Professions associated with music: a list of musical specialties, education and features. Musicologist and other professions in the musical sphere


There are a large number of professions and activities in the field of music, many of which are unknown to a simple man in the street. It seems that the choice of musical professions is extremely limited (composer, singer, instrumentalist). However, in fact, there are quite a lot of directions, and a person who works in music can engage in the work of various kinds.

Features of professions related to music

To achieve success in music, you need to seriously be enthusiastic, literally live art. A creative profession requires sincere love for music, the presence of an impeccable musical hearing, feelings of rhythm. In addition, you need to have a wide range, hard work and the ability to work with people. In this field of activity, not only musical abilities are needed, but also the desire to improve their skills all the time. The undoubted advantage of the profession is the possibility of implementing creative potential, communication with interesting famous people, as well as the chance to wake up famous.

However, it is important to remember that there is a risk of failure and fall into lack of money. Most likely, they will have to endure the instability of earnings and personal life, which is associated with constant disposal and popularity. Success in the creative sphere is achieved with great difficulty. Often, after the end of the conservatory, the musicians leave abroad. However, those who work on the stage or give preference to rock music, more opportunities for development. People are more likely to visit pop or rock concert than the performance of the symphony orchestra.

Moreover, the choice of place of work is wider: restaurants, cafes, local concerts or holidays.

Professions associated with music: a list of musical specialties, education and features. Musicologist and other professions in the musical sphere 7280_2

Professions without musical education

Work in the musical sphere without education is possible, contrary to stereotypes. High skills plus the presence of musical hearing in this case will make their job. Diploma is necessarily only when you want to work in a state organization or if the employer seeks to comply with the full official (which happens always). Often it is an employer that is the skills of the musician.

So, by whom you can work in the musical sphere, not having education.

  • Musician. Here the prospect is to work on various holidays (weddings, corporate parties, restaurant events, etc.).
  • Sound engineer. In this case, it is important to have extensive knowledge about the musical instrument and be able to customize the sound.
  • Sale of musical lessons on the Internet. Now the era of webinars, courses and guides come, so if the musician, in addition to his immediate skills, is able to convey information to the listener, then the creation of an info product is a good option to earn.
  • Sound producer. This is a person who is responsible for the overall management of the group and quality control of the product.
  • Arranger. Here is necessarily knowledge of musical theory. The arranger composes the party and ensures the framing of the melody.

In addition to the above professions, it is also possible to mention the technique of the scene, director of the group, music manager, PR manager, music promoter, journalist, or criticism.

Professions associated with music: a list of musical specialties, education and features. Musicologist and other professions in the musical sphere 7280_3


Many people who choose the Musician's path begin their way from music schools in childhood. There, they are taught a notice diploma, a game on various tools and vocals. Continue training in the specialty can be in school, improving and honing your skills.

So, here is the top 3 most popular institutions of this plan in Russia:

  • Moscow Military Music School;
  • College of musical and theatrical art. G. P. Vishnevskaya;
  • Music School named after Gnesins.

Such a specialty can also be obtained in the best dsces of Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Arkhangelsk, Perm and Novosibirsk. And in order to go to the highest level of preparation, you should think about entering the conservatory or to the Institute of Culture. In Russia, there are the following musical universities that deserve special attention:

  • St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Arts;
  • State Specialized Institute of Arts;
  • St. Petersburg State Conservatory. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

The aforementioned universities are the best in the country and provide a large selection of musical specialties.

Professions associated with music: a list of musical specialties, education and features. Musicologist and other professions in the musical sphere 7280_4

List of most interesting and demanded musical professions

In the creative sphere, thanks to a variety of activities, one can find anyone with talent. You can not only play a definite tool or create music, but also to cover the creativity of musicians. Music creation is engaged primarily composer. For work, the composer requires possession of a notice letter and technique of composition, as well as the ability to handle computer programs to create music. Further, the arranger, as a rule, interprets an existing melody, while maintaining the copyright of the composer. They often redid any classic works under modern genres of type of rock or jazz, thanks to which the compositions acquire a new charm, become relevant for modern listeners. The poet songwriter is an infrequent phenomenon, however, this type of activity is still in demand. The lyrics are either written separately, and then they are put on the music, or they are created specifically for a particular composition.

Further, The Profession of DJs is becoming increasingly popular for the last couple of decades. This person must perfectly own a DJ console, and also computer programs for creating music. It works with already ready-made material, mixing and modifying it in such a way that the new original composition is. Now let's go to the performers. Instrumental players play on one or more tools, speaking solo or group. The main working tool of vocalists is their voice. Most often they perform songs in one particular style. The number of performers varies from one to several. The conductor manages the musical team, making his sound beautiful, smooth and coordinated. He is obliged to have an ideal musical hearing.

Here you can mention the musical organizer, the PR manager, the music observer and, of course, the sound engineer. Special attention deserves the profession of musicologist. Such people comprehend the art of scientifically. They explore music, its development in the moment, its interaction with other cultural spheres. The musicologist also professionally appreciates the performers and their composition. Music editor - also a special type of activity. He creates playlists for radio programs or events, forms a musical repertoire of various organizations, performs many organizational duties. The music editor is also engaged in sound design of the TV shows, listening to the participants in the castings, is the ratings and follows the emergence of new products in the world of music.

Professions associated with music: a list of musical specialties, education and features. Musicologist and other professions in the musical sphere 7280_5

Professions associated with music: a list of musical specialties, education and features. Musicologist and other professions in the musical sphere 7280_6

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