Customer Service Summary: Official Responsibilities, Literate Samples with Key Skills, With Personal and Official Qualities


Summary - "Business Card" of any worker. Most often, it is from him that the acquaintance of the company's head and a candidate for the position begins. How to avoid errors and patterns when making a summary of a customer service manager, make it informative and interesting for a potential employer?

Customer Service Summary: Official Responsibilities, Literate Samples with Key Skills, With Personal and Official Qualities 7472_2


Who is such a client manager? This is a specialist advising visitors to the company in terms of the features of products or services offered, with a view to their further sale. We can say that The client manager is the "face" of the company, from the proper submission of which its prosperity and profit depends. It is he who can threaten the client stream, and scare away potential customers with its incompetence or an unacceptable attitude. The employer should still at the stage of interviewing "to drain" candidates who do not have the necessary key skills and personal features.

Consider the official duties of the Client Manager:

  • conducting an analysis of the company's target audience, identifying needs;
  • Development and implementation of methods for finding new customers;
  • drawing up a competent conversation algorithm with a potential customer;
  • predicting further relationship with the client, its capabilities (including material);
  • organization of negotiations at higher levels of management (in case of such a need), preparation of documents;
  • work with objections;
  • conclusion of contracts;
  • maintaining good relations with regular customers, the development of special offers (discounts, shares);
  • Formation and maintenance of the client base;
  • Analysis of the work of competing firms.

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Now let's talk about the necessary personal qualities:

  • initiative, activity, ability to analyze information;
  • love for obtaining new knowledge, striving for constant self-improvement;
  • high degree of efficiency;
  • readiness to respond for the decisions made;
  • well-set speech;
  • high level of self-discipline;
  • sociability and ability to be with a client "On the same wave";
  • constant desire to increase the company's profitability and their own earnings;
  • the ability to work in stinginess;
  • focus on the final result;
  • optimistic view of the world, resistance to external stress factors;
  • self-confidence (in good sense, do not confuse with arrogance).

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Writing rules

Competent summaries for the position of client manager contains several main blocks. Consider them in order.

Personal information

Here are indicated:

  • Date of Birth;
  • telephone;
  • address of residence;
  • E-mail.

The position to which the candidate claims

Since the company can simultaneously be a few vacant places for different specialists, note in the summary, which post interests you.


Of course, you need to lower training in high school and start listed the seats of study from college, technical school or university. The years of the beginning and end of training, the name of the place of study (fully), the specialty (by diploma) is indicated. In addition to basic vocational education, you must specify All courses have passed, advanced training, retraining (if any). However, there is a slight amendment: Do not specify those that are not related to the desired position. For example, masseur courses or manicure masters will not help you become a good client manager and will not add "points" in the eyes of the employer.

Listed the place of study is needed from the first (unlike the transfer of jobs).

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work experience

Describe your professional career. First, specify the last place of work (the starts of the beginning and end of cooperation, position and duties), moving further in the opposite direction (to the first). If you changed a lot of companies, building a career, you can not specify them all (the employer can alert a frequent change of places). If, on the contrary, your experience is small, it is recommended to mention all your achievements, for example:

  • You have passed a pre-diploma practice at the university on the company, similar to the one where are arranged now;
  • You wrote coursework / diploma / dissertation on customer management;
  • You have experience in individual entrepreneurship.

Sewing in detail the career at every place of work (of course, which is related to the desired position) - this will add volume to your resume and will allow the head to find out if you need the necessary skills to work in his company.

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Additional Information

Here, write everything that will add to you in the eyes of the employer: language skills, knowledge of basic and special computer programs, the availability of a driver's license and personal vehicles, the possibility of communation (or even change of residence), readiness for work in stittleness.

Nelisses will be mentioned:

  • about awarding;
  • On the receipt of the grant;
  • about the presence of a red diploma.

Personal qualities

Write only about those that will be useful to you in the work in the welcome position.

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When issuing from an educational institution or dismissal from the previous job, you can ask for a former teacher / boss to make up and sign a letter of recommendation. In this case, you can mention its availability in your resume, as well as ready to present it at the request of the employer.

The resume does not need to indicate:

  • Place of Birth;
  • marital status;
  • anthropometric indicators;
  • who are you on a horoscope;
  • Your religious preferences;
  • National affiliation;
  • Hobbies (with the exception of activities corresponding to the profession).

All these issues an employer will be able to ask an interview, so you should formulate concise answers on them. You can specify the desired level of wages, however, this is optional. As for the style of writing. Of course, brevity is a sister of talent, and no one from you requires writing autobiography on 20 sheets. However, refrain from what has already become an anecdote: "Do you know 7 deaths of the manager? Creativity, sociability, activity, purposefulness, learning, operational, stress resistance " . This listing of such, it would seem necessary qualities, so template that the employer becomes clear that no "creativity" here does not smell.

Summary is printed on sheets of A4 sheets, the back of the sheet is not used. If the document is obtained by two-page, do not fasten the sheets with a stapler, it is better to use the stationery clip. Name sheets, contact information should be duplicated on both. Fonts Use the classic - Times New Roman, size 14. To highlight sub-clauses in the resume, use a bold (no running). On the upper right corner, place the photo 3x4 cm.

Do not use cheerful selfie or other frivolous photos - you are comfortable for a serious position and should make the right impression.

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Ivanova Yana Olegovna

Date of Birth


Address of accommodation

Novosibirsk, ul. Lenin, house 5, square. 13




ivya @ mail. Ru


Customer Service Manager post


2001-2006 - Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management

Specialty - organization management

Additional education

September-November 2006 - Course on Practical Accounting for Beginners, Academy of Modern Technologies Novosibirsk

April 2007 - Course "1C: Enterprise", Academy of Modern Technologies, Novosibirsk

work experience

04/13/2016-20.10.2019 - VEGA LLC, Customer Service Manager.


• meetings with customers in the office, conducting telephone conversations;

• preparation and conclusion of cooperation agreements;

• maintaining the base of regular customers, the development of special proposals for them.

25.10.2009-01.04.2016 - Company "Scarlet Sails", office manager.


• reception of incoming calls, forwarding by a specialist;

• meeting customers in the office;

• Performing minor instructions of the head;

• Maintaining current office documentation.

12/13/2006-10.10.2009 - Cyrus LLC, customer service manager.


• negotiations with customers in the office and by phone;

• conclusion of contracts;

• Maintaining a client base.

Professional skills

PC possession at the level of a Confident User (MS Office, 1C: Enterprise, Internet), the experience of telephone conversations, including "cold" calls, work with customers in the office, conclusion of contracts, the ability to work with objections

Knowledge of languages

Basic English


There are the rights of the category "B", private car, business trips are possible. No harmful habits.

Customer Service Summary: Official Responsibilities, Literate Samples with Key Skills, With Personal and Official Qualities 7472_9

Customer Service Summary: Official Responsibilities, Literate Samples with Key Skills, With Personal and Official Qualities 7472_10

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