Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be?


Chocolate is one of the most beloved delicacies, so its popularity remains unchanged. To diversify this sweetness, various forms of the product can be used, additional ingredients, but the chocolate fountain is most effectively. The molten mass circulating in a special apparatus looks very appetizing, interesting and attractive. If there is a desire to make a chocolate fountain, you need to know which ingredients are needed for it.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_2

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_3

Description of species

Chocolate for chocolate fountain differs from usual slightly, it melts faster and has a more liquid consistency, which allows it to rush to rush out of the fountain and evenly spread around the product. To make such beauty on their own, it is necessary to correctly choose raw materials for work.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_4

There is a species diversity of chocolate, which can be used in the fountain.

  • Specialized - The composition has a greater number of cocoa butter, due to which the mass becomes more liquid and plastic. The structure of the mechanism of the chocolate fountain involves working with a rather liquid substance, which it can raise and output through the top. If the mass is too thick, then the operation of the device will be carried out with difficulty, and in the end it will fail. The use of more thick chocolate does not allow raw materials quickly down, pouring beautifully on the bowls, which means that the main idea will be broken. To make chocolate well and was plastic, the cocoa oil content in it should be from 30 to 40% of the total weight of the product. Dairy varieties are more flowable, as they have milk fat. Dark chocolate must contain more than 40% of cocoa butter to have the desired appearance. Specialized products have a label that allows you to select the desired product, there may be notation on the package: FOUNTAIN, FOUNTAIN CHOCOLATE and similar options. In addition to use in the fountains, these varieties can be solved or applied in a confectionery business.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_5

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_6

  • Non-specialized - Chocolate, the main direction of which is not the use of chocolate fountains. Such options do not have special designations on the package, do not have the desired amount of cocoa oil, therefore less flowable. You can find such a product under the name "Chocolate for Callebaut Fountains", in the instructions of which there will be a mark on the need to make an additional number of cocoa oil. For smelting, it is possible to apply the usual types of chocolate, bringing it to the state of the desired fluid. On average, for conventional tiles, it will be necessary to add 20-35% cocoa butter, which is 200-250 g per 1 kg of chocolate. There are more expensive variants of chocolate products that have a much higher cocoa oil content in the composition, so you need to additionally add only 3-5%, and this is 100-130 grams. Callebaut. Produces the most appropriate chocolate varieties that are successfully used in the fountain, bringing a small amount of cocoa oil. If desired, you can use black, milk and fruit varieties.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_7

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_8

  • Chocolate glaze - In addition to tiles and other varieties of chocolate, consisting of cocoa oil, there is an opportunity to apply a confectionery glaze, in which substitutes of main raw materials are used. Famous manufacturers create high-quality glaze, which has a pleasant taste and melts well. Italian firms "Unitron" and "Italika" are the most famous, which for many years are engaged in the production of quality products.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_9

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_10

In the process of creating a beautiful and spectacular delicacy, it is possible to use pieces of prepared chocolate, whole tiles or calenets (small drops that quickly and easily melted and subject to convenient dosing).

To make a chocolate fountain, you need to find a suitable raw material for it. Some firms are considered the highest quality and proven manufacturers of such products.

  • Barry Callebaut. - It has a caultlet, which increases the melting speed and makes the use of raw materials more convenient. In addition to black and dairy varieties, there are still fruit options that have natural flavors that are not harmful to humans. To protect the mechanism of the fountain, it is recommended to additionally add 10% cocoa oil. In addition, the manufacturer produces pushing products of milk chocolate, which contains 35% of the grated cocoa and 20% of milk, as well as 70 percent bitter chocolate. In order for the consistency of these varieties to be the maximum liquid, 10% of cocoa butter should also be added to them.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_11

  • Belgian chocolate PURATOS. having a variety of products: white (28%), milk (34%), black (56%), bitter (72%) "BELKOLAD", which is allowed to apply for a chocolate fountain without any additives. Externally, this product is similar to small tablets, which are packaged in packages of 5 kilograms.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_12

  • Belgium also produces such options for raw materials for fountains as White "Cape Blanco" (27%), milk "Maracaibo" (34%), black "San Felipe" (58%) Buy which can be in tanks of 2.5 kg.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_13

  • Italian company "Italika" produces white and dark icing, which is fusing paper bags from 1 to 20 kg.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_14

  • Cacao Barry - Swiss firm producing chocolate having 70-76% cocoa. Raw materials gather in Venezuela, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, in Cuba and in Mexico.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_15

The use of high-quality raw materials for a chocolate fountain allows you to get a beautiful and spectacular dessert that will delight adults and children. The presence of the desired content of cocoa oil allows you to make a consistency with liquid enough to protect the fountain mechanism.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_16

Tips for choosing

To find out which chocolate option is better suitable for use in the fountain, it is necessary to analyze the options based on a number of criteria.

  1. Timing - Fresh chocolate allows you to get optimal fluidity and unforgettable taste and fragrance. It is important to assess the packaging of products, check its tightness. This is especially important in expensive versions.

  2. State - Chocolate must be solid or a bit soft in the case of high temperature in the room where it is located. With proper storage, a small softening does not affect the quality of the products and the convenience of its use, and with disorders of the temperature mode, the options begin to stick together, forming a monolithic mass, which will have to be cut, spending forces and time.

  3. Marking features - Many manufacturers indicate the packaging that the product can be used in the mechanisms of chocolate fountains, but in fact, it is necessary to introduce cocoa oil to work with it, which significantly increases the cost of all ingredients or can cost the device breakdown, if you use chocolate without any additives.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_17

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_18

Correctly choosing a lot to create chocolate fountains, it is worth paying attention to the freshness of products, its quality and reliability of the manufacturer.

How to use?

To make a chocolate fountain, you need to melt a chocolate mass. Among the main methods can be used:

  • water bath;

  • microwave, melting raw materials in specialized capacity;

  • microwave, leaving chocolate in the manufacturer's packaging;

  • Special technique for making chocolate, which is recommended for professionals;

  • Heating chocolate in the bottom cup of the fountain, it is not recommended to do this, since the mechanism in this case is a large load, and it will not be able to work for a long time.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_19

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_20

When using specialized chocolate, it is only necessary to melt the mass and pour into the fountain. If non-specialized options are used in the work, then in the melting process you need to make cocoa oil and mix well to obtain a homogeneous and plastic mass, which can be poured into a fountain.

To activate the operation of a chocolate fountain Immediately after making a mass in it, it is necessary to pre-heat its bowl so that the composition that fell into it does not start thickening. When choosing a conventional tiled chocolate, it is very important to use only clean options, without nuts, raisins and other elements that are able to score the fountain mechanism or bring it out of order.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_21

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_22

The consumption of chocolate from the fountain is carried out with the help of long wooden sticks or other primary means, to which fruits, chewing marshmallows or other products are rolled under a flowing chocolate mass. In order not to burn, it is recommended to give a few minutes to cooled the object covered with chocolate, and the mass of thickened.

Chocolate fountain delicacies are obtained very tasty and varied.

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_23

Chocolate for chocolate fountain: What suitable and how to use it? Belgian chocolate and the other. What better to choose and how should it be? 7607_24

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