Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use?


If you are interested in working with high technologies, for example, 3D design, graphics or programming, it will be nice to monetize your interest and choose a profession associated with computing equipment. We have prepared a list of specialties where a computer is used. These directions are optimal for both girls and men.

Computer Safety Specialists

Computer security was engaged from the moment the electronic-computing machines appeared, but in a separate professional direction, this specialty was released quite recently. This person develops and implements all sorts of tools and techniques for the protection of databases, which were treated with high technologies. Its activity involves regular updating of program packages, as well as user training rules for the use of protective systems. Specialists from this area should have extensive knowledge in the technical sphere.

Engineers for information protection databases are in demand in tax services, banking and financial enterprises. They are often employed in customs and government structures, as well as in any major concerns.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_2

All about the profession "Computer networks"

Masters on computer networks are usually called a system administrator. This is one of the most sought-after specialties related to the use of computer equipment. This person is a real universal on computing technology. Most of the professions associated with PCs, to one degree or another includes the system of sysadmin.

The computer must follow the maintenance of computer performance of the enterprise, combine them into single functional complexes. It is responsible for the operation of operating systems, installation of software and other working software, protection of equipment from viruses, installation of drivers and connecting equipment. Sysadmin repairs and repair the company's computers. In other words, the duties of this specialist include everything that is somehow connected with the PC settings and their repair.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_3

What else there is a specialty?

The specialties where the computer is used, quite a lot. Consider the most common.

One of the most sought-after and high-yield professions is a programmer. This wizard writes programs for a computer, is special codes, and is also developing software. The programmer must be able to:

  • Create new websites on all sorts of CMS;
  • have skills to work with SEO and Web design;
  • understand different programming languages;
  • Know for WEB developers.

Career growth in the position of the programmer is unlikely to achieve, a possible maximum is the project manager or the head of the department. However, a specialist constantly improving his professional level can count on increasing income. A programmer with extensive experience has a good chance to get a job in a prestigious foreign company or find high-paying part-time engagement, in addition to the main employment.

The fast-growing segment today is the development of mobile applications. This is a perspective direction in which a shortage of qualified personnel is observed. At the same time, the educational program of universities, unfortunately, does not give the level of competencies required for the customer - young professionals have to master the specialty on their own. The main differences in mobile development from web programming are in an increased threshold of entry (for example, with the complication of HTML encoding, the developer often requires strong knowledge of discrete mathematics in terms of algorithms). In addition, the permissible number of programming languages ​​to create applications is much less than on the web. That is why the developers' specialists now have a consistently high level of wages. It is not surprising that more and more young professionals pay attention to this particular market segment.

Testing software is another actual profession in the IT-sphere, which requires special competence and experience. In fact, the tester is a computer security master. Its functions are reduced to the detection of bugs, the formation of test documentation, checking the design code, as well as to draw up testing strategy. In order to be a specialist in this area, a impeccable understanding of several programming languages ​​is required. In the work they use knowledge about design code, scripting languages ​​and technical skills. The test driver should be able to adapt to different situations every time.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_4

Another profession, directly related to the computer, is a computer, an intelligent data processing specialist. His tasks are reduced to finding hidden data in large volumes of information arrays, determining the value of the information received and its ligament with the object of the study. Processing information, this specialist develops strategic and tactical recommendations for doing business.

Representatives of this specialty should be able to handle the information received and represent them in understandable for the rest of the staff, that is, visualize through presentations, graphs and charts. Based on these conclusions, the company's management takes important decisions regarding the main business areas. This person should not only have technical skills, but also have an idea of ​​a business analyst.

The results of his work are used in various purposes: in the opening of new markets, increasing sales, prevent risks and minimizing costs, as well as in the formation of understanding of consumer behavior.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_5

IT are also used in repair and construction. First of all, the software is used by the estimates, planning the total costs and costs of construction or repair. Besides, The computer is an indispensable working tool for designers. In the past, they were without computing, all sketches and sketches were performed with pencils and handles on ordinary sheets of paper. But when computing machines appeared, designers quickly found them use.

In fact, now the work of these specialists does not differ from the Dokomputer era. They still draw, simulate, and then present their projects to customers. But now they do it much faster - special computer programs allow for a few hours to do what manual way had to do several days.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_6


A separate direction of design is a Web design. This is a creative specialty that requires creativity and artistic taste. However, without programming skills in it, too, do not do - they must attend a specialist at least in the minimum volume. A man working in this direction is engaged in:

  • creation and design of pages for Internet portals and sites;
  • design of the site;
  • selection of colors, templates and sizes of various components of the site;
  • drawing layouts;
  • Selection of logos, development of logos, corporate identity and interface.

