Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities


The waiter is a service worker. Contrary to general conviction that each willing person can become a waiter, the selection for this position is rather strict. At the same time, each employer, depending on the particular institution, can put forward different requirements for applicants. How to create a summary of the waiter? What to write in the accompanying letter? What blocks must be included in documents for admission to work? Answers to these, as well as some other questions you will find in our new material.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_2

Fundamental rules

A summary of any waiter must comply with the photo. The thing is that the work of this specialist is directly related to its appearance, so the employer often prescribes this requirement in the description of the vacancy. In addition, the same general rules that apply to similar documents of other specialists apply to the summary of the waiter. Among them you can select the following:

  • Structure that will help read the document easier and faster;
  • No errors (for this you need to read the document several times before shipping);
  • Unity of design (this applies font and alignment);
  • Optimal length (no more than 2 pages).

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_3

In addition, before the rim of the resume It is important to read the vacancy description once again. Some employers check applicants for attentiveness, so at the very end of the announcement can specify any details. For example, it can be certain requirements regarding the use of non-ferrous subtitles or code words. It is also important to make sure that you send your resume on time (It is better to do it even a few days before the final date). Thus, you prove your responsibility and discipline to the employer.

How to write correctly?

When submitting a resume for the post-cashier, senior waiter or an ordinary employee, it is important to remember the simple but important rules for the preparation of this document. Consider key sections that must be included in your resume.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_4

Personal qualities

Since a significant part of its working time, the waiter is in communicating with customers, his personal qualities play the same important role as professional skills. First of all, the professional waiter must be polite and friendly. You should be able to create a pleasant atmosphere and a good mood at visitors who have come to the institution. In addition, among personal qualities, you can specify the following:

  • stress tolerance - the employer will evaluate such a characteristic of the waiter, since it is often a given employee to work with a large number of orders;
  • good memory - You will need not only to remember all the menu of cafes or restaurant, but also keep all the orders of visitors in my head;
  • non-conflict, calm - This characteristic will be useful if the client remains dissatisfied with a dish or service.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_5

Wherein Do not try to give yourself an ideal person. Of course, its negative features are not prescribed in the resume. Be sincere and stay yourself. One way or another, your inner nature will definitely manifest itself in the process of work.

Official duties

Despite the fact that the main responsibility of the waiter is the service of tables and customer communication, the set of officials may vary. For example, some public catering organizations require the waiter knowledge of the basics of the Barmen's work - this is necessary so that the waiter himself can make a drink (for example, in the situation of a large influx of visitors).

In general, in this block, you must write a position to which you are applying for, as well as the duties that are willing to fulfill. However, one should not include the actions that you do not own on a professional basis. Otherwise, you can get into a rather awkward situation.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_6

Professional skills and achievements

In order for the waiter to take to work (and especially if you serve your resume in the luxury restaurant), it must have a certain set of key skills that will be useful in the implementation of professional activities. That is why in the column "Professional skills" should be prescribed such important skills for the waiter as:

  • Knowledge of the composition and technology of cooking dishes;
  • skill work with an automated R-keeper system;
  • Understanding the foundations of dietology;
  • ownership of the art of serving;
  • knowledge of the rules of the dress code;
  • salesmanship;
  • knowledge of etiquette;
  • Possession of foreign languages ​​and so on.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_7

And also in this block often prescribed Your professional achievements. For example, you can talk about what was recognized as an employee of the month at the previous job site or won a regional competition among service staff.

A large advantage among other applicants for this position will be the availability of a certificate or diploma for professional courses.

Hobbies and hobbies

No matter how professional is a waiter, he is not only an employee, but also by an ordinary person. That is why most employers will gladly read about your hobbies and hobbies. In this category you can write Both traditional options: reading or sport and extreme (for example, skateboard riding) or unusual (cross-stitch) hobbies.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_8

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_9

What to write without work experience?

If you do not have experience, but you want to give a waiter, then this employer should be told directly. It is not necessary to mask - in the summary there must be a line "Without experience". However, in order for an employee of the personnel department of a cafe or restaurant, immediately did not mess your candidacy, it is important to show some resourcefulness. For example, you can tell in a resume that you own all the key skills waiters: you can retell the menu by heart (however, make sure that you speak well this information).

Besides, You can focus on your personal qualities: perhaps you know how to convince people and are a "soul of the company". It is also important to say that you are ready and configured to learn.

If necessary, also note that they are ready to undergo the necessary internship course. Similar information will make sure the employer that you are tuned seriously.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_10

Additional information about yourself

As an additional information about yourself, you can write about what is now studying at the university in the specialty "Restaurant Business", so you want to explore the case so to speak "from the inside."

In addition, you can specify that you are ready to work in night shifts. This graph is suitable for any additional data that did not enter the main document.

How to make an accompanying letter?

It should be noted the fact that the accompanying letter is not a necessary document in employment to the post of waiter. The need for its provision must be separately indicated in the vacancy. If there is no such mark, then it is not worth writing it (this is only an excess paper work for the employer). In the same case, if the accompanying letter is required, it should be made according to certain principles and rules.

To begin with, it should be said that The accompanying letter is the opportunity to tell about yourself in more detail, reveal yourself as a professional and as a person. In the accompanying letter you can talk about your education, describe in detail previous places of work.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_11

Important! Neither the accompanying letter nor a resume should contain information that does not directly refer to the post "Waiter".

When writing Summary You can only use official-business style. In no case Cannot use spoken expressions or artistic instruments (for example, metaphors or epithets). Remember that this is a business official document. Despite the fact that the accompanying letter may contain details of your personal life, it is not necessary to get involved in excessive biographical details. remember, that A letter at its length cannot exceed resume.

It is important to write about your motivation to submit a resume on this vacancy. Indicate what you are interested in a specific position (for example, you like the kitchen or a concept of a particular restaurant). Especially important motivation is for those candidates for the post of waiter who do not have previous experience.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_12


In order for your head to fulfill the plan for compiling a summary for the waiter, consider some good examples.

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_13

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_14

Summary of the waiter: Samples. The list of official responsibilities of the waiter in the restaurant and cafe. Examples of resume without work experience. Skills and personal qualities 7478_15

If you adhere to all the rules and recommendations for the preparation of a summary and the accompanying letter, then you will succeed in writing professional official documents that will make a good impression on the employer and will allocate you from the total mass of applicants.

Read more about drawing up a resume can be obtained from the video below.

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