Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training


The atmosphere in the cinema hall and the mood of the audience during the showing of the picture in many ways depend on the experience and professionalism of specialists who carry the responsibility for the operation of sound engineering and audiovisual equipment - film mechanics. Often, representatives of this difficult profession have to serve several cinema halls at the same time alone. Let us consider in more detail who is such a film mechanic that he does, what knowledge and skills he is obliged to own how many representatives of this profession earn.

Description of the profession

Projectionist - Technical specialist who controls the health and smoothness of the work of audiovisual and sound engineering equipment during the demonstration of the picture in the cinema hall. The representative of this profession is responsible not only for the state of film equipment, but also for the quality of the film. Providing high-quality film refinement is the main functional responsibility of a film mechanic. Speaking with simple words, this specialist is responsible for the brightness, contrast and color reproduction, as well as for the volume and clarity of sound in the hall.

In fact, all the work of the film mechanic is aimed at ensuring that every viewer sitting in the cinema could have enjoyed viewing the picture, enjoy the fullness of her paints and sound symbol.

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_2

In an effort to provide the most high-quality movie show, technical Specialist is obliged At the same time control the condition of the equipment entrusted to it. So, a sudden increase in sound volume can lead to a sharp increase in sound pressure in the cinema hall. This will not only cause extremely uncomfortable sensations in the audience, but also create critical overloads in the work of acoustic equipment that can bring it out of order. The operation of a film mechanic is inextricably linked with the implementation of a large number of monotonous Functions.

At the same time, it can not be attributed to the boring and routine species of professions. The sphere of this activity usually come men who can work in multitasking mode, well-versed in modern film engineering and the principles of its work. Women rarely choose this profession due to quite harsh requirements for professional knowledge and specific working conditions.

It should be noted that cinema mechanics are financially responsible. This means that if the improper performance of labor functions is the cause of the breakdown of the equipment by a specialist, it will have to refund the losses of the cinema at the expense of personal financial resources. The level of professional knowledge and skills of the film mechanic should allow it not only installation and configuration of the equipment, but also its repair. Moreover, in the case of force majeure circumstances, the representative of the described profession often has to repair the equipment without delay, in the maximum short period of time.

The operation of a film mechanic requires person The presence of not only narrow professional knowledge, but also good memory, stress resistance, physical and moral endurance.

In addition, regular modernization of film equipment, the appearance of increasingly powerful and high-tech equipment requires a specialist readiness for the continuous improvement of professional knowledge and expansion of the horizon.

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_3


Prior to the onset of the digital era, the film mechanics worked with bulky film projectors. Their service required from specialists not only skill and lightning reaction, but also high physical endurance.

One of the main tasks Cinema mechanics working with this equipment were the refilling of film to projectors, which in one cinema came there at least two. In the era of dociferous cinema film was stored on large, massive bobbins. The weight of one such carrier could reach 40 kilograms, which demanded from the film mechanics of the time of non-lawnity of physical strength and endurance. At the same time, one bobin usually felt from 300 to 600 meters of film, which corresponded to only 10-20 minutes of the duration of the film.

The duties of a film mechanic was Timely replacement of bobbins with a film with the smallest pause between the episodes of the film. The sign of the highest skill of the specialist was considered invisible for the viewer, a smooth transition from one part of the film to another. In the case of a sudden cliff film, the technician was supposed to be accidentally eliminated, restoring the picture shown within a few minutes. The profession of a film mechanic working with film projectors demanded not only impressive physical strength from a person, but also excellent health. Representatives of this complex profession on the debt of the service often had to be contacted with films treated with special chemical compositions, which could cause allergic responses and respiratory diseases.

As in our days, in the dociferous era, film mechanics worked shifting. However, the duration of one working shift of the specialist was at least 12-14 hours. The greatest loading of the film mechanics occurred during the premier when the audience stretched into cinemas endless stream.

It is worth noting that with all the specific difficulties of their activities, the film mechanics earned no more than other representatives of the working professions.

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_4

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_5

Modern cinemas use digital cinema technology. The digital film projector performs a demonstration of the picture not from film carriers, but from the video server. The device and the principle of operation of such equipment are radically different from film film projectors, so the digital film equipment is customary to relate to a separate and independent class of technology. During the film, the digital projector accepts information from the video server, unpacking the film from the hard disk. Task of film mechanic - Provide continuous playback of a film while maintaining high quality images and sound.

