Professions in the specialty "Personnel Management": What is it and who can you work? Pros and cons, salary


One of the most sought-after specialty is "personnel management", which possesses promising prospects. The direction of this activity includes a large number of modern and demanded professions, each of which has its own distinctive features. Overview of these professions, we will consider in this article.

Professions in the specialty

What it is?

By itself, "personnel management" is aimed at organizing the productive work of employees and the rational use of their labor resources . It is the main part of the enterprise management chain. In different sources you can meet other names of this specialty, such as management of labor resources, personnel management, human resource management and others. The main thing in this specialty is a focused action on personnel, which is based on the development of its maximum abilities in the organization of work in the enterprise.

Important methods are economic, connecting and socio-psychological. The main tasks of management is the preparation of the head reserve and lower risk of loss of personnel. If the employee does not cope with his work, then the decision on its further fate also depends on the personnel management. People who have mastered this specialty must have a high level of competence and professionalism, because their main work is directly related to personnel. These specialists should not only be able to communicate, but also analyze, be able to work informally.

The management of managers can be divided into four types.

  • Diagnostics (selection of personnel and their assessment).
  • Consultation (if a problem occurs, search for an alternative solution for its elimination).
  • Coach manager (improving the performance of the enterprise by improving the knowledge of employees).
  • Administrator (making decisions that influence the development of the company comprehensively).

An employee of this specialty must have the right speech, accessible and clearly inform information to the personnel. It should always strive for professional development in the field of its activities, is obliged to see in man its weak and strengths, pros and cons of character.

Professions in the specialty

Overview of professions

Having received this specialty in the university in the future, you can realize yourself in different professions.

Personnel manager or HR manager

These are specialists who are responsible for the formation of personnel in the enterprise. These professions are young in our country. Their owners are strategic managers, the responsibilities of which include the company's personnel policy. They are engaged in the development of a personnel training system, stimulating employees and support for healthy and working climate in the team. The successful work of the enterprise largely depends on the activities of the HR-manager, because the personnel decide everything. It is from him that the selection of the necessary personnel depends, he takes part in decisions on the dismissal of employees, the preparation of employment contracts, creating a personnel reserve, conducting personal affairs of workers and other personnel reporting.

This profession is suitable for those who have studied psychology and social studies with interest. Thanks to these knowledge, he will give an assessment to the employee, whether this profession is suitable for him or not, it will be easily described by his personality and intelligence.

Specialists of this profession must have interconnectness, stress resistance and strategic thinking. They have an active life position and are confident, conscientious and attentive.

Professions in the specialty

Coach manager

In different companies there are specialists in conducting trainings in various directions. These employees, having mastered the management of personnel, lead seminars on sales, to create a stock of frames and many other destinations. Training managers are obliged not only well and accessible to inform information to the listener, but also to independently create programs for learning. There can be such a specialist only one who has a lot of experience in conducting trainings.


Specialized hedgenting companies necessarily have in their staff such specialists. They are not only looking for top managers and senior managers in their company, but also lure them from other companies. Possess special personal qualities, thanks to which they can convince a valuable specialist to leave him from a competitor and go to another organization . Such experts are looking for successful candidates who are not interested in changing work. Sometimes handhanthers have to use the cunning and spyware methods. They have a convincing speech, confidence in themselves and, of course, stress resistance.

Professions in the specialty

Coach manager

The profession has strict standards, as this is a specialist who develops the ability to achieve the result. The owner of this profession conducts sessions with a duration of 30 to 70 minutes. During her, the coach asks questions, and sometimes it may ask for something to provide. It has no right to give any tips and recommendations.

This profession come to achieve the goal.


Personnel agencies and large organizations have in their staff recruiters. The task of the recruiter is the selection for the customer of the necessary employee. At the same time, he must help the customer to determine the compliance of the request, based on the market situation, to help the client find the right specialist and assess its capabilities, professionalism. The owner of this profession needs to have a large stock of optimism, developed intuition and stress resistance, sociability and sound sense of humor, as well as knowledge of English for negotiations with foreign clients and to verify the level of knowledge from applicants.

Professions in the specialty


His task is to transfer his experience to another person. Such a specialist must have multifaceted thinking, being at the same time a psychologist and an excellent economist, possess the specifics of marketing to accurately calculate the economic risk. Should know the rulings, orders, regulatory and guidelines . To understand the structure of the enterprise, the organization of office work, the rules of the internal work schedule, as well as much more. Its responsibilities include the implementation of work on finding potential customers, analysis of reference books and directories, fixing data on calling clients by phone or email.

It must interact with potential customers to attract them to cooperate by sending promotional materials and commercial proposals. . Everyone should make data into a bank with information. He directly reports the results of its activities, participates in meetings and conferences, prepares reports in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the Commercial Department. His work mode is determined according to the rules of the internal register of the enterprise.

Sometimes due to production necessity, he can travel to office business trips.

Professions in the specialty


A lot of large universities of Russia make it possible to get a specialty "personnel management". Education can be obtained on the daily and abnormal form of training. During work, students are in-depth studying management, psychology and economy, as well as conducting personnel and general office work. According to the curriculum, an industrial practice is provided, at the end of which students write coursework. Further defend thesis, and the specialist receives confirmation of education. After that, he can start self-employed.

For personnel managers exist special refresher courses. It can be professional seminars on absentee or daily learning. During his studies, future specialists acquire all the necessary knowledge and skills for professional activities in personnel management at the enterprise, in the field of trade and services. A specialist can perform a variety of activities - both organizational and educational and psychological, legal and others.

The salary

After graduating from the university, the delay with a device for work practically does not occur. After all, the specialist of this industry is required at any enterprise with a state of more than 150 people. The best option for work will be a personnel agency, where, due to the manifested knowledge, hard work and the desire can be a good manager. Salary of the personnel manager always depends on the status of the company, staff and level of responsibility. Salary in Russia on average ranges from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles . Of course, the highest level of payment is observed in Moscow from 40,000 to 150,000 rubles.

The main thing is that there is a desire to work and develop, then you can count on a decent payment of labor.

Professions in the specialty

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