Gratitude mom at the wedding: thanks from daughter and son on wedding day


Wedding is a holiday not only for newlyweds, but also for their parents. Mom Bride and Mom Bride deserve special attention. Allocate time at the celebration and express your love and gratitude to them - the natural desire of children deserving respect.

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How to prepare?

The best gratitude to mom at the wedding will be sincere good words spoken from the heart. This moment is very exciting. Even experienced speakers who are accustomed to the public capture emotions, and it turns out a crumpled. The gift of improvisation can leave in a responsible minute, so it is important to prepare in advance.

Find a little time to retire and be alone with you and with your feelings for my mother. Remember the funny cases from childhood, the situation when I got out my mother's advice or help. Not always everything is smooth in relations between parents and children. On this day, you should not remember the resentment and complaints.

Sketch text on paper. You can take them as the basis of ready-made blanks, but it is better to do without templates. Despite the fact that it is pronounced with a large number of guests, it is primarily intended for mom. From pompous, pathetic phrases should be abandoned by choosing the most simple warm words and images that are understandable for it.

Choose to handle the mother of the most tender words: cute, dear, native, beloved, golden. Let us understand that it is relative or closer mom is not for you in the light of a person.

Ready text learn by heart, rehearsing several times. Just in case, cook the cheat sheet by writing gratitude at the festive postcard. Beautiful poems will be an excellent addition. And the song performed will become a bright and touching decoration of the celebration.

Good idea - show slides with children's photos from a family album.

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From daughter

Expressing gratitude, daughter can tell guests about the wonderful qualities and merits of his mother, to call the characteristic features of the character, acquired skills and skills, thank you for their love from all adversity and seals. For softness and tenderness on one side, and severity and demanding - on the other. Mother's work and effort, sleepless nights, good wishes and blessings were not in vain. All dating will now be revealed in family life. And the best remuneration to mom for a presented life, joyful childhood and a bright youth will be the motherhood of a daughter who will bring the opportunity to do the same for his children.

Mom will be nice to hear that despite the constant troubles on the housework, work, care for loved ones, it is beautiful and talented, is the standard of his wife and mother, a model for imitating the young bride.

Be sure to emphasize that despite the fact that a husband and a new family came to the fore for an adult daughter, a mummage, wisdom, life experience is very important at this stage of her life no less than before.

Sincerely "Thank you" should be to say mom for participating in pre-holiday troubles and the preparation of the bride to celebrate, for gifts and material assistance.

On the wedding day, the bride acquires the second mother - mother-in-law. Very nice mom groom get from the bride of the word appreciation for the upbringing of the son. Speaking about the advantages of her husband and recognizing the merit in this, his mom, the bride shows not only respect, but also learns to build relationships with future relatives.

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From Son

Men are most often larch. It is important to cope with the excitement, not to knock and be yourself, clearly and clearly express your thoughts, having shown sincere feelings: respect, recognition and love.

Son thanks mom for tenderness, care, understanding, for patience and excerpt, for useful lessons and advice. For the fact that in the difficult moments of growing mom comforted, gentle words said, tried to get used, and it did it. For the fact that sometimes the needs and interests of the child raised their exceeds. For the fact that the defender and the breadwinner brought him and led him to the fact that he could now be responsible for his new family and take care of the young wife.

You can ask for forgiveness for the rebellion and reluctance to obey. What only did not happen in childhood and especially during the period of "hard age." Feeling your strength, wanting to get rid of the custody, often the boys with their sharp words hurt mothers, not even noticing it.

In his heart, another woman reigns now - wife. It is important to assure that the love of mom is still great and the son is her support and protection at all times.

This is the case when you should not shy your emotions and can be given to the feelings.

Mom's bride's bride also will not just say words of appreciation. After all, henceforth, her clever and beauty goes into another family. The groom is important to make it clear that under his patronage, a young wife will be happy, living in prosperity and abundance. There are no reasons for anxiety and anxiety. You can thank the beauty and light of the bride. And in love with a full adoration view, thrown on a young wife, will be eloquent any words.

The souls of the sea tears, complete the ritual can be a bow from the bride and groom or warm hugs.

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An example of the words of gratitude to Mom from my daughter at the wedding, see the video below.

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