decide to arrange a bright wedding, then special attention should be paid to the invitation. It is quite possible to choose a classic version - white mini cards with gold letters. As a bright detail, you can add to them the satin ribbon of any of the yellow shades. In addition, you can choose a dense paper of yellow shade and manufacture invitations yourself.

The main thing is to choose a beautiful font, the necessary words, and after twist an invitation in the form of a scroll and tied up with a beautiful ribbon. If there is no possibility to make invitation to order or do them yourself, it is quite possible to buy the most common classic options. But be sure to put them in bright and beautiful envelopes.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_9

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_10

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_11

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_12

Decorations for cars

The car in which the groom will ride with the bride must necessarily correspond to the given color theme of the celebration. In principle, you can choose a car bright yellow. But such an idea does not like everyone. Most often choose the machines of the black or white color. Again, these are classic colors with which yellow and orange are perfect. Therefore, it is quite possible to decorate the car with various ribbons, balls and gold rings. Decorating the wedding car, you can show your fantasy as much as possible and not be afraid of too bright colors and shades.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_13

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_14

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_15

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_16

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_17

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_18

Decorating premises

Decorating the room in which the celebration itself will be, it is very important to remember the feeling of measure. If bright shades are too much, the bride and groom are simply lost against the background of all this splendor. Try not to use more than 2-3 colors, otherwise it turns out too bright and tasteless. Choosing details for celebrations, consider what exactly the shades you choose are well combined. Yellow and orange color are perfectly combined with each other, so it is quite possible to choose several bright shades at once: ranging from saturated amber and ending with a bright lemon color. And these shades are perfectly combined with white, cream, green and blue.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_19

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_20

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_21

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_22

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_23

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_24

If the celebration is held in the cold season, try to choose warmer and rich shades.

The interior of the room will be filled with amazing warm and sunny atmosphere. Great candles, dishes, fruits, napkins and other details will be perfectly at a snow-white tablecloth. In summer, you can choose more calmer shades of yellow, but at the same time make a bright focus on the details. For example, it can be bright orange or yellow flowers.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_25

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_26

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_27

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_28

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_29

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_30

In addition, do not forget that the photowon should be equipped at the celebration. It can be decorated, given not only the selected colors, but also the time of year. For example, if the celebration goes into one of the autumn months, then it can be a background of golden autumn, with a beautiful landscape and bright leaves. If the wedding in the summer, various flowers, including sunflowers, can become bright detail for photowons. In the spring, you can arrange a photowon in the form of a fabulous glade, on which bright baskets with fruit or berries will be. As a supplement, you can put a bright shade bench. But in the winter you can decorate everything with bright pumpkins. By the way, it is quite possible to contact Karving specialists who can create unusual compositions for your celebration.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_31

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_32

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_33

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_34

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_35

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_36

Images of those present

The bride and groom may well refuse traditional wedding outfits and afford brighter colors. Yellow and orange colors have many shades, thanks to which the bride can choose exactly the only dress in which it will really be irresistible on this day. It will be great to look a dress not a bright yellow color, but, for example, a light yellow or golden shade.

It is important to note that similar shades of yellow color go all without exception: blondes, brunettes, browns and red-haired beauties.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_37

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_38

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_39

If the bride decided to choose a golden shade outfit, then it is important to take into account the fact that such a dress in itself is very bright. Therefore, it is not necessary to overload it by the abundance of jewelry and accessories. In addition, it is quite possible to choose the classic version of white, and as a bright item to choose a golden belt, an interesting embroidery of a yellow shade or even shoes of bright color.

If the girl chooses a classic version and bright details, it is important to remember that the bouquet should be yellow or orange shade.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_40

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_41

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_42

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_43

For the groom, everything is simple. You can safely choose a classic suit of black or white. Yellow or orange will be perfectly combined with all classic colors. As a bright accessory, the bridegroom can choose tie, cufflinks, suspenders, boutonniere and any other details.

The main thing is that all the accessories are chosen in the tone of the bride dress. If the groom is not afraid to be too bright, it is quite possible to choose a vest of any of solar shades.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_44

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_45

If there is no rigorous dress-code for guests, then the girlfriends and friends of the perpetrators of the celebration must comply and choose the outfits of bright shades. Bridesmaid girlfriends can put on dresses of the same cut and the same shade. It is important here to take into account the fact that the bride's dress for anyone should be brighter to stand out among this solar and bright company. As for the friends of the groom, you can choose bright suits and add a bright detail in the form of a yellow or orange butterfly tie or a beautifully folded handkerchief for the chest pocket.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_46

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_47

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_48

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_49

Interesting combinations

During the decoration of the festive table, you can also use some original ideas. For example, a transparent vase with bright lemons or lollipops will be perfect on a snow-white tablecloth. In addition, it is necessary to take care that a bottle of drink for the bride and groom, and their glasses were decorated especially beautiful and bright. Sweet and beautiful pastry cake can also be performed in yellow colors. For example, it can be a snow-white cake with bright yellow or orange lace. It can be a confectionery product in the form of a chic basket with juicy lemons or oranges.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_50

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_51

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_52

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_53

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_54

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_55

In order for the festive table is not just tasty, but also beautiful, you can make special bright dishes in the menu. For example, it may be cut from red fish or red caviar. It can be fruit cutting: orange and yellow slices will become a bright stamp accent. And you can also place jugs with bright yellow drinks, such as orange or pineapple juice.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_56

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_57

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_58

Yellow tones are perfectly combined with darker shades. For example, a wedding can be yellow-blue, yellow-purple or white-yellow, lilac-yellow. If you want more bright colors, then you can cover the chairs with bright yellow covers and tie a beautiful purple or blue ribbon. If you choose a lemon shade tablecloth, then the dishes can be chosen classic white. At the same time, candlesticks, such as purple or lilac-colored, will be beautiful. In addition, wicker baskets with bright fruits look very unusually, which can be part of the shared interior decoration or bright items for photowons.

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_59

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_60

Wedding in yellow (61 photos): Design of rooms in orange colors in combination with blue, purple and lilac. The value of yellow shades and interesting ideas 7835_61

About how to choose a color for the wedding, see the next video.

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