Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur


Mink coats are deservedly considered one of the most prestigious and elegant clothing species for winter wardrobe. The advantages of mink fur are obvious, however, the cost of such a new clothes can upset the unprepared fashionistas.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_2

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_3

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_4

In addition to directly prices, mink fur coat makes serious requirements for its storage conditions, as well as not quite suitable for operation in daily mode.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_5

What is a fur coat under a mink?

As a more affordable and less sootheless alternative to the mink coat, there are many models of analogs, sewn from natural fur, treated "under mink", or artificial material, the so-called eco-mink.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_6

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_7

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_8


  1. For many girls, the main advantage of artificial fur will be that it does not need to make any harm to animals. The same who is not concerned with a humane attitude towards our smaller brothers, Eco-Mink will surely please their price and a magnificent appearance. Being much more affordable fur coats from natural fur, Eco-mink will allow to expand the wardrobe, purchasing not one, but at once several coats of different styles and colors. Some ladies prefer to buy one such fur coat, but every season.
  2. The coat sewing from artificial fur is not afraid of moths - insects are not interested in eco-mink. Also, such clothes are very easy, which makes even the longest models with almost weightless.
  3. If the fur coat is "under the mink" looks after a woman who does not consider himself to the supporters of the replacement of natural fur with an artificial analogue, she should pay attention to fur coats from a rabbit or groundhog. With proper release, they are visually almost not distinguishable from mink, but at the same time it is much softer to the touch.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_9

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_10

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_11

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_12

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_13

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_14

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_15


It is not surprising that fur coats, imitating mink, are sewed on the same shape as real mink. The girl remains only to choose a model and coloring.

It can be:

  • Shuba-robe;
  • direct cut "to the floor";
  • butterfly;
  • autoteda;
  • classic;
  • Cross.

Options are more than enough.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_16

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_17

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_18

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_19

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_20

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_21

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_22

The girls who had the opportunity to compare the warmth of the fur coat from natural and artificial fur minks, as well as models from Groundhog and Rabbit, called a real mink with the warm material suitable even for harsh winter, while in a fur coat from eco-mink and fur "under the mink" A little more cool.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_23

However, these experts add it all on their own experience, this difference is easily leveled by the selection of a little more warm things worn under the fur coat, and a stylish cap of the major mating in addition to the hood.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_24

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_25

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_26

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_27

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_28

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_29

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_30

However, the hooded fur coat is suitable not only to those ladies who plan to wear it in the frost. Such a style looks advantageous and in spring, and in the fall - then the hoody hood turns into a stylish and feminine collar.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_31

Fur types

Natural "substitutes" mink is a brown and rabbit. Both varieties are characterized by texture, externally similar to mink fur.

From the Pierce Groundark, the youth models of the fur coat are sewn, and from the original - similar to the long-light mink. The rabbit fur is distinguished by a matte gloss, which looks very effectively both painted and in the "native" colors.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_32

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_33

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_34

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_35

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_36

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_37

If the lady considers the coat from the rabbit precisely as an alternative to mink, it is necessary to choose models sewn from fur rabbits of breed Rex. It has about 20 variations of the color, including chinchilla, Dalmatian, fire, gray-blue and spotted two-color.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_38

Eco-mink is distinguished by high breathability, which makes this material very light, but not enough warm. Thimestream, which is planning to wear an eco-coat in the frost, are recommended to look at models in which the fur is placed not on the fabric, but on artificial skin.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_39

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_40

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_41

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_42

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_43

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_44

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_45

How to care?

Fur coats from artificial fur "Under the mink" are much less pleasant in care, they are quite easy to store. So, eco-mink can not think of dry cleaning. Also, no one bothers to care for the fur coat and at home - for this there is enough one wet sponge.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_46

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_47

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_48

About drying fur with a hairdryer or on a battery it is better to forget - the fur coat will dry out perfectly, it only needs to hang on the shoulders and how to straighten. With the arrival of spring, the fur coat is not necessary - for obvious reasons - to process special means from moths.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_49

Groundhog fur is sufficiently soft, it applies to his meme. Experts advise to strengthen the withdrawal of the crankscore in places prone to stretching and wiping. First of all, this refers to the field of armpits and elbows.

Rabbit skins are usually much smaller than mink. Therefore, it takes much more connecting seams to sewing the fur coat from the rabbit. This means that we can wear such a fur coat extremely neatly, otherwise you will have to take a favorite object of winter wardrobe to repair more often than I would like.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_50

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_51

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_52


Most girls who purchased fur coats from eco-mink celebrate their ease and a wonderful appearance, but pay attention to the fact that the choice of model needs to be approached very responsibly.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_53

To buy a fur coat from artificial fur should only be in proven places, pre-convinced the positive reputation of the manufacturer of the fur coat. Otherwise, the fur coat will begin quickly quickly, and strips deforming the structure of fur can appear on the sleeves in the folds of folds.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_54

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_55

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_56

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_57

The owner of the fur coat of natural fur "Under the Mink" found that they start to lose the primordial appearance after a few seasons. So, the fur coat from the rabbit becomes less attractive externally on the third year, and the analogue, sewn from Groundhog, is on the fourth.

At the same time, the service life of the fur coat can be extended by thoroughly observing the necessary storage conditions and carefully following when entering the street or during travel in transport, dirt, dust and moisture do not fall into the fur coat.

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_58

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_59

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_60

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_61

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_62

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_63

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_64

Nink fur coat (65 photos): from eco-fur, reviews about not a natural product, what is a fur coat under a mink, natural from a rabbit fur 744_65

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