Professions of mental labor: examples of intellectual professions, work options for intellectual type of personality


Currently, many are preferred by intelligent professions. About what specialty to them relate to their feature, as well as how not to make a mistake with the choice we will talk below.

Professions of mental labor: examples of intellectual professions, work options for intellectual type of personality 7204_2


Let's start with the peculiarities of professions of mental labor. It is obvious to everyone that such specialties are not connected with physical exertion, but it does not mean at all that they can be called light. Depending on the personnel of the profession of mental labor to a particular class, it allocate a number of some features. They will be told on them further.

Mental work is divided into the following classes.

  • Operator. The main function is the function of control and management. For example, the work of the chief administrator can be attributed. The main feature of the operator labor is the large neuro-emotional tension associated with the responsibility and processing of a large number of information for the minimum time passage.
  • Creative. This type of labor is no less difficult, as it implies constant voltage of attention, as well as the involvement of most of the memory, which also contributes to an increase in neuro-emotional load. An example of such labor is writers, artists, architects, designers and other representatives of creative professions.
  • Managerial. This can include the work of people who occupy senior positions. Its feature is huge information flows that require constant processing; In addition, he implies that a person must quickly make decisions, while preferably correct, which is very affected by improving personal responsibility.
  • Labor workers of all areas of services. Its characteristic feature is a large number of contacts with people, increased responsibility, as well as often lack of time that again contributes to an increase in neuro-emotional stress.
  • The work of schoolchildren and students. With the peculiarities of this type of labor, everything is not familiar with the first. These include the maximum interaction of the main functions of the psyche, that is, memory, attention, perception, as well as a large number of situations that cause stress, such as tests, control and even banal answers at the board.

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Overview of intellectual professions

Intellectual professions are not necessarily just those that are closely related to science. Preferably, they include specialties that do not require physical labor, while most of the work and load goes to the human brain.

Consider the most popular examples of intellectual professions.

  • Designer. This profession is able to help you realize your creative potential. In addition, the areas of activity for this profession there are a huge quantity: landscape designer, interior design or clothing, web design ... In general, it remains only to choose.
  • Interpreter. This profession is no less interesting than the previous one. Working on this specialty, you will probably travel quite a lot and most likely communicate with a lot of people. This profession is quite prestigious at the moment, because competent specialists with high knowledge of foreign language are in demand almost everywhere.
  • Doctor. Another intellectual profession that is popular. The work of the doctor is not the easiest, but it uses a fairly great demand in the vacancies market. In addition, this profession refers to the number of highly paid, and therefore we advise it to look at it.
  • Journalist. A fairly interesting profession. If you are masterfully owning a word, and also have society and the ability to find the most relevant information faster than everyone else, then this profession is what you need.
  • Teacher. Another kind of intellectual professions. The teacher's work, as well as the work of the doctor, not the lungs. It is necessary not only to know your object and be able to properly submit the material, but also find a common language with students that sometimes it happens like not easy.

Nevertheless, this profession is still in demand in the labor market, and online teachers are now gaining special popularity. So we recommend paying attention to this profession.

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How not to make a mistake with the choice?

In order to choose the right profession and then do not regret your choice, you need to determine your type of personality. To do this, pay attention to your hobby, your favorite classes and on your behavior as a whole.

Researchers allocate the following personality types: verbal intelligence, musical, logical, shaped, physical, social, intraity, natural and philosophical. Each of them is inherent in those or other features that subsequently have a significant impact on the choice of man of their future profession.

Verbal Intellect

For the owner of a developed verbal intelligence, high sensitivity is characteristic of words, and rather, to their sound and meaning. Of this person, a great writer or poet will probably get. In addition, a large number of other professions is suitable for it, for example, a speechwriter, a translator, a journalist or speech therapist. These professions the list is naturally not limited.

Musical Intellect.

Man whose type of person is musical, is that predictable, music lover. He sensibly refers not only to the words of the song, but also to its rhythm, melodies and tonality. Almost probably he loves to sing or playing any musical instrument, no day without listening to music and does not represent life without visiting concerts. For this type of personality, professions are suitable such as conductor, singer, composer, DJ and similar to them.

Professions of mental labor: examples of intellectual professions, work options for intellectual type of personality 7204_5

Logic Intellect

People who have a logical type of personality are strong in mathematics and other accurate sciences. They simply adore all sorts of puzzles and tasks for logic, and consider an example in mind for them is not a problem at all. For such people, the following professions are the most appropriate professions: an accountant, banker, a scientist of a particular sphere and many more others.


For a person with a figurative type of person, a good memory on the face, attentiveness to the trifles. For them, it is not difficult to learn the material based on the pictures, but the verbal has already been difficult.

People with figurative intelligence can easily become inventors, artists or, for example, designers.

Body Intellect.

People with such a type of personality express their thoughts predominantly using the body. They are characterized by love for sewing, modeling or something similar, in addition, they simply adore sports and dancing. The choice of professions for this type of person is no less than for others: it is also choreographer, and an acrobat, and artist, and tailor ... You can continue this list for a very long time.

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Social Intellect

The presence of social intelligence implies love for people, the desire to contact them. The owner of this type of person just adores group activities, loves acquaintances and large companies; He also understands other people well, is capable of analyzing their actions and whole behavior.

It is recommended to see a person with such a type of personality as an administrator, a sociologist, a psychologist or psychotherapist, a public advertising manager and public relations manager.

Intrapersonal intellect

People with intrapersonal intelligence are capable of self-analysis and sober assessment of their abilities and oneself. They know how to learn from their own mistakes, analyze them, highlighting their weaknesses and strengths. They are characterized by conducting personal diaries, interest in psychology and deep reflections on life. The profession of a psychologist, comedian, film director and many others will suit the owner of intrapersonal intelligence.

Natural Intellect

People endowed with natural intelligence are of great interest in everything that is around them. They are usually interested in animal breeds, plant species. The world around such people causes curiosity and desire to explore it. They may well realize their potential in professions such as a biologist, zoologist, ecologist.

Philosophical Intellect.

People with such intelligence truly philosophers. They are characterized by complex questions about "high", about the emergence of the Universe, for example, and then try to find answers on them, to get to the very truth. Such people will be excellent writers, psychologists, coach.

For them, as well as for the other types of personality, roads are open to a large number of professions, it remains only to choose exactly what you have to do.

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