Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand


Each man sooner or later faces the need to choose the right profession. A specialist who is responsible for the safety and restoration of cultural monuments is called a restorer.


Such people appeared in the Middle Ages. Over time, experts in the considered region began to keep preservation of the initial appearance of cultural objects.

According to the modern description of the profession, the main activity of the restorer is preservation, after the subject of art will be restored. The person described profession should be able to clean cracks, chips and damage to another kind.

In order to maintain the object in its original form, various methods are used, including chemical treatment is carried out, the level of optimal humidity in the room is determined, where the subject of art is stored, carefully lighting is selected. Before starting work, the restorer first produces an inspection of the subject, the assessment of its state, determines the complexity of damage and the material with which they will have to work. At the shoulders of a specialist there is a big responsibility, since he has to work with old books, paintings representing great importance. Sometimes you have to work together with historians, consult with archaeologists and chemists.

Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_2

The conservative restorer is a professional that preserves and restores objects with significant cultural or historical value. Such a specialist is highly dedicated to its work, it is attentive and careful because it is engaged in the preservation of objects representing the value in an artistic, aesthetic, cultural, scientific and historical plan. The conservative restorer must possess both theoretical knowledge (theory of visual art, cultural and technological history, chemistry, biology) and practical technical skills.

Its role is to assess the material condition of the object, search for strategies and the application of scientific methods to maintain its integrity, prevent the destruction of the object and its recovery. To make your job well, a specialist meets the history and a way to make an object of art. It also estimates the possible reasons for the deterioration of the state of the subject, including:

  • corrosion due to light, improper level of temperature or humidity;
  • shipping;
  • parasites;
  • air pollution.

Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_3

The restorer should correct the defects that appeared over time. For example, supplement the paints in the picture, restore the mosaic or ceramic pot, remove the darkened varnish. The specialist must document the method and procedure used and make sure that the recovery process is soft and reversible. After that, the restorer must provide useful recommendations for future measures to prevent further decomposition of the work of art.

Sometimes it is best to create a copy of the object and set it, and not the original because it requires the creation of special storage conditions.

    The restorer has several specializations, not only a conservative. There are the following directions:

    • Museum;
    • building;
    • attor.

    Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_4

    The museum specialist is not responsible for the specific restoration of art objects, but for their preservation within the museum. These are people who are obliged to constantly inspect the works of art and prevent their destruction. In the direction under consideration, too many branches:

    • painter;
    • jewelry master;
    • Weapon restorer;
    • books specialist;
    • Icon specialist.

    The construction restorer is responsible for the restoration and safety of architectural objects. It should eliminate cracks and faults that are often the cause of the collapse of buildings. Use during operation only those materials that correspond to the era under consideration are possible. Restorer-attorney usually not just restores objects, but also adds lost elements. Unfortunately, such work always leads to a decrease in the value of the object.

    Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_5

    Pros and cons profession

    The position of the restorer makes it possible to work with historical values. Restoration of restoration in Russia is due to a large number of cultural monuments and works of art. The specialty under consideration gives a person a chance to contribute in heritage and explore the cultural heritage. It is always a big responsibility and interesting tasks that become in front of a specialist.

    Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_6

    If a person has extensive experience, he will always be taken to a good job in the gallery or the museum. It is possible to develop your career and work in different directions. However, those who dream of realizing creative, this profession will not work, because they have to neglect their ideas and give preference to historical believability.

    Very often, representatives of the profession have to deal with solving complex tasks, since it is not so easy to recreate the primary material. Good success reaches only those restorers who constantly improve their art and skills.

    Any restoration technique is a complex process requiring from person not only attentiveness, but also talent.

    Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_7

    What is responsible?

    Depending on the direction, which is chosen by the Restoration Master, his duties will be different. The restorer-artist is working on the paintings, it restores lost layers of paint, like the restorer icons. Restorer-jeweler makes old decorations as new. It not only replaces lost elements, but also cleans the metal.

    The construction specialist is responsible for the preservation of architectural monuments. There are also representatives of the profession that are engaged exclusively by works from wood, others work on stucco, others love painting. Each of the specialists described has its own professional. This profession, which every person can not master. For successful activities, it is necessary to have the following qualities:

    • perseverance and patience;
    • Care and ability to concentrate;
    • respect for objects of art;
    • The desire to work with your own hands.

    Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_8

    Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_9

      Among other things, the responsibilities of the described profession include:

      • Monitoring, listing and photographing cultural heritage objects;
      • restoration of damaged objects to their initial state;
      • the creation of the most appropriate conditions for the preservation of fragile facilities;
      • identifying the risks of deterioration of the state of objects and structures;
      • advising local authorities, environmental authorities and other clients regarding cultural heritage protection measures;
      • report processing, which include a description of the location, size, structure and state of the object, as well as the compilation of plans and the estimates required to restore the object;
      • organization of exhibitions and shows;
      • creation of copies of fragile subjects;
      • documentation of processes and methods used to preserve and restoration;
      • carry out control over the processing and transportation of cultural heritage objects;
      • adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct and Privacy;
      • know intellectual property laws;
      • comply with the rules for labor protection and safety;
      • Attend archives for research.

      Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_10

      How can I become?

      It is possible to become a restorer in several ways. As a rule, such experts specialist in the repair of one specific object. To obtain a specialty, you need to take various items when admission, including history, chemistry.

      The undoubted plus is the presence of completed education of the historical faculty.

      After the specialist's certification was held, he can get on advanced training. The internship takes place in museums and galleries, where it is taught to correctly use the methods studied in the theory. While the young specialist will not receive the necessary luggage of knowledge and will not work, he is not allowed to work.

      Some of the best Russian universities who are preparing in demand specialists became:

      • SPbSU;
      • RGU named Koshigina;
      • Far Eastern Federal University.

      Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_11

      Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_12

        Depending on the direction, the learning time is from 2 to 6 years. Be sure to each future applicant passes an additional creative test. Some students after the course traveled go to graduate school to learn more. Perhaps the most common way to become a good specialist is to learn from an experienced master. People who work in the profession have long been, are the most experienced teachers. Sometimes such additional training takes years.

        The skills obtained in a joinery school can be useful when restoring old houses, not only during the construction of new ones. Programs for the preservation of art objects are another way to become a restoration specialist. Students recognize a little about the various techniques used in the work, and then choose the area of ​​specialization.

        These programs require students, the availability of experience in the field of art, chemistry, therefore are not suitable for beginners.

        Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_13

        To make your job well, the student must examine the history of the object to which he plans to devote his time. For example, furniture restorer should know the story and styles of different periods to accurately reconstruct or repair any item. Save the original species is very important.

        A person can specialize in the restoration of chairs in the style of the XVIII century or paintings by oil. This very narrow area. Training always depends on the chosen area: visual arts, archeology and architecture, but in some cases you have to study the craft. This applies to the restoration of metal structures, textiles, stained glass windows, sculptures, furniture.

        Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_14

        Further employment

        Young graduates usually begin their activities in museums and all sorts of repositories. This is the perfect place to gain experience, increase the discharge. First, the employee give permission to independent work, then he can oversee other workers. Even the restorer has the possibility of career growth. At the highest stage, he becomes the head of the Research Institute or the Museum.

        Many young professionals choose work in commercial organizations. A good master is always in demand in an antique store or historical boutique. When organizational abilities are also in the list of positive qualities, then you can successfully open your own business. Such people buy art objects, put them in order, and then sell.

        Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_15

        The salary

        Some people think that the positions of the restorer cannot earn a lot, but this is not quite the case, since the salary will directly depend on the experience and skills of a specialist. It is also worth taking into account in which country or even the city have to get a job. If there is a medium level of earnings for representatives of this profession and does not reach 30 thousand rubles, then it is not necessary to count on big earnings.

        For example, specialists in Moscow receive up to 100 thousand rubles, while on average the country wages for a person engaged in the restoration is 45,000 rubles. Young masters without experience pay no more than 25,000 rubles in museums, in commercial organizations this amount may be higher, but slightly.

        If you go to independent activity, it is possible to increase your earnings to 50,000 rubles, and sometimes higher.

        Restorer: profession features. How to become, having passed training? Work in the direction of the jeweler restorer. Salary, certification and demand 7363_16

        Some earn great money, but this is the question of the master's authority. There are also very narrow specializations. Find a specialist in such an area is not easy, respectively, its level of earnings is always higher.

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