How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options


Of the variety of gifts, which are awarded by one or another, perhaps, it is money that is the most common decision. At the same time, a person handing money is often afraid that it will be deemed deprived of fantasy or too banal, because it is preferable to hand the money in some creative form. While most people are looking for a characteristic postcard in the form of an envelope or a purse, consider how the originally approach this situation.

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_2

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_3


The reasons why people often consider it necessary to give the money, lie on the surface. This option, of course, is not for those who seek to give something really original, but it is universal, and you will never miss the choice, because the present will choose the perpetrator of the celebration itself. Such a solution is especially true if you fell for a holiday to a person, about hobbies and the interests of which you know not so much. So often happens with the birthdays of colleagues, with whom you are not working in time. However, even close friendships do not always allow you to come up with a good creative gift if your friend has achieved a lot in life and in general already has everything that he needs.

It remains to catch every word, by chance a mounted companion shortly before the holiday, but sometimes even so information is too scarce.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_5

Completely separate type of celebration - Wedding. In this case, guests, like gifts from them, are usually very much, and this is good, as a young family is likely to have many things even one of the essentials, and in many ways it relies on the guest presents. Here, however, another risk appears - you need it all, because it is not difficult to choose a gift, but it can always be that you and someone else from the guests thought in the same direction and bought completely or partially duplicate things. This, of course, is a very stupid situation, because at weddings almost always give exactly money - let the newlyweds themselves decide how to spend them, maybe it will not be something material.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_7

The main problem is that the choice of your choice in favor of money, such a gift is still perceived too banal and somewhat boring. He will not have a chance to remember, especially at a wedding, where ordinary envelopes with money are handed dozens - as a result, we usually do not even remember who asked. It turns out that the proportion of your merit will be in any of those things that they bought for presented means, but no memory will remain about it.

That is why it is so important not just to give a significant amount of money, and also make it beautiful.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_9

Not so long ago, the upper limit of the creative was to lay a gift not just in an envelope, and in a special postcard, on which expensive foreign banknotes were usually printed or other synonyms of wealth and consistency. This, of course, is a bit more interesting than a simple postal envelope, but in recent years, people are accustomed to this thoroughly, and today such an accessory cannot be considered a limit of fantasy and creativity. Modern printing technologies and specialized gifts offer much more interesting ideas, and still do not forget that sometimes you yourself can come up with something really unique.

Consider how you can surprise the culprits of the celebrations that you decide to please financial influxers.

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_10

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_11

How to pack as a gift?

In most cases, planning to give money, people imply that this will be the only gift, and nothing else will no longer give anything, except for some postcard and flowers. This approach is not quite correct, because you often know that a person really needs something, but the cost of a suitable present clearly does not reach the one that adequate the scale of the occasion and the level of your relationship. In this case, the "main gift" involves some creative design, which allows you to add money to it.

It is not always obvious immediately - a similar gift with a joke will fit in the company where no one is deprived of a certain sense of humor, but is not greatly offended because of too cheap, in his opinion, a gift. In other cases, even the "main" present itself can be perceived as a good and very worthy, and an additional cash gift that will be discovered later, will surprise the birthday boy at least that such something he did not expect.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_13

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_14

However, this is all the theory, and such cases should be considered on specific practical examples.

Even if you do not give anything other than money, the gift itself can have a more creative shape than a banal transfer of bills from hand to hand - and see how it might look.

Bag with money

This cinema image is very popular as an object of dreams - it is assumed that enough money will fit enough to ensure any, even the bold dreams of who owns them. Agree, in the same envelope, you can put a significant amount, but for some reason no one dreams of an envelope with the currency, and the wish to have a whole bag for sure repeatedly uttered every person out loud.

Well, dreams come true - you can buy a souvenir instance or self-sew it from burlap, and then draw the same symbol of the dollar on it. Of course, the size of such a capacity will not be the one in which everyone dreams about, and the bills are usually folded into the tube to give volume, which reduces the total nominal value per unit volume.

