Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths


There is a huge number of most varied wedding. Observe them or not - the matter is personal, but listen to these beliefs worth it. Perhaps it will help to avoid unpleasant situations in the marital life.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_2

Selection of festive date

Everyone knows that the May Wedding doesn't have any good promise - young will be all life with each other, but few people know that about the rest of 11 months there is another folk wisdom, which determines the favorable and unfavorable to connect loving people. So, the wedding in January promises a quick parting with a loved one. The February marriage, on the contrary, promises a long and happy life. If the girl gets married in March, she tries herself to life in a foreign land - most likely, she will have to leave after his spouse from the city or even from the country. Family life, which began in April, is similar to the weather this month - it is warm and sunny, then cloudy, and sometimes there are rains.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_3

Cautions for May marriages are known to all - It is no coincidence that the number of people willing to sign at this time is minimal. June newlyweds predict a long joint life conducted in love and understanding. Those who marry or get married in July live long and happily, but the memories of them are still sweet and sweet, there are nice periods in family life, and not the most successful. If you are combined with a marriage in August, the spouse will not only be faithful beloved for you, but also the best friend. A good option is the wedding in September - in this case, your joint life will be quiet and peaceful.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_4

For marriage in October it is worth preparing to difficulties. Family life will be difficult, but together the spouses will be able to withstand under the hail of turmoil. November is the best month for those who dream of big family prosperity. But from the December marriage, you should not wait for special money, but the love between her husband and wife will only grow and fix it every year. Of course, such forecasts can be perceived as a joke, but it is possible to believe - it is no coincidence that the maximum number of weddings fall on the summer months and the first autumn.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_5

Walling from the groom

Separately, we will stop at the pre-wedding beliefs, namely on the features of the matchmaking. A key role in this action is given to the match, which will be guided by the entire process. It is important to choose the right candidate correctly - it should be an adult, respected, be sure to family and preferably with children. As a matchmaker, it is not necessary to take a divorced man or widow - it is very bad sign. As for the walling itself, there are also quite a lot of customs and traditions, following which promises good luck in family life. In the house to the bride, the very first must enter the bridegroom, after Hat, and only then all other participants in the event.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_6

It is not recommended to shoot the head from the head until the parents of the girl offer their guests to sit at the dining table. If this does not happen - it means that parents make it clear that they refuse the groom.

There is one very interesting sign. It will be very favorable if the oldest of men guests will steal a spoon. In this case, the bridegroom will soon be able to become the owner in the house of the future spouse. However, the wedding is not a place to theft, so after 3 months a spoon must be put on the very place where it was taken from.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_7

If the men who do not want to see her husbands are constantly woven to a woman, she should hold a small rite to attract the right groom. To do this, you need to imperceptibly wash the boot of the woven, then the same water rinse your hands and then whisper such words: "The imprint of your feet in my dwelling of another groom will lead." This phrase must be said three times, and then drinking shoes in the direction of the clockwise movement three times.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_8

In order for the bride's parents with the bridegroom to arrange a wedding, the girl must necessarily put on some old thing and new, as well as shoes taken from a friend. Folk signs are not advised to wrap on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as in the post, in addition, the May is considered unfavorable for the groom, but April is suitable for matchmaking as it is impossible.

Signals with attributes


Choosing a wedding dress also has its beliefs who are better followed if you want a joint life to be long and happy. The girl for the wedding must necessarily fall into the dress, and not a set of skirts and sweatshirts, otherwise the spouses will soon live apart. A future husband should not see his bride in a wedding dress until marriage, if this happens - the wedding can break. If you want your family to become loving and strong, do not sell your dress outfit, it is best to save it for the rest of my life. By the way, and acquire a used dress - also not the best sign - many assure that in this case young people will live very poorly. In addition, many assure that the wedding outfit keeps the fate of his former owner and she can move to his new owner, which is not always good, especially if young was unhappy in marriage.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_9

So that none of the guests smoothed the girl at the wedding, it is worth making two stitches with threads of blue. The dress is desirable to sew white. If you get married in the red dress - it foreshadows frequent conflicts. Green dress promises large financial difficulties, but golden, on the contrary, marks the comfortable and luxurious life to spouses. Pay special attention to shoes - it must necessarily be closed, otherwise the family will be literally the word "Bosoya" - that is, very poor, almost beggar. No need to wear jewelry, limit the pearl or jewelry. Keep in mind that the decorations coming in a set with the wedding dress should be older, best of all the married woman who took place as a happy wife and a decent mother.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_10

