Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep


What to choose - a coat or a fur coat? This question is asked by many women. Beautiful fur coat from natural fur always looks very impressive and expensive. On the other hand, the beautiful born of the original design looks no worse. The pros and cons have any clothes.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_2

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_3

Understand them and help make the right choice will help our article.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_4

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_5

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_6

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_7

What is the difference between a coat from the sheep?

To select between the sheep and a fur coat, it is necessary to understand that both types of outerwear are presented.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_8

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_9

The fur coat is the subject of outerwear, designed to protect from the cold. For its manufacture, natural or artificial fur is used.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_10

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_11

Dublinka is the outerwear, made of a flip of sheepskin.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_12

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_13

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_14

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_15

A good, dear fur coat has always been a sign of status and good wealth. Especially if it is sewn from an expensive, valuable sable fur, mink, fox, foxes, chinchillas. There are more democratic options for the doodle, muton, rabbit, wolf and other animals.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_16

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_17

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_18

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_19

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_20

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_21

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_22

Single category of clothing can be attributed luxury fur coats. They are sewn at exclusive sketches, for their tailoring is used exceptionally high-quality flies, purchased through fur auctions, as well as expensive fittings and original decorative elements. The cost of such a fur coat may be made up with tens of thousands of dollars.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_23

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_24

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_25

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_26

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_27

About Dublenka can be said that this is one of the most ancient varieties of clothing. Approximately times when the animal skins wrapped around the human body saved him from cold and wind. A natural fur coat is most often more accessible to fur coats for the price, but not less beautiful, practical and durable.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_28

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_29

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_30

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_31

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_32

To sewing a sheepskin, a different fur is used - from inexpensive to very valuable. Wholes are often performed in combination of several materials, for example, suede or skin are decorated with appliques, sparkling rhinestones, brilliant embroidery, etc.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_33

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_34

Some suckers are treated with a special water-repellent impregnation, which allows you to wear them and in fairly wet weather.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_35

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_36

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_37

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_38

What is better: fur coat or jacket, coat, down jacket?

The rhetorical question, a unambiguous answer to which, probably, not. Pukhovikov, jackets, fur coats and sheeps have their own fans and opponents. Someone is looking for a practical and inexpensive option, someone chases luxury and exclusive. For those and other response to this question will be different.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_39

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_40

Coat is a very popular variety of outerwear for autumn, winter and spring. If you compare it with a fur coat and coat, then the coat, definitely wins the price. That is, buy it, which means to change your image, can be much more likely.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_41

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_42

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_43

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_44

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_45

One of the most popular materials for sewing coat is Cashmere. Noble, thin, soft and warm cashmere is perfectly keeping the form and is suitable for creating a coat of the most original and elegant styles decorated with complex drapes.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_46

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_47

Cashmere coat speaks about the good taste of his mistress and gives it some aristocracy and refinement.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_48

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_49

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_50

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_51

Fur coat. Without a doubt, the warmest option from all kinds of winter clothes. Especially if it is sewn from the fur of a curtain, a sable or fox. The low temperatures and foxes, foxes, foxes, for regions with gentle climatic conditions are perfectly maintained perfectly with the regions with gentle climatic conditions. The thick and longer fur, the warmer coat.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_52

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_53

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_54

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_55

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_56

With careful and careful care, it will delight her hostess with warmth and attractive appearance of very many years.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_57

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_58

Dublinka is hardly inferior to the fur coating characteristics. It all depends on the thickness of the fur, the material from which it is sewn, the presence of a hood and other details. As for the appearance, the modern model of the coat allows you to choose a very stylish and beautiful model that will look, no less luxurious than the most expensive fur coat.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_59

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_60

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_61

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_62

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_63

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_64

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_65

The coat is somewhat heavier coats, although it all depends on fur, the thickness of the product, the presence of additional parts and decorative elements and other parameters.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_66

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_67

Winter jacket is one of the most convenient options for everyday life. In it, you can go to work, and for a festive event, and a picnic for the city, and with a child to take a walk. This applies, above all, the classic model of the jacket, for example, leather.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_68