However, a gift in any case is not so symbolic, because a certain amount in the bag was still put, but it is creative and interesting.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_16

Money in the bank

It is believed that large amounts are not worth keeping at home, "under the pillow" - for such purposes, bank institutions are used, where finances are not only reliably protected from theft, but also can "figure out" percentages during the storage. In recent years, the popular gift of adolescents has become the opening of a real account in a bank with a hand-held card, which teaches a young man to plan budget and responsibility for his observance, but the adult is not surprised in such a person - he probably already changed these cards.

It remains not to write not literally, and not portable - without showing a gift, tell me to give him money in the bank. The first idea of ​​the culprit of the celebration will be a presentation of a really impressive amount, and he, of course, will not believe - here you will give him a jar in which the currency was packed!

Naturally, it is desirable to embellish the appearance of a fit one - at least tie it by the minimum festive bow.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_18

Picture frame

This gift also refers to the category of those that can be given to anyone and for any occasion, although this is a close person on the anniversary it will be somehow even modest. But this is a gorgeous way to play a person who at the first moment may not cope with emotions and motimically show that he does not understand why you are so fighting on such a day.

Naturally, in a set with such a gift, it is necessary to immediately give a postcard, where it is indicated that the gift is not simple, and with a secret . If the culprit of the celebration does not recognize immediately read the wishes, hint to do it - and will witness the wonderful transformation of a person who finally realized that no one was going to neglect his holiday.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_20

Cake with surprise

This approach can very often be seen in old foreign films, only there in a similar way do not give money for a birthday or wedding, and the name is married, hiding in the dessert ring. Similarly, you can act in our case, especially if the celebrated holiday is a birthday for which the cake may be very appropriate addition. Of course, it will be a little strange if you came to visit the name day, where you probably have such a dessert, with your own cake, because they do not need to buy it that the owners do not need to buy it.

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_21

At the same time, you can hint that the main gift will be a little later, and to portray the forgetful person, which for some reason has been lazy with handing. Most likely, such a cake with a surprise will have to be specifically ordered or bake independently, because in a ready copy you are unlikely to be investigated. But in any case, you must take care that money is not swirling with cream and definitely were not spoiled when cutting a dessert.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_23

There will be a good move if you warned the birthday girl about a later presentation of the gift, he found your bill, and thinks that it is, and you will actually surprise it with an extra surprise in the form of something material.

How interesting to give a child?

Children can also be given finances, but if the child is still small and does not mean the importance of money, it is not impressed. In the end, a typical children's holiday is bright colors and an atmosphere of a miracle, and here you are with your boring gray envelope and unclear the prospects of the waste of money, because parents will surely immediately take such a gift, even if they spend the whole amount on the child. Therefore, it is worth come up with something more interesting, and here you have several options.

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Baby love bright balloons, on most children's holidays they are in abundance. So you come with them, only in a somewhat unusual performance. One of the balls before inflating can be filled with relatively small cash bills (for visibility of large quantities), as well as a multitude of notes with wishes . In any case, it will be interesting to read all these wishes, besides, it will certainly impress so much the amount as the amount of bills and the impurity of the pack of money that he can collect.

As a simple alternative to the same balls, you can simply bind a postcard, inside which will be enshrined by the hand.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_26

Mini Quest in the box

A little more interesting option for those children who love adventures and various tasks. You will need to find an opaque ball, through which its contents will not be seen, as well as a bright box, in which this ball in the inflated form will just fit. The bottom of the boxes usually sleep with a beautiful color tinsel - it is assigned to the task of creating a truly festive atmosphere. The ball is inflated and filled with money as it was described above, after which they are tied and supplied with a felt-table inscription like "Impnis me!". The ball is segged into the box, and on it also write some kind of instruction, for example, "Open Me". Thus, a gift, though not long, but keeps the intrigue that you will like a curious baby.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_28

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_29

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_30

Bag of gifts

In this case, the balls will also need, only now they need them much more. Well, if they are all opaque too, because each of them will be considered a separate gift. In each copy, put bills of different dignity and one candy, it is also preferably different . After that, you need to buy or sew your own spacious bag, which would fit all these balls with surprises. Ideally, it would not hurt to perform on the surface of the bag also the inscription from the sequins, which stacked that it was the bag of gifts - this will add the presentation of magic.

