Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning?


There was a tradition in the morning before the wedding together to prepare the bride to the upcoming celebration. In the article, consider some nuances of the beginning of the wedding day, we learn the advice of the organizer of the holidays.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_2

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_3

Important moments

The morning of the bride most often begins with excitement. The girl needs to take himself in hand, tune in advance for positive emotions. Pleasant music will help raise the mood. Floristics always creates the atmosphere of the holiday. An important factor is to ensure the bride of a comfortable state. Recommend to the table to put candles, fruits, candy, cakes to create a romantic setting.

Outfit and all wedding attributes need to cook on the eve of the evening before the wedding So that there is no confusion, the search for accessories at the most inopportune moment.

Dress, shoes, veil, decoration and garter of the bride, perfume bottle, wedding rings should be left in a prominent place.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_4

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_5

Sample plan in the morning

Morning should be thought out to the smallest detail. The room has a variety of festive decorations, a mirror, a comfortable sofa. Pre-make a schedule of basic actions. He may look something like this:

  • 6.00 - lifting, water procedures;
  • 7.00 - the last "revision" of everything that is required for marriage;
  • 8.00 - breakfast;
  • 8.30 - the arrival of the makeup artist;
  • 10.00 - the arrival of the hairdresser;
  • 11.00 - the appearance and inclusion in the work of the photographer and the video operator;
  • 12.00 - meeting of the groom;
  • 12.30 - Walk.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_6

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_7

The rise should be no later than 6 am. After water procedures before breakfast, the girl needs to look once again its wedding wardrobe, accessories, decorations. She should be helped by the nearest girlfriends.

In addition, it is necessary to complete the implementation of certain rituals. For example, the bride sends the fiance written on the eve of a touching letter, which together with a pre-prepared gift reports through his friends.

Written recognition before the wedding is a new tradition.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_8

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_9

Charges of the bride

The most important stage of an unusual morning will be the raise of the bride at home. In the summer, many people wish to organize them in nature. In recent years, a fashionable festive event is carried out at the country area, in a country mansion.

Wedding image will help create stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers and closest people. In the treatment procedure, relatives and girlfriends must be involved.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_10


The next step will be photography. Most often, the morning photo session takes place in the apartment of the bride. Some prefer specifically for this case to order a room in a luxury hotel. Others want to spend a photo session in a specialized studio. It should be taken in advance about the appropriate interior. Unnecessary items can spoil the entire photo chronicle.

The brides prefer to be photographed in the future dress. They feel like real princesses, because the outfit sewers from light air fabric, decorated with gentle lace, embroidered with beautiful pebbles.

In the absence of a future dress, you should wear a peignoir, take a bouquet in my hands, ascertain the thoughtful gaze into the window or stay on the bed with a joyful facial expression, throwing up the air ball.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_11

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_12

Mom helps put on a wedding dress, lace a corset. This moment is usually fixed on the camera. The process of putting on the suspension Some tend to capture the memory, others consider a very personal point and refuse it.

Be sure to take a picture first with my mother, then separately with the dad. The frame of the bride in the arms of the most native and relative man looks very touching.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_13

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_14

On the wedding day, the bride prefers to be near the girlfriends. Several fun photos with them need to be done certainly. Girls love to be photographed in a significant day with their favorite pets.

The bridal bouquet to the completion of fees should already be delivered.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_15

In conclusion, the bride expresses his gratitude for their assistance in the organization of the pre-wedding morning. It became fashionable to record an interview, share with their impressions and emotions. Subsequently, the historical chronicle will browse the spouses and their descendants with interest.

The arrival of the bridegroom for the bride can accidentally overspend the unforeseen moments of the upcoming ransom. It must be thought out in the smallest detail. It is advisable to write a script in advance. It is necessary to meet on time in order not to be late in the registry office.

It is necessary to organize a ransom so as not to spoil the mood of guests, relatives and the main perpetrators of the celebration: the bride and groom.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_16

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_17

After acquaintance, there will be a small buffet.

In this significant day, many couples prefer to visit the beloved sights of the city, the most beautiful romantic places, viewing platforms, temple, garden, grove, parks.

If the time allows, this event includes in the morning program. But usually time is not enough and everything is carried out after registration before the festive feast.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_18


Specialists advise the makeup artist and hairdresser to invite home. The apartment has on hand all things and accessories to create the desired image. Professional work will take about 2-3 hours. It is best to assign different times to avoid linings in their work.

The photographer and the video operator advise to invite an hour before the end of the work of the stylists, the final strokes of the labor of which should be imprinted on frames.

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_19

Morning Bride (20 photos): How is the morning in front of the wedding at home? Is it possible to wear a peignoir and how to organize everything you need in the morning? 7823_20

It is advisable for money for services to decompose in advance on the conversion, which should be written to whom they are intended.

Time is calculated with a half-hour reserve in case of the case of being late for some of the professionals or other unforeseen delay of the procedure.

About how morning the bride passes, see the next video.

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