Legal support of national security: what is this profession? Can girls and young people continue to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB?


For several years, one of the most popular graduates of schools profession is a lawyer. At the same time, the domestic labor market is overflowed by such specialists, so a large number of university graduates remains without work. However, such a tendency is not characteristic of all legal specialties. So, in demand by experts are those who studied in the direction of "legal support of national security". In this article we will talk in detail about this specialization.

Features specialty

It is no secret that legal support of national security is the most important activity of our state. After all, it is precisely that it depends on what place Russia will occupy on the foreign policy arena. Accordingly, experts who are well understood in this direction are very popular and in demand.

After graduating from the university, the young specialist acquires extensive theoretical training, and also seizes with a large number of professional skills and skills, without which it is impossible to do in the future when performing direct operating functions.

Legal support of national security: what is this profession? Can girls and young people continue to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB? 7314_2

It should be noted that a national security specialist is not an ordinary private lawyer, but a civil servant. Accordingly, it passes additional training. This is due to the fact that during the fulfillment of their professional tasks, such a specialist will deal with the international field. Thus, It can be concluded that he, at least, needs knowledge of foreign languages.

Before making a final decision regarding whether you want to associate your fate with similar professional activities, you should study all the positive and negative sides. Only in this case, in the future you will not regret the choice of you.

If we talk about the positive sides of the profession, then you can allocate:

  • high demand;
  • the possibility of career growth and, as a result, increase wages;
  • High social guarantees;
  • Authority in society, etc.

Among the minuses it is customary to allocate:

  • the need for long-term learning;
  • The presence of a high level of danger (in certain branches of activity), etc.

In general, positive parties outweigh the circumstances.

Legal support of national security: what is this profession? Can girls and young people continue to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB? 7314_3

Requirements for the preparation and timing of training

To be able to work in the field of legal support of national security, it is necessary to undergo appropriate training. Moreover It can be started both after 9 and after grade 11. At the same time, it is worth keeping in mind that many employers require a higher education diploma. In addition, training in the university will help you to move through the career stairs. Thus, even after the end of the average vocational school, it is also recommended to learn from the university (at the same time, the lifetime itself will decrease in the university).

The term of learning may vary, it depends on what direction of training and specialization you have chosen, for what form you learn (full-time or abnormal), as well as from what level of preparation you want to get. Middle performance range from 4 to 6 years. At the same time, the process of studying is to approach the most seriously as possible and responsibly. Despite the fact that during the preparation of education, you will study rather complex items, if possible, try to get the highest points. Thus, you will increase the chance to get the desired workplace, and you can benefit from the background of other candidates.

Its attention should be paid not only to obtaining theoretical training, but also to master the basic and necessary in the profession of skills and skills.

Legal support of national security: what is this profession? Can girls and young people continue to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB? 7314_4

Possible specializations

It is worth saying that the legal support of national security is not a single learning profile. It includes several profiles and specializations, so the student can choose exactly the area that is interested in it specifically.

There are such specializations:

  • state;
  • civil;
  • international;
  • law enforcement;
  • criminal
  • Powdered.

It is important to note the fact that, depending on the selected profile, the nature of further professional activities will be distinguished, so it should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility.

Legal support of national security: what is this profession? Can girls and young people continue to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB? 7314_5

Located disciplines

As mentioned above, the national security specialist is undergoing long and thorough preparation. It should know all the features of his professional activity in detail, and also be a fairly erudite and comprehensive person as a whole.

The curriculum of this area of ​​preparation includes a large variety of subjects of both solely legal orientation and those that can be attributed to the general education region. Among the most important items are the following:

  • Fundamentals of theory, state history and law;
  • legal psychology;
  • Fundamentals of the theory and practice of national security;
  • criminal, constitutional, civil, administrative, environmental law (and other industries);
  • Classes on judicial psychiatry;
  • Classes for forensic examination.

At the same time, the deepening of the study of this or that item is more dependent on the selected directions.

Legal support of national security: what is this profession? Can girls and young people continue to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB? 7314_6

Who and where to work in the future?

Professions in the field of legal support of national security are popular both among guys and among girls. At the same time, many people arise about who and where you can work after receiving a diploma.

Popular jobs:

  • Ministry of the Interior (Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • Federal Security Service (FSB);
  • legislative, judicial or executive bodies;
  • local government;
  • Legal departments of international companies;
  • military establishment;
  • border and internal troops;
  • external intelligence;
  • tax service;
  • Customs, etc.

Having received a diploma in the specialty "Legal Provision of National Security", you can work in various organizations with heterogeneous orientation. Accordingly, you are not tied to one place of work and you can choose the direction of activity that is most interesting to you.

As for the wage, but it can vary in a rather wide range: from 30 to 150 thousand rubles. A specific digit depends on a number of factors, namely:

  • Specific field of activity;
  • level of educational training;
  • professional experience;
  • region of residence;
  • The scale of the organization, etc.

Thus, it can be concluded that experts from the provision of legal national security are very in demand in our country. However, this professional activity is not suitable for everyone, since it is characterized not only by a large number of advantages, but also disadvantages. In addition, there are increased requirements for the educational (both theoretical and practical) training of specialists.

Legal support of national security: what is this profession? Can girls and young people continue to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB? 7314_7

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