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_69

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_70

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_71

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_72

Genuine leather has always been valued very high, thanks to its excellent characteristics, durability, practicality, wear resistance and excellent appearance. A leather jacket with fur finish perfectly withstands very low air temperatures, while it is much more affordable for the price than fur coat or sheep.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_73

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_74

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_75

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_76

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_77

The down jacket, probably the most democratic of the options proposed above. Long or short, straight or fitted, sports or feminine - a huge number of models and an affordable cost allows you to have several different models in your wardrobe, suitable for different occasions.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_78

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_79

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_80

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_81

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_82

The down jacket is very lightweight clothing, thanks to the filler of the fluff or feathers of waterfowl. Leather down jackets with fur - very stylish and beautiful clothes, sometimes not inferior in appearance with covers or fur coats.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_83

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_84

An unambiguous answer to the question - what outerwear is best, just not. Well, if there are several options for outerwear in the wardrobe. For example, practical options (winter jacket or down jacket) and more elegant things (sheepskin or fur coat).

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_85

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_86

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_87

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_88

In addition, the choice of suitable clothing depends not only on its own preferences, but also on climatic conditions, for example. For a region with small humidity and low winter temperatures, a fur coat is best suited.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_89

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_90

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_91

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_92

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_93

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_94

However, if most of the time is planned to be carried out not in the fresh air, but, for example, driving, then in warm fur coat it will be hot. Yes, it simply makes no sense. It is better to purchase a more subtle and easy shortened model or stop your choice on the down jacket or jacket.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_95

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_96

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_97

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_98

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_99

If the climate is humid enough, and the weather is changed, it is best to purchase a sheet with a special water-repellent impregnation.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_100

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_101

Consider the factors affecting the choice

In order to determine which upper clothes suits you best, it is necessary to compare it with each other in different characteristics.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_102

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_103

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_104

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_105

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_106

  1. Price. A good fur coat, as a rule, is always more expensive than good coat. Because it is warmer, more durable and because for fur coats is used high quality fur.
  2. The weight. If you compare the same coastal length and a coat, made of the same fur, then the oblanka will still be harder. And this is an important factor for winter, when each extra gram is much stronger than at another time of the year.
  3. Life time. And in this plan, the fur coat surpasses the sheepskin. Of course, subject to careful and careful care.
  4. Practicality. This criterion depends on different reasons. If the street is lying on the street, it will be more practical to the coat, if dry and frosty, then a fur coat.
  5. Heat-saving ability. A good, high-quality coat is practically not inferior to the fur coat. And yet the fur coat and here in the first place. This is aware of the results of practical experiments when the tests are carried out on the fur coat, down jacket and sheep. From these three things, the first place is covered by a fur coat, tripled down the down jacket and only in the third place of Cube. The same can be said according to the results of experiments on stability for wind load.
  6. Care. There is no cardinal difference between the care of a fur coat and the coat. And the one, and that outerwear requires careful care, and brush them best in dry cleaning.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_107

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_108

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_109

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_110

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_111

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_112

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_113

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_114

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_115

Quality checking

Before buying a sheepskin, it is necessary to spend your hand over its surface. There will be a clear track of the hand on the sheep of good quality (this is the so-called grapheal effect).

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_116

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_117

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_118

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_119

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_120

The top layer of coat must have a homogeneous coloring, without spots and divorces. The seams must be double, and the corners of the mortise pockets are carefully processed. The quality of the coloring of the coat can be checked by spending on it a snow-white handkerchief. Disabled painted fur will leave the trail.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_121

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_122

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_123

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_124

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_125

Water-repellent properties of covers are easy to check if the water droplets on its surface. If it does not leave wet divorce, but will turn the ball, the quality of the coat is good.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_126

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_127

Mebra and fur coats, and at the sheepskincas should be soft, pleasant to the touch, elastic and elastic.

A good fur should be thick, smooth, brilliant.

He should not fall out when trying to pinch him. He also should not be merging.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_128

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_129

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_130

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_131

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_132

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_133

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_134

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_135

Fur coats and coats from good, proven manufacturers necessarily have a quality certificate.

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_136

Fur coats or sheep (137 photos): what is better and that warmer for the winter - fur coats, coats, jackets or down jackets than the coat differs from the sheep 738_137

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