In fact, the total cost of such creativity can be the same as a banal conversion with a large cake, that's just in children's eyes it will look incomparably cooler.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_32

A toy

You can not "to invent a bike" and do nothing on your own, if you choose your choice on a soft toy, whose design provides for the presence of pocket. This may be, for example, a kangaroo, or just one or another character dressed in clothes, equipped with real pockets. Money, accordingly, you need to hide it in this pocket, but your child should hint that the presented gift is equipped with an additional seaker.

Otherwise, the risk is the risk that the baby will be disappointed and just abandon the present, not finding a pleasant bonus, and it can also happen that the bill will accidentally fall out of his pocket, and the birthday girl will not notice.

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How to make flowers from money?

In terms of popularity and the frequency of presentation, there are serious competition for money - they are usually not considered a separate gift, but are an indispensable attribute of any female holiday, and sometimes male too. If you know that a bouquet would be a relevant gift for an approaching festival, you can beat it and give a fine-floor representative real homemade flowers, where instead of petals will be money!

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_34

Of course, for such congratulations, it would be nice to have at least small skills of the origami skills, but in general the task is not so complicated as it might seem at first glance. It is advisable to first stock the necessary consumables, the amount and quality of which depend on which result should turn out. We will look at how to complete the money in the form of colors on the example of a rose that will turn out at the end. Well searching, you can find more complex and believable samples of paper colors, we will focus on a simple sample for beginners, which also requires only one bill for each flower. And here is the detailed instruction.

  • Choose a neat and clean bill, without dents and damage, desirable, new, from the bank, and decompose it in front of yourself on a flat surface.
  • Top left corner. Bend to the bottom edge, then do the reverse procedure at the bottom of the left.
  • The former right side of the bills are so that it partially blocked the top of the resulting triangle.
  • The above-described manipulations led to the fact that the bonsters were formed on the surface of the bills in the necessary places, which we were needed, therefore, now all the folds are deployed, and make money in half so that the square is.
  • After that, the resulting figure is folded in both directions - both diagonally and in a straight line. At the end, a strongly reduced multilayer figure should turn out.
  • On both sides of the bills, beate a slightly paper flaps where it does not form a full-fledged edge and is not attached to the rest of the bills.
  • After that, the most complex - previous bend begins from lower, inner layers of folded banknote, also need to be beatened to the center so that the folds are four.
  • The resulting figure will place vertically, and the tops on each side are lowered the book, after that, almost a ready-made rose can be opened - this will make it possible to do a similar procedure and from the sides, on a three-dimensional model.
  • As a result, a typical flower "cup" should be obtained, but the petals are still unattended straight - they are somewhat wrapped out, winding them with ordinary toothpicks.
  • On this rose as a whole is ready, but the view of it will not be very believable. To fix such an annoying misunderstanding, you just need to take another same bill and make it all the actions described with it, after which it is simply inserting one rose to another. As a result, the multilayer structure of the "petals" is obtained, which is already really reminiscent of a real flower.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_36

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_37

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_38

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_39



If you do well, and in general you are an amateur of such creativity, you can go even further and give "colors" the maximum truthfulness. As the basis for the "stem", a metal wire or a knitting needle is usually used, which can be wrapped with either just green paper or the same bills. Especially creative donors go even further, and neat leaflets are cut out of the colored paper, which are then attached to the stall with glue or scotch.

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_40

Other unusual ideas

Even the above-described methods of delivery of money are relatively popular, since such an approach in the design is known not for the first year and managed to hurt. At the same time, the money present can be issued even more effectively and unusually, if approaching the task creatively and, taking into account some enthusiasm belonging. Please note that some of the options proposed below theoretically can offend a person, since they are jokes on an amateur.

As a rule, a similar approach is considered normal in a close male company of friends, but a woman will not always understand your humor correctly, because think that, to whom, and with what promise you give.

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_41

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_42

Money instead of candy

The box of good sweets for a birthday is a very good solution as a supplement to the main gift and colors, especially if the culprie is a sweet tooth. At the same time, the box itself will be very valuable if you will open it in advance and pull out all the candies from there, and instead of them, put a neatly folded bill or coin to each place. The average box can accommodate 12-20 candies, respectively, as much banknotes and coins you must prepare.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_44

Banknotes in cabbage

It so happened that in our country the money in an informal setting is often called "cabbage" - apparently, the American currency reminded to someone from the leaves of this garden plant, especially if there are quite a lot of banknotes, and they are not too neatly folded. If your friend often uses the word "cabbage" in this sense, you can play it well, saying that you have not invented anything better than to give him a cabbage. At this moment, the culprit of the celebration will surely think about money, and here you remove and lay out the head of ordinary garden cabbage on the table.