An important sign concerns the image of a newlywed. Here, popular beliefs are categorical - put on the whole festive outfit entirely until the wedding and even more comfortable in such a form before the large mirror is prohibited - then the wedding can simply break. Of course, the girl should always be sure that it looks immaculate, without fitting it it is difficult for her to evaluate your style, but you can go to a small trick - try your dress with a veil without a small accessory, let's say without glove.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_11

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_12

Our ancestors believed that the girl should not be prepared for the wedding should not be in his home. At the same time, it is not necessary that during the preparation of the dress attended the namesake of the young. It is optimal that the bride helped a family woman who is married at least 7 years old. During the marriage ceremony itself, guests should not even try to correct the outfit of the girl, this will lead to the fact that the extraneous will often interfere with the private life of the couple. The dress must certainly be elongated - short outfits indicate that the marriage will also be short. So that the love between the young was as strong as possible, you need to sew in a lovelist leaf dress.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_13

In the dress of the girl, there must be an even number of buttons, otherwise, according to the spouse, it will be very often changed. The girl in no case should hesitate his dress itself - so she simply crashes his happiness. A lot of accepts exists in relation to Fata. For a start, like a dress, it is impossible to be given to others: neither give, nor rent, nor even try. This headdress is considered to be a faith who protects the woman and her future child from unkind thoughts, damage and evil eye. Subsequently, veils often broadcast a child's bed or wrap it into it if the baby rolled up. If there are no vehicles, then the role of the talisman is performed by a pin, inserted into the hem of the wedding dress or a small coin in the shoe.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_14

Regarding the groom's clothes, there are also special beliefs. So, the young should not wear instead of a butterfly tie, it indicates that he from the very first days of marriage will change his spouse. A blue suit is also indicated about the same. If a man put on a green suit, surrounding will laugh at his family. The best option is to be black, which predicts the sea of ​​love in a ride life. White suits look at the wedding. But the choice is unsuccessful - such a vestment predicts frequent hands and a rather short life.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_15

The bride's bouquet

The bridal bouquet carries not only a decorative function, quite a lot of interesting traditions and customs are connected with it. A man should not give any of his friends a bouquet, designed for a girl, even for a couple of seconds. It is believed that in this case the one who kept flowers, and will own a woman. The bride should keep her bouquet presented to her all day, without releasing him from his hands, even during the meal, he should always be next to her on the table. The only person who can entrust the flowers couple-triple minutes is a young mother. If you neglect these custom, I do not see a happy life.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_16

If the flowers fall to the ground, then the house will soon happen to another wedding, but the one of the guests, which at the end of the ceremony will catch the bouquet, the following will find a spouse.

Wedding rings

The ring is a not just a symbol for a particular marital status, it is a powerful amulet that protects the family from all the troubles that may stand in their way. It is important that the couple no one has ever given their rings, even a simple example. These items must belong to only two of them, or else in the family will be complete disorder. But the box out from under them, she can give her best friend on the condition that she is not married, and by the young to touch her again no longer need. And, of course, try to exchange rings as gently as possible - if the jewelry falls, it portends trouble, and trouble in the relationship.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_17

Glasses and champagne

It is assumed that on marrying young, there were two sets of glasses - first break immediately after the drinking "of happiness", the second store as a valuable heirloom for years to come, and drink from them is permitted only husband and wife. The roots of this tradition goes back to ancient times - then thought that the sound of breaking glass drives away all evil. Incidentally, the fragments can even tell fortunes on the sex of the child - if most of them large, the first a boy, and if the glasses were broken into small pieces - it's a girl.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_18

Of particular importance to the marriage have a bottle of champagne, which are called "bulls" - two vessels, which are connected by a ribbon. They should keep all the wedding so that none of the guests drank from them. First opened only on the cotton wedding, and the second - the emergence of a long-awaited baby. Such an interesting name bulls received from the customs of the southern regions of Russia, where the young at a wedding has traditionally donated a cow and a bull. This gesture symbolized the beginning of conducting common economy, as well as the wishes of the husband and wife, fertility and the early appearance of the first-born.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_19

