Technologist provisions: What is the work according to Professandard, job description, workplace and responsibilities


Who is a technologist, and who is a provisor - know more or less all people. But any specialization is a lot of secrets that need to be considered. It's time to find out All about the profession of the pharmaceutical technologist, To understand what he does, what skills should have, and how the workplace of this specialist is arranged.


It is not difficult to understand that The work of the technical technologist refers to the pharmaceutical and medical industry. Requirements for such specialists are approved by the order of the Ministry of Health. They can work both in pharmaceutical enterprises and pharmacies that are licensed on self-making drugs. The right to occupy post is confirmed by a certificate of a specific sample. Provisor-technologist - This is a real wagon, which has a much wider range of knowledge and skills than a regular provision.

Since pharmaceutical production makes inevitable contact with various substances (among which there are toxic, bad smelling, painting, evaporating), very An important requirement is the absence of allergic reactions. In industrial pharmacies, several provisions of technologists can operate at once. Usually, in this case, they have a narrower specialization. Sometimes one specialist entrusts the control of other employees.

Working manipulations of the provincial technologist reflects in special magazines. They must comply with standard operating procedures enshrined for each pharmacy. Such experts regularly pass Medical exams. Every year they need to receive certificates of psychiatric and narcological examination.

You will also have to receive the sanitary book of the established sample.

Technologist provisions: What is the work according to Professandard, job description, workplace and responsibilities 7445_2


The federal professor of the provisos-technologist prescribes these professionals to study:

  • organization of drug circulation;
  • provision of ordinary citizens and various organizations safe, fully acting drugs, other goods;
  • receiving control of medicines and other pharmacy of the standard range;
  • the right storage of entrusted property;
  • informing ordinary citizens, medical institutions personnel on the properties of the goods sold;
  • making medicines;
  • pharmaceutical examination of recipes and other pharmacy documents;
  • evaluation of drug characteristics;
  • verify the correctness of the purpose and safety of the use of medicines;
  • Registration of recipes and vacation drugs in the prescribed order.

A number of other duties are also prescribed a number of other duties. . So, it must control the correspondence of drug name recipes or requirements. It depends on the accounting of the correspondence of drugs with age-age features of patients. The technologist is responsible for the safety of the packaging, adherence to the expirational time, for the accuracy of the labeling. It is engaged in pre-sale preparation and calculation of the entire installed range.

It is also worth mentioning:

  • study of demand and actual need;
  • processing applications from organizations;
  • Ordered leave of goods at the pharmacy medical organizations.

Technologist provisions: What is the work according to Professandard, job description, workplace and responsibilities 7445_3

Knowledge and skills

Peculosor technologist:

  • knows the regulatory acts and applies them;
  • knows how to take the taxivation of recipes and requirements;
  • Ready to keep the right record of all property;
  • owns the rules for drawing up pharmacy documents;
  • able to analyze the results achieved;
  • knows how to determine the errors that have appeared, eliminate them and cope with the reasons;
  • knows how to make clear work plans;
  • effectively distributes his own time;
  • owns computer systems used in pharmacies, other information technologies;
  • owns a relevant assortment of drugs, their pharmacological classification;
  • knows the features of the application of various groups of medicines and the most undercut drugs, contraindications, side effects, active substances, analogs and antagonists;
  • applies in its work the norm of labor protection;
  • owns fire safety skills, the rules of action at a critical situation;
  • He knows the basic requirements of pharmacological marketing.

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Tekhnologists are preparing not only state, but also non-state educational institutions. Example is Medical University "Reabasis" (Samara). Of course, the corresponding specialization is in Moscow State University, and in the First Medical University named after Sechenov . Not bad option Also - admission to Rhinm named Pirogov.

Outside the capital deserve attention:

  • FEFU;
  • Urgmu;
  • Volga Federal University;
  • Samara Medical University;
  • Tyumen and Novosibirsk Medical Universities;
  • Chemical and Pharmaceutical University of St. Petersburg;
  • Omgma.

Technologist provisions: What is the work according to Professandard, job description, workplace and responsibilities 7445_5


A provisional technologist usually works or in a defective room (at a large enterprise), or In the material room (if he is a pharmacy employee). The rooms allocate sectors for their intended purpose. In one sector, they store the main components, they are mixed in the other, in the third wash and clean the dishes. A separate zone is discharged to accommodate the desired equipment.

Be sure to be in the room:

  • Tables with nominating boxes;
  • cabinets with rotary sections;
  • lifting-turning chairs with a changeable height of the back;
  • non-government safe;
  • pharmacological refrigerator for unstable medicines;
  • office equipment;
  • pharmacological mechanization;
  • lists of prices;
  • certificates of medicines (their solubility, extreme doses, compatibility);
  • Other publications needed and informational materials;
  • Communication systems with other employees.

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