How to abandon interview? How to give polite refusal to the employer, if changed? How to cancel the meeting to which already agreed? How to write a letter with refusal?


Having received a proposal from one of the firms in your city or district that responded to your announcement of cooperation, but realizing that you will have to part, behave true and carefully. Rudeness and hasty can harm you. Life is such that you still may have to work: the demands on the applicant and the conditions of future work will change.

What reasons can be used?

The reasons for which the applicant refuses the interview with the employer is as follows.

  • Deterioration of health. To paint the details, up to exactly the diagnosis there is no need to clearly understand that you will not be able to work in this position for such reasons like the loss of performance because of such a injury, it is not lish.
  • Family circumstances not tolerant of any transfer of the date of the estimated business meeting. Everything happens in life. For example, some misfortune happened to one of your family members, you should hurry to help him. However, it is still not necessary to abuse.

Do not refuse to meet only because you have, let's say, the entertainment trip is scheduled, leaving the city, which is quite possible and postpone. Unscrupulous applicants, maliciously broken routines and etiquette, simply bring into a lifelong black list - while a specific applicant is alive or "alive" a company that narrowed on his unreasonable refusal.

How to abandon interview? How to give polite refusal to the employer, if changed? How to cancel the meeting to which already agreed? How to write a letter with refusal? 7530_2

If this is a group of firms that are partners or working under the beginning of the general PJSC, LLC or other founder / structure, which means that one company knows, and other things know.

  • You found another vacancy. In no case do not affect the financial issue, do not provide obvious and unflattering comparisons. An appeal to someone else's "rates" has never had the possibility of repeated, other further cooperation. But contact with a specific representative (the head of any department, HR-manager, etc.) and / or the company as a whole will be immediately violated. But to hint about finding another job - closer to your address - sometimes you can.
  • Change of the physical address of the company or its division: You will be expensive for a long time to get to the updated (or new) place of work. Explain that you live too far, and that moving closer to the new place of work in your plans is not included today. Travel to the workplace through the traffic jams, difficult to move over three hours - with the rise for this, neither the light is obvious. Before finish the conversation, ask if there is another, similar vacancy to you closer, but from the same company.
  • This vacancy does not intersect in any way with your activities. which you would like to pay close attention for at least the coming years. Let us understand that, unfortunately, you are not ready to do it: there is no education, experience, etc.
  • You are not satisfied with specific aspects: There is no readiness for frequent business trips, production is too harmful to health (there are contraindications of doctors), non-standard graph (for example, night work) and / or some other points.

A clearly understood your position, the employer, representative of the company, the company will select an alternative candidate for the still open position. Remember that even in the case of your initially positive response, the earlier you will reliably report, why are you still forced to pass by the positions that suggested to you, the more appropriate your refusal will be perceived.

How to abandon interview? How to give polite refusal to the employer, if changed? How to cancel the meeting to which already agreed? How to write a letter with refusal? 7530_3

What time to give a refusal?

Abandon the invitation when such a need was drawn, but the applicant has already agreed, it is necessary as early as possible. Even when something is completely unclear to you, but you forgot everything to completely descend when talking on the phone, immediately analyze the company's proposal that has established contact with you. Perhaps some information has slipped from your attention. When everything becomes clear, you may still have to say my "no". And the sooner it will be done, the more profitable you will feed yourself from this position.

It is categorically impossible to refuse for minutes, less than an hour before the time of the appointed meeting. After all, the representative or the head of this company spent his time on you, contact like it was installed, and you rudely violate his plans. Keep respect for someone else's work, employment: from your nonpunctuality, disadvantage in one way or another will suffer a business company who has not defined in time with a suitable candidate for new employees. And you, in turn, set yourself in bad light.

The perfect option is to abandon the same day, if the meeting is transferred to tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or a specific date. And in the same time, if you have agreed on a meeting at 9 am, let's say for 2 hours of the day.

How to abandon interview? How to give polite refusal to the employer, if changed? How to cancel the meeting to which already agreed? How to write a letter with refusal? 7530_4

Methods for cancellation of a business meeting

Vigility to couple with punctuality is your "green light" in the search and finding a suitable specific work. It is notable to know which means of communication can be applied.

  • Telephone call. This is a traditional, "warm", "alive" way to arrange. At all times, starting almost with the invention of the phone as a means of communication at a distance, this method is used by squall demand. If you want to cancel the meeting, you better immediately call and negotiate. However, have a clear idea of ​​how without deviating from a friendly, but business style, without familiarity and panibrates, but with due subordination you build a dialogue that it should be said to inform you to inform your failed employer.
  • Email. It makes sense to use this way if you are sure that representatives of the company where you tried to settle, but were forced to refuse them, a system of instant alerts about new letters works. They are not obliged to answer in your letter - they have tens, hundreds of appeals per day from other applicants. But this method is not bad if you can't get through to the employee of this company (the phone is busy, the person does not take the phone, there is no place, etc.). Write when you do not answer the call - an alternative way out.
  • Messenger . The most "advanced" method. It does not work with direct urban or free (starting at 8-800) numbers. However, if the company's representative indicated his working federal cell number (starting at 8-9 ...), you can try to find it in the following messengers: Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram, Skype, VKontakte, Twitter and several similar. Often it is better - to leave a free voice message: "Live" messenger is a worthy alternative to a mobile or office number.
  • SMS. . The message sent as SMS is the last measure when other options (dialing, voice or text message, a letter) did not work on time, the deadlines are pressed, and you still need to "finish" to the representative of the company. Do not use this option as the first method.

How to abandon interview? How to give polite refusal to the employer, if changed? How to cancel the meeting to which already agreed? How to write a letter with refusal? 7530_5

How to abandon interview? How to give polite refusal to the employer, if changed? How to cancel the meeting to which already agreed? How to write a letter with refusal? 7530_6

    Finally, act gently and friendly. You can apply the following phrases.

    1. "Sorry, but forced to abandon ..." ("Unfortunately, I have no opportunity to accept your offer").
    2. "Thank you for paying attention to me, however, the circumstances have so much that come, alas, I can not".
    3. "I realize that it has created you inconvenience and still there is no opportunity to appear at the specified time."
    4. "Perhaps in the future we agree with you. Today I hardly accept your offer. I wish you to find a worthy candidate for this workplace. "
    5. "I'm afraid I will be forced to refuse. And yet it is so. "
    6. "Thank you for the invitation and still I will refuse."

    The applicant recommended "by acquaintance" must clearly and unobtrusively explain why he suddenly changed his mind, refused to cooperate this time.

    Appeal at the beginning, before the name, should begin politely, with the "respected ...". Option - "Dear (name), greet you." Either in a simple - "good day of day, (name)." No "hello", this option is possible with a rare exception when the company provides a very strict style of communication (judging by the advertising of the created image), but for high-ranking persons, still use a more traditional business appeal.

    At the end of the letter, the voice message or when a call, wish the representative of good luck (in the sense - find a new, more appropriate candidate). The wish of "good" can complement or replace the same phrase "I wish good luck."

    Saying goodbye to representatives of a specific firm who has established contact with you, try to leave a pleasant impression about yourself.

    How to abandon interview? How to give polite refusal to the employer, if changed? How to cancel the meeting to which already agreed? How to write a letter with refusal? 7530_7

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