Of course, a gift is not so simple - between the leaves you need to hide at least a few banknotes in advance, which a few seconds will give the changed in the person of the birthday.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_46


Another curious way to surprise the culprit of the celebration is to give him an ordinary broom. Hide banknotes in his bristle you are unlikely to succeed, therefore it is easier to wind several separate bristles with banknotes. Of course, at once the whole focus should not disclose - announce the loudly that you decided to give a broom, because nothing better in the head has come. The incredulous present, show the batted broom so that it was obvious that this is exactly what you say - you can even start unpacking it from the handle side. At the end, when the secret is revealed, wish believed that in his accommodation it is always as much money as possible, and so that when sweeping, they even clung to a broom.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_48

Banknotes in the syringe

Another curious option is well suited for those people who do not consider themselves perfectly happy man, dreams a lot and sees the main way to achieve their goals in accumulating as much finance as possible. Waving to celebrate, say that you brought an unusual gift - this is a vaccine that will allow all the dreams of the culprit of what is happening. A similar statement in itself will provoke a wave of interest in what is happening, and you can additionally increase the degree if you find somewhere a small black suitcase, where a pre-prepared syringe with money can be packaged.

Correcting about the latest developments in the field of medicine and that happiness is now available to everyone, give a syringe to the birthday name and enjoy the misunderstanding, and then joy!

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_49

Money toilet paper

This option is suitable for students, because many representatives of such estates are temporary problems with finance. If you and the student yourself, come to the celebration with a roll of toilet paper, referring to the fact that you simply didn't have enough money on a sharper gift, and this is still useful thing, the birthday girl will come in handy. Of course, with a roll, not everything is so simple - inside you hid at least one bill of decent nominal.

For this, the paper will have to open, but it will only complement the flavor - we can say that you have not even bought this roll, but torn off my heart. This is definitely a mockery of a gift, but for a youth company, where everyone has a sense of humor, such a decision will definitely fit.

However, you can go and completely from the other side, saying that you wish to a person in order to be so rich so that even the bills perceived as a simple toilet paper.

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_50

Postcard highly understated nominal

The postcard-envelope with the money shown on it can also be a good joke, if the creators approached it with taste. Usually, similar postcards print images of expensive bills, like five hundred dollars or euro, and inside it turns out a relatively small amount, which even up to five thousand rubles does not always reach.

You can try to go from the opposite, and search for a postcard, which will be printed, for example, modest one hundred rubles. Inside, of course, you put a more significant amount, but the first impression of the gift will be somewhat disappointing. You can add to the situation in the event that this is a gift to a friend - then you can refer to the famous saying that it is better to have a hundred friends than a hundred rubles, but you, as real faithful comrades, allegedly decided to provide the birthday and something, .

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_51

Cake from money

A similar design is already not drawn to "funny" - there is so many bills on its manufacture, that even when using minor banknotes, the amount will still not be too modest. Such a present will be an excellent option from the team to his boss, who celebrates the anniversary. A real cake culprit Celebration for sure and so bought it, and here he gives an impressive amount of money, and even in creative execution.

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How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_53

Picture from banknotes

Honestly, this is not so much painting as again origami, which still need to own, but the approach itself deserves attention. On the canvas you can depict anything - when choosing a plot, you can even repel from the fact that you have already mastered the art of folding paper figures. Naturally, not the whole picture should be made exclusively from the bill, because we think about what details will be "money" and where to take the main background.

Do not seek to create a real masterpiece in the field of art, still the money you give in order to spend them, because the integrity of the work will still be broken. But when choosing a frame, it is not particularly greedy - she would not come as an independent gift.

But here, somehow, it turns out to be a practical addition that a birthday party can use for your own photos or real drawings.

How to organize the money original? 56 photos beautiful and funny, unusual and interesting gift design options 7686_54

About how to give money, look in the following video.

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