Land and property relations: what is it? Description of the profession, training after grade 9, salary of specialists


Bureaucratic processes include many aspects and difficulties with which only professionals can cope with. A separate group of specialists is engaged in the process of regulating the use of buildings and land plots. The profession that covers the scope of land and property relations appeared in Russia at the end of the last century.

What it is?

Land and property relations are a multifaceted sphere. The specialist should know all laws and innovations that at least indirectly relate to the area of ​​land law. To date, real estate is one of the biggest values ​​of the modern world.

To properly make transactions and other documents related to buildings or land, you need to know legislation in various directions:

  • legal oblast;
  • agrarian;
  • Ecological.

If you do not consider all the nuances, the compilation of any documents can be dangerous. A legitimate solution to all issues and are engaged in specialists in land and property relations.

All the necessary knowledge they get in the learning process and on practice. This is the simplest and understandable description of this specialty.

Land and property relations: what is it? Description of the profession, training after grade 9, salary of specialists 7347_2

Specialists perform the following work.

  • Photographing a land area. If necessary, professionals conduct geodesic shooting.
  • Definition of borders when disputing on ownership.
  • The solution of controversial issues that belong to the inventory of various buildings.
  • Analyzing the land market and exploring the current situation.
  • Registration of all necessary documentation.
  • Drawing up cadastral accounting, as well as registration of land and structures.
  • Resolution of the situation relating to property rights to real estate or a certain territory.

Modern specialists combine several professional areas in one profession.

  • Lawyer. Knowledge of this area will necessarily need when you have to make or reissue contracts and other documentation.
  • Marketer. The task of this employee is the study of the market and the current economic situation.
  • Economist. This direction is useful to competently issue financial calculations.

Land and property relations: what is it? Description of the profession, training after grade 9, salary of specialists 7347_3

Pros and cons profession

Each professional activity has its advantages and disadvantages. With them, you must be familiar with them before choosing a profession for yourself. Land and property relations are a difficult matter, but interesting and relevant.

As positive qualities, the following can be noted.

  • In the process of work, you need to communicate with many people. Some regard it as an opportunity to make new interesting acquaintances.
  • Knowledge in the legislative sector will be useful in solving various household issues.
  • Real estate in the labor market.
  • The ability to organize your legal company or to deal with IP.
  • Constant improvement in the profession, which is to study approved or changed laws.
  • Career growth immediately in several specialties (indicated above).

As a negative side of this profession, a large number of requirements can be noted. This is a heavy mental work with which not everyone will cope with.

To succeed in this direction, you must have the following personal qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • stress tolerance;
  • accuracy and fast reaction;
  • sociability and politeness;
  • literacy;
  • speech;
  • Organizations;
  • independence;
  • excellent memory;
  • The ability to memorize and process large amounts of information.

If the candidate for a position does not have the above characteristics, the work will act on the nervous system negatively.

Land and property relations: what is it? Description of the profession, training after grade 9, salary of specialists 7347_4


To start a career growth in this profession, first need to gain basic knowledge. In this case, do not do without education. You can begin to comprehend this specialty after grade 9. Anyone can go to the technical school or college on the desired specialty (faculty "Land and property relations"). To become a full-fledged student, you need to prepare the necessary documents and pass the preparatory exams. For several years of training, teachers give future specialists the necessary primary knowledge that specialists will have to apply in practice.

Teachers are divided with novice specialists in knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • competent compilation of the plan of construction or land plan;
  • Introduction of topical data in the cadastral directory;
  • Calculation of the cost of the structure (house, plant, apartment and other options) or territorial section;
  • support of legal transactions;
  • measurements of borders;
  • Setting markings on the map.

Also get the necessary education can be in higher education institution. In this case, the obtained diploma will be more prestigious and in demand. The desired faculty can have a different name, for example "city inventory" or "real estate cadastre".

Land and property relations: what is it? Description of the profession, training after grade 9, salary of specialists 7347_5

In the Russian capital there are 9 universities in which this specialty can be obtained. Also, the necessary direction can be found in the educational institution of almost every Russian city.

The modern learning process takes place in the following formats

  • Universities. To get a bachelor's degree, it is necessary to study 4 years on the day office. With correspondence form of training, the student will need 5 years. For receipt, the certificate of 11 classes will be needed.
  • Technical school or college. The certificate of full secondary education allows you to finish learning in just 2 years. If the applicant graduated from 9 classes to get a diploma for three years.

For receipt, the following documents will be needed:

  • passport;
  • school certificate;
  • The results of the exam with the passing point;
  • Medical reference.

A complete list of documents can be found when visiting the day of the open door. You can also get the necessary information by contacting representatives of the educational institution.

Land and property relations: what is it? Description of the profession, training after grade 9, salary of specialists 7347_6

Place of work and salary

This profession remains relevance. To date, the development of the construction sphere is seminal steps, so specialists need to be able to provide the necessary services to the population. A professional relationship professional is included in the top of the most sought-after and necessary working specialties not only in Russia, but also far beyond.

Professionals who have all the necessary knowledge and skills can settle in the following jobs:

  • construction firms;
  • companies that provide real estate services;
  • Cadastral chambers;
  • firms that assess real estate;
  • real estate agency;
  • Land societies and committees.

Land and property relations: what is it? Description of the profession, training after grade 9, salary of specialists 7347_7

Wage level

Earnings directly depends on the region where the specialist works. To date, the salary of the Russian professional has from 22 to 60 thousand rubles per month. Most of all earn employees working in the capital and in other major cities.

Also for earnings affect the following:

  • employee experience;
  • project scale;
  • Prestige company;
  • Customer stream (if the employee works in a company or another institution).

Some experienced professionals work upon themselves. In this case, the level of salary depends on how many people use the services of a particular specialist.


It is worth noting that this working direction appeared in Russia relatively recently. Despite this, there is always a place for a specialist in the labor market, be it new or professional. Many students are arranged at work immediately after receiving a profile diploma. Some of them begin to develop their careers still being students, passing production practice.

If you can constantly improve in this profession, you can become a popular specialist for several years. You can also open your business and maintain your own customer base.

Land and property relations: what is it? Description of the profession, training after grade 9, salary of specialists 7347_8

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