Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays


Children's birthday is always fun, funny and incredibly touching. For guys, this is primarily a memorable entertainment. An excellent option to start a festive day will be a fascinating quest - a search for a gift.

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The essence of the game

The game quest "Find a gift" is a series of tasks, as a rule, logical, the execution of which should lead to a cache where surprise is hidden for a birthday room. Usually the path is "paving" using notes - they contain information about in which direction to maintain further search, where to follow to find the long-awaited gift. The answer to each question means the beginning of the next round of search.

The quest must be drawn up with the age of children. For the kids, the task is simplified, and the number of tasks is reduced to 3-4, but teenage children can complicate the task, the number of stages to increase to 9-11 - it will be much more interesting. A child can look for a present alone, but can attract his friends - in this case it is desirable that memorable gifts wait at the end point of all participants.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_4

To prepare the quest you need quite a bit - ordinary paper, scissors, color pencils, adhesive tape, and of course, a little fantasy.

The main point of training will be the development of the script and careful thinking of the search route.

The best thing in advance draw the card at home or the terrain where the quest will be held, And lay all the main points of finding tips clockwise from the starting point. Thus, participants will not be able to detect a gift too quickly, because it is, in fact, will be hidden almost at the point of reference, but the game will take away the guys in another direction.

In order to determine the required number of tips, you need to think about how much time your quest will occupy. The easiest option with riddles usually takes no more than two minutes to pass one step, so the task of 10-11 points will take about 15-20 minutes. However, you can always complicate the task by encrypting the question with the help of crosswords, anagrams or secretions.

It is possible to turn the tip to sports fun, for example, a note with a question can be placed on a tree, in Pinyat or in an inflatable ball - then the guys will have to spend time and smelting to get a cherished cipher.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_6


As a message can be:

  • custom note;
  • Message in local networks from messengers;
  • email letter;
  • card.

Tasks in Quest should differ from those offered to the child and its guests within the game program. They should be easier and faster to solve, since the main task of such a quest is not to evaluate the mental abilities of the child, but to give it a maximum emotion from the process of solving problems.

However, the too primitive tips should not be selected - otherwise children will simply be uninteresting to solve them.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_8

It will not hurt to prepare small souvenirs in each route item. It can be candy, small toys, inexpensive stationery - Then the search for the memories will be even more pleasant and happy.

For young children

For preschoolers, it is best to prepare such questions-riddles that will directly indicate a one or another subject in the house (or the local area). For example, a riddle about the refrigerator will mean that you need to approach it and find inside the next hint. If the tip about the bed, therefore, the baby will have to come to her and find another question there. So the child will get to the secret place.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_10

For school children

Such guys are no longer very interesting riddles, they will manifest much more interest in encrypted phrases. We give the best ideas.

  • Phrases recorded by the ass in advance. In this case, the guys will have to try to guess how to read this confusing phrase. Do not speak to children Rules - it will be much more interesting if they themselves guess.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_12

  • Words written by "invisible ink". Everyone knows that the text written by milk or juice, the text is not visible, but it is worth it only to warm it over fire or stroke the Iron - letters immediately appear and folded in words.

Keep in mind that such a tip must be performed with the source of heat itself. For example, hide and note itself, and iron in one cache, or think up the task chain so that the child first find the iron, and then the riddle. The child should understand what a decryption method should be.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_14

  • Interesting option - Mirror display . Any text can be "flipped" using simple computer programs, print and hide together with the mirror itself. If children guess to look at the reflection of the written, then they will see the specified word.

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  • Can give children a set of numbers - The essence here is that each of them means a certain letter of the alphabet, or the letter number in some text. As in previous cases, the hint should go along with the text for which decryption will be conducted.

To make the search for treasure more atmospheric, make the scrapbooks themselves with tips in the style of scraps of old scrolls. To do this, it is necessary to wash the paper with a strong welding, to dry, and then drop the edges - then the quest will be similar to the real search for treasures.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_17

  • Always with a bang is the thematic decor. For example, you can play pirates, Indians, superheroes - Then every child before the beginning of the quest should give some attribute, it makes the immersion in the atmosphere of the holiday even more complete.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_19

Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_20

For older children

All teenagers love gadgets, and such is the reality of our days. Search by memories may seem too childish - but there is no reason to despair. To date, there is a huge selection of mobile platforms to create quests. With their help, you can create an "electronic assistant", which will "lead" by searching.

Typically, the kiss activation code comes to the smartphone, and then tasks for searching for the prompts, all the gifted answers must be driven into the program, and in case of incorrect response, the system will give a new tip. Teenagers really like such fun, and there are such services at all inexpensive.

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Where to hide the present?

Quests may not necessarily contain questions-answers, for the smallest players with an excellent idea of ​​lapse lapse of large animals and a card that indicates, as precisely, they need to move. For example, at first a child may have a task to follow the footsteps of the elephant, then in the footsteps of the dog, then you can suggest searching the trail or run in the footsteps of wild horses, which will lead to the cherished treasure.

In this case, the quest must be prepared in advance - Draw either printing the prints of paw beasts, decompose them, confusing several paths and, of course, draw a map, hiding the present in an unexpected place.

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_23

For teenagers, a gift can be hidden in a cache. A good idea will be the design of the safe in the old book - for this, it is necessary to cut a deepening between the pages and hide the present. Just imagine the whole range of a teenager's feeling when, solving all the riddles, he will find only a textbook on hated geometry - how will it be surprised when opening the book will find inside a new smartphone!

Alternatively, you can hide a gift in the portfolio with a code lock, and the child's code itself will have to guess the last tip.

An interesting quest can always be organized on its own in the apartment without the participation of animators, The main thing is to approach its preparation creatively, given the interests of boys and girls. Even if you do not have the opportunity to arrange a child party in a circle of friends, such a gift search will definitely please him!

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Quest search for gifts for children: options for searching for a gift and mysteries in the apartment on a birthday and other holidays 7728_25

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