Loaf and cake

In previous years, a wedding in the groom's house necessarily baked loaf. Usually, this was done by all his married female relatives under the leadership of a young mother. Childless widows and divorced women to this action is not allowed, it was thought that in this case, they can pass on to young their fate. To avoid the evil eye, after baking and up to the wedding that bread stored under a towel special, to share his confidence in the young godfather, each guest must be to try a piece of the holiday loaf. It was believed that he is endowed with magical powers, so it depicted the various symbolic patterns.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_20

Mandatory treat at the wedding is a cake. Spouses cut it without failing together, helping each other, so they would make a hoping for a joint decision of all difficulties. It usually cuts his woman, and the man supports - it says that the husband is always and in everything will be supporting for his wife. By the way, the one whose hand will rise higher in the cutting process, he will become the head in the family. If the cake divides only one of the spouses - it foreshadows frequent quarrels or even childlessness. The first piece is definitely presented with the newly-made spouse, and the second is her partner, after that the treat is distributed in a circle. Guests must certainly eat it, at least take a little bit. This promises good luck to a young family, as well as the personal happiness of each of the guests.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_21

If in the process of moving or cutting the cake, it is dropped - this is to divorce Moreover, the initiator will be the one who could not keep the dessert in his hands. The unmarried guest at the wedding must certainly leave a little cake and eat their piece before bedtime, and the remaining crumbs put on the mattress under the pillow - there is an opinion that in this case the girl can see in a dream of the future spouse. Sometimes rings, hearts and honeycomb rings are baked into the dough - in this case, all those they will come across, during the year will be lucky in affairs and are successful in endeavors. Superstitions on the wedding day and after it

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_22

On the day of the wedding, a man must certainly bear his narrowed through the threshold in his arms - it is considered that then she never wants to return from her husband back to the parent home. If, on the way to the painting or to the Church, you will meet a funeral tuple - it is better to turn on another way to not stick the misfortune. On the wedding day, the mother definitely reports a daughter some kind of thing that the young should always keep like a real relic, otherwise it does not see her well-being. Very good will be a wedding on a rainy day.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_23

Young in no way should be photographed on this day separately - this is the rapid separation. If the young stumbled on the way to the registry office - therefore, he is not quite confident in his own decision. Bride's girlfriends in no way should stand in front of her near the mirror - if this happens, then sooner or later this girl will lead the young husband. The same fully applies to the friends of the groom. If the friends of the spouses begin to wash the dishes, it means that they will definitely indulge.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_24

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_25

In order for a young family almost there was no offense, her husband and wife should break the plate on the threshold of their dwelling and step over the fragments together. When the bed spread on the marriage bed for young, the pillows should be put so that the slopes of pillowcase come into contact with each other, in this case the spouses will live happily. If at the time of the ceremony from the bride, some decoration fell, then the husband would have to spend money to buy new for his spouse. That life is as happy as possible, the girl should cry a little on the wedding day. It is important that the new spouses do not eat from one spoon are to frequent discontent in relation to each other.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_26

How to minimize the action of negative omen

If you happened at the wedding something that according to popular beliefs foreshadows trouble, it is not worth loaning on it. Each sign is just a legend, so try to dig deeper and figure out where one or another tradition comes from. For example, signs that you can't look into the mirrors in the wedding dress up to the painting. Think, because in every registry office there are a lot of mirrors, and it is unlikely that at least one newlywed could avoid a short look into it. And after all, most of them are happy in marriage, so you should not be an exception.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_27

As for the sale of the wedding dress - it is worth contacting the story. In previous years, the outfit was very expensive and became the property of a young family, which was sold at the most difficult moment when the poverty left another choice. Nowadays, when you can buy any outfit for a different budget, the wedding dress no longer has such a value, so its purchase and resale pass quite easily. As for the selection associated with the dress, then each always has its own counterargument. Thus, the effect of negative omen plant pins, color stitches on the Podol, decorations from some metals and other amulets.

Wedding signs (28 photos): Superstitions and customs for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, tips on the choice of folk faiths 7791_28

It is important to understand that the signs are not as important as your own thoughts, words and actions. They certainly need, but only the young themselves will be responsible for their happiness and for the fortress of their family bonds.

About what wedding signs come true, see the next video.

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