Gift-impression: Extreme Travel and Horseback Walk, Quest Adventures and other gifts, giving bright emotions


Remember your best gifts. Even if it is quite tangible, the material present, what warms the soul when memories about him? Of course, the impression, surprise, emotions, feeling of surprise. This is what remains in memory for a long time, and it wants to return, repeat, live again. Completely understandable psychological mechanisms are included. That is why today is so active people give each other a gift-impression. Surprise, delight, suggest to live something, up to this point the unknown - emotional gifts at a great price.

Gift-impression: Extreme Travel and Horseback Walk, Quest Adventures and other gifts, giving bright emotions 7725_2

Female classic

Not all women are ready to perform extreme adventures, overcome obstacles associated with a serious challenge yourself. If you are not sure that your relative or girlfriend is ready for such extreme, offer it something more predictable, but no less pleasant. For example, a hike in a beauty salon. No matter how cool, but so few women will refuse time that only them is dedicated.

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What could it be.

  • Hairdressers. You can present a certificate to a specific hairdresser. And if you change the image the recipient's gift is not going, then from caring procedures, most likely will not refuse. For some, such a gift will be an excellent impetus for external transfigurations that are often moved by the internal, long-standing changes.
  • Spa. Someone is just shy there to go, mistakenly thinking that this is a place for long-legged successful beauties. But in the spa it is worth visiting every woman - at least in order to survive new emotions, know yourself, take this opportunity to care and care. SPA day is a gift that can be a little weighing, but your impressions will be pleasant (and for self-esteem useful).
  • Consultation stylist. Many women for many years are what they do not go, not those hairstyles, and do not even know their color,5. But even if the one you intend to give, in Lada with your appearance, the consultation of the stylist is always a powerful informational push, it is like a mirror that also suggests "as it should". For some, such a meeting may be a shock, but global, positive changes will follow.
  • Master class from makeup artist. Popular now the service: a few hours - and you are ready to inflate basic makeup to yourself. Or maybe not just basic? Maybe - festive or in fashionable tones now? In short, the choice is always there. But this is a useful practice - learn how to use what they operate stylists in fashion magazines, bloggers, but almost never knows how to do "ordinary woman."

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Gift-impression: Extreme Travel and Horseback Walk, Quest Adventures and other gifts, giving bright emotions 7725_5

Gift-impression: Extreme Travel and Horseback Walk, Quest Adventures and other gifts, giving bright emotions 7725_6

Many ladies who are presented by surprises for extremals (from a parachute jump before driving a tank) would have responded with much greater pleasure.

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Quest story

Quest is an adventure, a search engine for a variety of topics. There are quests exclusively intellectual: no need to jump, run, physically overcome obstacles - it is enough to simply solve intelligent tasks, showing and pumping your erudition. Such quests are very different in scale, for example, they are often organized at work, for cohesion of the corporate spirit. But there are quests, where to meet a colleague is very difficult.

If you can imagine that such a gift is like your close, the idea is worthy of consideration.

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But there are quails of a different nature: there are no knowledge, but rather, cutter, dexterity, the speed of the reaction. And physical forces are also needed there. The best entertainment is those that organize large companies or those that deserve a good reputation. If the quests are extreme in nature, you must be sure that their organizer has provided for security everything. Alas, there are cases when people were injured as a result of quests, there are victims of quests (associated with fire and the inability to get out of the room).

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Finally, it is possible to take for the organization of the quest. Let it not be large-scale, but small adventures to organize a close person you will probably can. Even at home you can make a mini-quest: hide the main gift so as to find it quickly was unreal. A person can find a gift only by performing a chain in a few steps. Steps are equipped with your prompts. For example: "Step 1. Looking for something in the house, where the rows of Hita Frenca Sinatra will be written." And the Quest participant suddenly finds a postcard with the words Let It Snow. And then - as far as fantasy enough!

And it is no longer so important how valuable the main gift: the path to him will raise the mood to man, will take aside and will become a pleasant adventure.

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What could be better than changing the situation, "transfer" yourself in a completely different geographical context? Travel - a gift cost, but it is difficult to compare it with something. No wonder they say that nowhere we will not know yourself so well as in a new place, in a new country. And parents who give a journey as a wedding gift to children, come correctly. Only such gifts may not only be newlyweds.

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What should not do:

  • give a tour to the exotic country, if not sure that a person like this rest;
  • Give a gift is not fully - for example, if you paid accommodation at the hotel or something like that, and the rest you have to look for money yourself (it can put it in an inconvenient position);
  • Do not coordinate travel time - surprise can become unpleasant if you did not know for sure about the plans and opportunities of close.

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Of course, such serious gifts require coordination. But there are stories when a gift is definitely what a person dreams about, but financial capabilities do not allow this to do this. For example, your relative is a climber (possibly beginning). And he dreams of making climbing some specific top, but the question rests on money. If you have the opportunity to prevent such a gift, you can contact the company organizing mining expeditions.

This is not just a journey - this is a dream, which it turns out, you can also give.

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A very frequent query recently - a balloon flight for two. Many young people choose this option so that in the literal sense of the word to accomplish the marriage in heaven - well, if not a marriage, then the offer is a favorite to do in flight.

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Another interesting story is flying in Aerotrub. Such a gift will even suit the older children: this attraction oversees the instructor, so the danger is reduced to zero.

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Gift-impression: Extreme Travel and Horseback Walk, Quest Adventures and other gifts, giving bright emotions 7725_16

Waterpark - Entertainment, which no one no one surprise . But, for example, if you are lost in guess that give family friends, tickets to the water park can be an excellent option. First, this is a family gift, you do not need to give every member of the family to give something separately. Secondly, these are the very impressions that are rarely unnecessary.

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The tea ceremony is another fashionable story whose popularity is only increasing. It is organized by specialists in a suitable room, in specially created conditions. The person who you give such an impression will participate in the ceremony that happens according to the ritual with all the necessary attributes.

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Gift-impression: Extreme Travel and Horseback Walk, Quest Adventures and other gifts, giving bright emotions 7725_19

Does not overeat and such a gift as a walk by horses. Even if someone initially scares the present, overcoming fear, for the first time in his life, being riding a horse, a person is experiencing those emotions that are difficult to compare with something.

The main thing is that the instructor is good, and all security measures are respected immaculately.

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Movie tickets

This is the easiest option, but it makes sense to stop on it. We do not always have the opportunity to give something expensive, valuable, convincing in its value. But this does not mean that conditionally cheap gifts always look unprepacently and give them ashamed. For example, for the new year, people often have to be pretty to spend on the presents for loved ones, friends, colleagues, and the final amount may look illustrative to you . The budget is cracking on the seams, and I would not want! In this case, the movie tickets are just a chopper.

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Just on New Year's days in the movie a lot of prime ministers, atmospheric paintings that raise a festive mood (and even contribute to its appearance). Buy tickets, put them in an elegant envelope, and at the right moment "Slot" to the one who decided to please.

In some cinemas there is a cafe where you can get coupons for decent discounts on company dishes (if anyone is being found - also put in the envelope).

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A set of impressions is not always expensive, elito, from the Lux offer series. You can confine ourselves to quite modest tickets to appreciate this care, the desire to please and pamper your relatives.

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Impressions about gifts are told in the following video.

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