Copywriters and rewriters are equally demanded. Their work is directly related to the writer - it consists in drawing up texts to promote the site, as well as goods and services, creating a positive brand image. They usually wear a presentational, commercial or advertising character, are actively moving through Yandex, Google and other search engines. The author requires not only an interesting style of presentation and literacy, but also an understanding of advertising issues and optimizing sites in search engines. These specialists are in demand in advertising and Internet agencies.

When creating cartoons and games, the creation of three-dimensional realistic characters becomes an important task, each of which has its own personality and character. This is how the 3D animator is engaged. In their work, these masters use design skills and special computer programs. In order for the characters to be as realistic as possible, the specialist should be good in human anatomy, the features of the manifestation of facial expression, in the process itself, to know the features of the physics of falling objects.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_7


SEO specialist is a popular specialist. Search engine optimization is closely related to programming spheres, content-technologies, as well as marketing. Every year the popularity of this profession is steadily growing. SEO-master solves two main tasks:

  • It makes the structure of the site and the content extremely understandable for search engines (internal optimization);
  • Enhances the site rating using the citation index (external optimization).

This person should deal with HTML coding to rewrite it in accurately compliance with the requirements of search engines. Work is significantly complicated by the fact that ranking algorithms are constantly changing. That is why SEO specialists constantly monitor these innovations and correctly adjust the structure of the site and its contents.

The site administrator is a multifunctional specialist who is engaged in the maintenance and promotion of sites. In each large company, there is a master who is responsible for ensuring the performance of the organization's website and monitors the quality of the content contained in it.

The work implies the existence of access rights to the site, the control of the payment of the domain and hosting, keeping accounting for attendance of the resource and feedback with its visitors.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_8

To other professions associated with the computer include:

  • It is an evangelist - this person is engaged in promoting software products;
  • Game designer - a master working on the design of game projects is responsible for the creative and artistic contents of the game;
  • Cepersport - man, at the professional level participating in computer games;
  • Moderator forums - a specialist who tracks the work of forums and chats, communicates with users, responds to the negative and allows conflict situations;
  • SMM specialist - a master responsible for promoting company accounts or individuals in order to increase recognition or increase sales.

There are few more professions that do not belong to the IT region, but at the same time are inextricably linked using computers.

Secretary - this profession has long ago, but with the advent of computing equipment, it has more simplified. Modern secretaries most often work at the computer, they constitute reports and consolidated statements, fill the details, introduced into the data system of new customers, print important paper and send mail. Thanks to PC, they can perform this work quickly and simple.

Accountant is a popular and high-paying profession. This person fills the statements, makes data, makes up reference and forms reports. The accountant gives the necessary paper in the tax office necessary for the functioning of the organization to the tax service, in extra-budgetary funds and in statistical authorities.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_9

Who is better to do?

It is the direction of the future, and it is no coincidence that many guys after 11 or 9 class decide to associate their professional activities with high technologies. Among the most demanded these days are several specialties.

ERP specialist

These masters are engaged in an organized management system of personnel resources of the company. The ERP systems combine a large number of various business tasks and allow you to track them within the framework of a single productivity of the enterprise. Representatives of this profession help to find a solution in such important areas as:

  • personnel Management;
  • budget planning;
  • logistics management;
  • Organization of sales.

The ERP consultant studies business processes occurring in the organization. He reveals their disadvantages and develops anti-crisis behavioral models. This person solves the company's system tasks by integrating software applications.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_10

Computer system analyst

The work of this specialist is to implement scientific research in the IT-sphere. The tasks of such an employee include upgrading computer methods and software applicable. Analysts conduct an audit and consult in order to increase business profitability through the introduction of a new software.

Business informatik

This profession is in demand in planned divisions of enterprises of various scales. It is relevant wherever the productivity and performance of the company is being conducted. This specialist answers the question of how much the company's expenses will decrease if manual technology will be replaced by automated.

Computer linguist

This profession is at the junction of humanitarian and technical disciplines. It is associated with the creation of semantic translations, text recognition algorithms and speech, as well as the conversion of artificial speech. The computer linguist requires extensive knowledge of language materials.

Such a profession is in demand due to the connection of computer tools and theoretical linguistics. It is widely used by specialists of specialists - in this case, the tasks of a specialist are reduced to the allocation of certain information from large text fragments.

Computer related professions: Computer Security and Computer Networks. Who else can you work and in what different fields does a computer use? 7235_11

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