Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs


Relationships with colleagues are not limited to working moments. Generally accepted holidays or individual memorable events will not remain aside. In this regard, the question often arises to give a colleague. There is no single correct response. It all depends on the event, the number of people in the team and corporate ethics. Nevertheless, let's try to figure out what appropriate, and what is contraindicated in the quality of the gift.

Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_2

Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_3

Universal options

Sometimes it's not so easy to find a gift for one person who knows well, but what to say about the whole team (or part of it). But there are options for universal gifts. Their main difference lies in the fact that they are suitable for people of different sexes and age. For example, such universal options include sweet New Year's gifts. Here the moment of attention and respect is important. Even if a person does not eat sweet, he will gladly share a gift with his children or grandchildren.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_5

Do not forget that this category of gifts must meet certain requirements. If you are responsible for the selection team, then take these rules. We advise you to tune in advance to the fact that the option you choose is far from all. And the more the team, the more opinions there will be. Do not worry about this. It is impossible to please absolutely everyone.

Select individual gifts for everyone - also not quite right. In this case, insults may arise and misunderstanding, as someone may seem that his gift is not as good as a neighbor.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_7

Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_8

So, estimating, it is suitable or there is no gift for a universal category, check it on the following items.

  • No hint of vulgarity. Even if a relaxed atmosphere reigns in the team, it does not give you the right to violate the unknown laws of ethics. Let a better gift seem a colleague banal than vulgar and obscene.
  • Relieve yourself from the value of the holiday. When we talk about universal gifts, we mean and those that give for purely thematic events. For example, the most popular will be March 8 and February 23. It is also necessary for versatile gifts that are also necessary, as they are awarded a large number of people. But their feature is that they are gender sign. Women always appropriate to give flowers, and men set to care for shoes or purely male "things."

Below will submit several options that have already passed the "warning of the fight" and may be called universal at full right. They are suitable for both men and women, and are relevant to any holiday.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_10

Name notepads

Although notebooks and belong to the Office, but in this case will perform a good gift. It's all about the individual inscription. It may be the same for everyone or carry a nominal character. In the latter case, it will be especially pleasant to use this accessory. In addition, if all notebooks are the same and employees will begin to use them at work, may arise confusion, they will be easily confused. And with the name of the inscription, this will not happen.

As for the design of the notepad itself, it can also be poked here. Specialized firms provide print services for your sketches.

Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_11

Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_12

The most optimal options will be:

  • pictures with reference to the holiday itself;
  • Funny illustration or phrase;
  • Branded logos of the company or enterprise on which you work.

You can make your own unique design that will not carry a certain meaning. Here are meant patterns, landscapes, abstractions. But whether it is worth spending on it, if such options you can easily find in the usual store.

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This is a rather large category of goods, but not every stationery can claim the role of a gift. Most often they include pens, calendars or books. If you decide to stay on one of these options, then try to choose the original instance. At least, if it is a handle, then it must be high quality and expensive. It is better if individual packaging will be attached to it, a solid box.

With calendars, the situation is a bit more complicated. If you are issued in your office, then do one more and spend money does not make sense. It is unlikely that any of the employees want to place him at home - this is more an office accessory. If you in the firm it is customary to supply yourself to the office yourself, then such a present will be quite appropriate.

Here, again, you can order an individual design and make a commemorative inscription.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_15

Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_16

Another subject that indirectly refers to the Office, Magnets can be considered. But do not rush to remove them from your own refrigerator. They must display the symbolism of the holiday. This option is good when you independently decided to congratulate colleagues. The cost of one magnet is small, so you can and provide a sign of attention and do not spend big funds.

If these options do not suit you, you can think about an interesting and functional gift in the form of a set of stationery. For example, you can buy beautiful boxes and put affiliates in them. Let it be inexpensive, but the necessary items.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_18

In specialized stores you will find everything you need. In addition, the choice is so great that you can pick up very interesting specimens. Here is an example of one such set:

  • pens (blue, black, red);
  • corrector;
  • Stickers (can be several different in size);
  • paper for notes;
  • clips;
  • eraser;
  • marker;
  • Simple pencil and sharpener.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_20

Such a set will fit in a small box. Its main plus will be functionality. Stationery is often lost or broken, so they will come in handy in any case.

If you make one gift from the collective, then in this capacity there may be a good knob set. You can see options with holders (when the handle is placed on a special stand on the table). Also a good option will be a beautiful organizer for handles and other stationery. But only this should be no cheap plastic option, and the one that is made of wood.

