Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice?


The ability to draw up a competent summary is the skill that every student should possess. Such a document for the most part is commemorated with employment. You may also need a summary if you continue to continue your learning (for example, abroad, in a magistracy or graduate school).

What are the rules for making a resume exist? Do I need to attach your photo to the document? How to write the accompanying letter correctly? We will talk about it in our material.

Rules of compilation

The first summary of the student is an important document for further professional and personal development. . That is why it is necessary to approach it with great responsibility. Traditionally, there are several standard rules for compiling a summary that apply to students. Consider them in more detail.

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_2

Optimum volume

In this regard, it is always worth remembering and keeping in mind the fact that the employer receives a huge amount of resume daily. If each of the applicants will send long and voluminous documents, then the employees of the company's personnel will simply physically be able to read all the summary. That is why the first opportunity to stand out is to show the employer that you appreciate his time.

In order to reduce the summary It should be filled with it only in the case, not add unnecessary biographical details or personal information. Also, the font you selected, its size, as well as the type of alignment is also of great importance.

With the help of technical tricks, even the most voluminous summary you can accommodate 1 page that is the optimal length of this kind of documents.

Individual design

A brief summary with minimalist and stylish design is that it will definitely attract the attention of any employer. To compile such documents, you can use existing programs and applications or manifest some personal creativity. However, remember that creativity should not eclipse professionalism. Anyway, But your resume must fully comply with all the necessary requirements.

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_3


The presence of grammatical errors and the lack of necessary commas are those properties of the summary that will immediately give to understand the employer that you are inattentive, and perhaps even poorly educated. That's why Before sending a document for employment, it is important to make sure that it is compiled by all the rules of the Russian language. It is advisable to re-read your summary several times, ask to make it close or friends, you can also take advantage of special checks for checking the correctness of writing.

Single style letter

Summary is a business document. Accordingly, it should be guided by the principles of formal business style. It is unacceptable when writing a resume to use conversational words or use artistic descriptive techniques.


Often, students (especially those who have no work experience) are trying to "embellish" their resumes, inventing some facts and enveloping an employer. Such actions are categorically prohibited. remember, that In the course of work, your inlaiming will be revealed, and you will lose the trust of the employer, and you can also be dismissed at all.

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_4

Thus, in the process of making a resume very It is important to be guided by the rules described above. These generally binding principles of business etiquette will immediately give to understand the employer that you are a responsible and attentive person who carefully suits any task.

Transmittal letter

The accompanying letter is a document that will allow you to tell the employer about yourself and about your advantages in more detail. Nevertheless It is not necessary to abuse this opportunity: the accompanying letter, as well as a summary, can not be longer than 1 pages. This document gives you the opportunity to tell about your skills and professional skills, highlight details of your education, motivate the choice of this particular position and specifically this company, as well as focus on your advantages and virtues. Thus, with the help of the accompanying letter, you can stand out among the total number of candidates.

A student can write about the fact that he is not only studying on the top five, but also participates in the public life of his university, takes part in sports competitions and creative contests. Thus, you will understand the employer, which is not only a valuable employee from a professional point of view, but also represent a comprehensively developed and erudite person, which will become an excellent supplement of the team.

In addition, participation in a variety of events suggests that you speak the skills of time management, and are also a disciplined and responsible person. Thus, the accompanying letter is a description of you as a holistic personality.

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_5

Do you need a picture?

Generally speaking, the attachment of the photograph to the summary was not initially a prerequisite. However, over time An increasing number of employers declare the need to have a photo. In general, the decision on whether you will attach your photo to the resume depends on several factors. So, first of all it is important to read the immediate announcement of the vacancy. If the presence of a photo is a fundamental question, the employer will definitely indicate this. In this case, it is recommended to follow its requirements.

However, it may often be a different situation when the vacancy describes only the fact that it is necessary to provide its resume, but no accent was made on the need for a photo. In this case, we recommend to do this, depending on which position you are applying. So, if the work is directly related to your appearance, most of your working day you will communicate with people, you should attach your picture (for example, to the post of waiter, administrator, coach, etc.).

On the other hand, if there is no direct interaction into your direct responsibilities (this may concern some office positions or the so-called work on the phone), then the photo can not add. At the same time, it should be remembered that Sooner or later you will still meet with an employer at the interview, and you will also constantly in his field of view during work.

In this regard, it is not recommended to intentionally hide its appearance - it is better to immediately send a resume with a photo so that the employer and staff of the personnel department did not arise extra questions.

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_6

What should I specify?

Correctly write a student summary for the device to work - a rather difficult task (for both the gland and the venture). At the same time, such a document will also be necessary to make practices or internship. The main objective of the summary is to attract the employer. Consider Examples of Filling Count Summary by Template.

  • Official duties . In this block, describe the desired position (for example, the position of a doctor for a medical student) and duties that are willing to execute.
  • Section on education. In this block, we definitely indicate information about the university or college in which there is currently training. At the same time, it is necessary to write a year of the beginning of study and the year of its ending, as well as your specific specialization. If this is your second education, then you must also specify the first. Also, do not forget to write about additional courses, trainings and master classes that you have passed. Thus, you will show the employer that you are interested in and enthusiastic specialist who is ready to develop and learn from a new one.
  • Experience and achievements. If you already have experience in the specialty, then it must be described. Any internships and practices are suitable. In the absence of experience - write about achievements. For example, it can be written that you have taken the first place at the Olympics or are the President of the Student Club.
  • Professional skills. Here we tell about your skills. For example, knowledge of English, the ownership of graphic editors, etc. Your skills should be directly related to the position you are applying for.
  • Personal qualities. We write about your individual characteristics: the ability to work in a team, punctuality, sociability, stress resistance, etc.

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_7

What do not need to write?

As mentioned earlier, the summary is exclusively a business document. He must give the employer an idea of ​​what professional skills you own, what kind of person you are, what achievements you have.

That's why The resume does not need to describe your personal life and biography. Any information that does not directly refers to the position to which you apply should be excluded from this document. This applies not only to personal data, but also irrelevant experience or education. So, often students, seeking to show themselves from the best side, tell about how during the holidays he was working as waiters or souvenirs.

Such information is absolutely not interested in the employer, if at the moment you want to get a position, for example, a dentist.


Consider several competently compiled resumes of students.

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_8

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_9

Summary of the student: samples. How to write it without experience? Description of the desired post. How to write to internship and practice? 7458_10

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