With the advent of digital equipment, the loading of film mechanics serving the "smart" technique has significantly decreased. Modern digital technologies allow one specialist to monitor and manage shows in 10-15 cinema halls at the same time . Moreover, all necessary actions The modern film mechanic carries out of a small room with the installed video server.

Representatives of recruiting agencies believe that modern It is desirable to know the principles of work not only digital, but also film playgrounds. In many ways, this requirement is due to the fact that after the sharp appearance of digital technologies in cinema not all representatives of the industry hurried to abandon the good film projectors. For example, in the US, about 10% of cinemas still use equipment of this type. In Russia, the number of rooms where film types of projectors are applied, much more.

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_6

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_7


Official instruction of a film mechanic Encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, the main of which is to ensure high-quality film refinement. The representative of this profession is subordinate to the engineer or the cinema administrator. Demonstration of films is not the only functional duty of a film mechanic.

In addition to performing this task, it is also required to execute the following:

  • carry out regular maintenance of film equipment and its preventive inspection;
  • carry out comprehensive check, adjust, setting up and repairing film projectors, sound equipment, synchronizing equipment, power supply devices;
  • produce work on the installation and replacement of film equipment;
  • Technical inspection and testing of new types of film equipment, as well as equipment that has been overhauled.

In addition, the official duties of the film mechanic provide for strict adherence to them internal regulations and safety regulations. This specialist is also responsible for compliance with fire safety rules.

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_8


The list of requirements for applicants for the described position is developed by the guidance of a cinema or representatives of the personnel department. Usually from applicants not only a high level of professional knowledge and skills, but also The presence of certain personal qualities.

Personal qualities

One of the important personal qualities to possess the film mechanic is stress tolerance . The chart of film and the prime minister is very unstable and flexible, which requires a readiness specialist to an abnormal working day. Periods of the highest workload usually come on weekends and holidays. Some cinemas work at night. Observations show that such a work schedule suits not all applicants for the position of a film mechanic.

Specific feature of this profession is what it provides Working in a closed room without natural lighting and fresh air inflow. For this reason, employers often require personal readiness for work in cramped, not always a comfortable environment. Cinema mechanic should be deep responsible and executive person. In fact, not only the health of expensive equipment, but also the mood of several hundred people sitting in the hall depends on the quality of his work and professionalism. In this profession, a negligence attitude towards their responsibilities and neglect of the internal regulations are not allowed.

Calm and prudence is another important personal qualities that the film mechanic should have. Sudden malfunctions in the work of equipment, voltage jumps in the power grid - these and other force majeure circumstances should not be panic from a specialist. Good memory - One of the competitive advantages, which often makes applicant the main applicant for the position of a film mechanic. In the first days of work, the specialist will have to face a colossal flow of information requiring memorization.

It may concern the principles and sequences of the technique, the location of the main and auxiliary equipment and other specific nuances. Many employers welcome the genuine interest of applicants to cinema and related industries of human activity. Knowledge of the list of upcoming prime and kinonovinok will be an additional advantage of the applicant.

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_9

Knowledge and skills

Professandard places the following list of basic requirements for professional knowledge and skills of a film mechanic:

  • Knowledge of the device, principles of work, settings and repair of film production and sound engineering equipment;
  • Knowledge of the device and principles of the digital film projector;
  • Knowledge of devices and principles of video server;
  • The ability to work with digital and film carriers of information.

This specialist should be able to You can independently download digital data on the DCP video server, as well as download and use the electronic keys to open these files. It should be able to independently adjust the lighting intensity, the sound and other options of the film projector in the absence of the automatic configuration mode. Modern kinomechanic Must be a confident PC user who can work with digital media.

If necessary, this specialist should be able to independently eliminate errors arising from working with a video server, a computer, as well as professional software.

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_10

Training and prospects

Pass learning and learn all the secrets of the film mechanic in All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. S. A Gerasimov (Moscow). The duration of study at the university is 4 years. In the regions of this profession teach secondary special educational institutions - technical colleges and colleges.

You can master this specialty On profile Courses . For receipt of courses, it is necessary to have a secondary special technical education. In this profession there is a slight career growth. Over time, the car mechanic trainee can receive the post of senior film engineering. In total, there are 3 working discharge in this area of ​​activity.

The salary

In the capital's cinema Cinema mechanics earn about 30-40 thousand rubles each month. In St. Petersburg Salary of specialists varies from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. In the regions Representatives of this profession earn from 17 to 20 thousand rubles every month.

Cinema mechanics: duties of film mechanics at work, job descriptions of the mechanic cinema, profession training 7354_11

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