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The traditions of the celebration of this or that event in the teams will differ. In some holidays, there are widely, with corporate, gifts, and in others - are limited to small signs of attention. It also happens that in the team there are only a few men, and a lot of women, or vice versa. Then it is very difficult financially to give everyone. In this case, you can do the modest presents in the form of postcards.

Do not think that such a cheap way of congratulations will be perceived negatively. After all, everyone understands that it is not necessary to spend a significant amount. It happens that in the office building several floors and on one (or several neighboring) many different firms . In this case, small posts will be a pleasant presentation.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_23

Thematic postcards you can easily find in a bookstore, but you can make them and do it yourself - colleagues will surely appreciate your individual approach and spent effort. If there are no such craftsmen in the team, then you can contact the printing station, where you print postcards on your sketches. It will also be a good option. True, the cost may increase.

Many believe that postcards are trite and uninteresting. But it is worth showing a fantasy, as even such a familiar gift will bring a lot of impressions. For example, if you give an employee's postcard, an unusual surprise in the form of a butterfly may be hidden.

With independent manufacture, you can make this option in which a small chocolate will fit.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_25

Presents to raise mood

Today, more and more often, colleagues are trying to surprise the culprit (or the perpetrators) of the celebration with emotion gift. This is a special kind of presents that does not imply the presence of any object (gift itself). To this category, you can safely attribute tickets to the theater, movies, exhibition. It can also be certificates for visiting master classes, unusual courses or other similar events.

There is no unambiguous opinion about this. Some believe that it is better to give traditional presents, as it is not always possible to guess the event that a ticket is bought. Also, some people prefer more functional gifts.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_27

If you know a colleague well, you can decide for yourself, to which category it refers, and choose the appropriate option. In any case, the emotion gift will be unusual and enjoyable. After all, not everyone can afford to buy a ticket for a concert of the favorite group or a course of spa procedures in the beauty salon.

A separate category in this section of gifts will be funny and funny surprises. It is difficult to give concrete recommendations here, because each team is individual. But for example, the following options can be given. You can make a funny presentation in advance. Just make sure that there was nothing offensive and obscene in it. It should also be avoided using photos and materials, which himself would not have shown publicly in any way in life. It can also be a cheerful song with converted words or dance.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_29

Comic souvenirs

If a friendly atmosphere is reigning in the team, then you can prevent colleagues and comic souvenirs. Of course, they are completely non-functional and do not carry any benefit, but they can raise the mood. And this is not the most important on the holiday! These gifts most often include small figurines. A funny message may be present on them or the figure itself will be very funny. In stores you can find funny caricature figurines by profession.

On the other hand, it can be a creative gift with humor, which can be done yourself. Here are some successful examples:

  • Corkscrew, screwed into a wooden plug with the inscription "Washer from traffic jams";
  • decorated in the frame of the whip (small rope and harness) and gingerbread with the signature "effective means of collecting management";
  • You can buy and independently paint a plate (It is written on it, which wish to avoid being gifted), which will then need to be broken.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_31

Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_32

Unexpected surprises

You can congratulate colleagues and a completely nondrivial way. Such presents require preparation, but bring a lot of positive emotions. If you are going to celebrate this or that event, you can come up with a couple of surprises that diversify the event.

Here can be anything. Just give the will of my own fantasy. You can make an original fun scene or offer to colleagues to write wishes and with helium balls to send them to the sky.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_34

If the present is done by the girl (girls), then you can agree with colleagues and give them to small presents during the day. So, everyone can individually congratulate the culprits of the celebration. To be clear, we give a simple example.

The first employee comes to the girl in the morning and gives her a flower, the second a little later a beautiful postcard, the third chocolate chocolate or candy, the fourth just brings her favorite coffee from the nearest coffee shop (or from the machine, if any).

And so continues throughout the day. The charge of positive emotions is provided.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_36

Women's presents

The first thing comes to mind when the conversation about a gift for a woman is coming - these are flowers and candy. This standard set will never come out of fashion. And if you are not sure that a creative or funny surprise will be perceived correctly, it is better to stay on this unshakable classic. If you want to make a real surprise, then there is a lot of options for this case. We only give part. But what your personal surprise will be for colleagues depends only on your imagination and opportunities.

Recently also has become popular to give gift cards in cosmetics shops. This allows girls to make their own choice. It turns out that you give each colleague exactly the present she wants. Draw the same cosmetics sets (even the means for the soul and bath) do not advise. Each has individual features and preferences. Someone enjoys only expensive brand cosmetics, someone may simply do not like the smell of the selected tool.

In a word, choose and give cosmetics the case is ungrateful and complex. Therefore, the above version will be the ideal solution.

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Sweets are associated with many with childhood, and therefore are one of the good gifts. But be careful. Even such an innocent present may cause disorder. For example, a colleague is impossible sweet (due to illness, diet). In this case, a gift will only disappoint it.

If there are no special restrictions in this regard, then the flight of fantasy is unlimited. Today you can order a personalized packaging of candies . For example, it may be written congratulations on reference to the profession or company name. Another original option can be a bouquet of candy. It looks no worse than the present, and in addition to aesthetic pleasure, it is also very tasty.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_39

If you want to conquer the hearts of the girls of your team, then present a bouquet of strawberries in chocolate. From this will not be refused even the most arrogant people. It is quite difficult to arrange it, so contact professionals for help. In addition, they know reliable suppliers of strawberries, which it is always fresh and tasty (especially relevant for the winter period). If you decide to checkout the basket with sweets, then it can be added good tea or coffee. It will look relevant. In addition, the ladies will not need to spend additional funds to arrange a sweet tea party.

Well, of course, the most important confectionery product, symbolizing the holiday, remains a cake. Do not spish for a typical cake in the nearest supermarket. It is better to consult confidents and order your own design and design. Such a present will be accurately remembered for a long time.

The size and weight of the product will depend on the number of employees, because on a piece of festive cake should be given to everyone.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_41

Future mom

There is a special kind of female presents. These are those who give a woman leaving on the decret. The question arises, and what to give in this case? The easiest solution will consult with a pregnant person personally. The birth of a child is associated with the purchase of a large number of necessary things. Perhaps you will help to help the future mommy, if you find all the team and give a truly necessary thing. It can be a car, changing table and other items that will be needed for the baby.

If you are sure that such assistance is not needed, you can give something different. Not all future mothers are ready to tell colleagues about the kid field. Therefore, if you choose a present for him, choose universal colors. For example, you can give a beautiful set of green, beige, yellow, yellow. Also a good gift will be plaid or blanket. If you doubt that your choice will be true, just give the certificate to the "Children's World" shop.

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Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_43

Gifts to colleagues: What can I give a woman at work? Ideas of inexpensive symbolic souvenirs 7743_44

Principles of choice

Choose a gift is not easy. If you yourself decided to congratulate all colleagues (relevant for small teams), then everything is a bit simpler. Only you decide what kind of surprise will be presented. But if the present from the whole team, then difficulties may arise. Everyone will have their own point of view about the gift. In such a situation, it is not easy to find a compromise. These are the principles of choosing to be guided.

  • When choosing a gift for a group of persons On any holiday, remember that it should be the same for everyone. This will help avoid disagreements and offend in the team. Even if someone will not like to taste, he will perfectly understand that the same present received all the other colleagues.
  • If you give a gift from yourself , you should not choose an expensive option (even if you are allowed). For example, this desire may occur if you give a good colleague and buddy. When the moment comes to give something to you, he will have to choose something as valuable in order not to offend you. Not everyone understands this rule when they choose gifts. Therefore, let the present the present will be unusual and interesting than the super-threat. In this case, the colleague will appreciate your individual approach, realizing that you spent a lot of time to choose from.
  • Do not forget about functionality. Sometimes, seeing a beautiful statuette in the store, we decide that this is exactly what you can and need to give. But think well before making a final decision. Yes, the thing is beautiful. But will the man find her use. Perhaps he just has nowhere to put it or the style of his interior is not at all acceptance of the data of excess. A good solution here can be a high-quality office. A person is not always ready to spend money, since he takes it not for himself, but for work. But always pleasant and more convenient to use good quality things, rather than what they will be issued in stock.
  • Think of a gift scenario. Sometimes not so much the gift itself is important as the moment of delivery. If a gift about the anniversary or retirement of one of the employees, do not be lazy to collect the whole team. It will be very nice and touching.

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Also, if appropriate, you can prepare you in advance, music and even a presentation. It will not cost you a penny, but will significantly increase the splash of positive emotions and the overall impression.

The choice of presents for colleagues - the problem is not easy, but if you approach it creatively, then the result will be impressive. Do not think that you need a lot of money on the original gift. Sometimes a friendly congratulation-surprise in the form of a scene can please be beloved much stronger than a standard gift. Show fantasy and initiative, and colleagues will remember your congratulations for a long time and answer you reciprocity in the future.

In the next video you are waiting for the ideas of budget New Year gifts to colleagues, acquaintances and friends.

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