Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women


Overview of professions for girls will make sure that there are feminine interesting specialties for which it is difficult to work. It is necessary to deal in advance, what are the best options for girls and modern professions for women. It should also be taken into account that on some vacancies can be led after grade 9, and other areas of preparation will require a mandatory ending of the school courage.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_2

What are the in demand professions?

For girls, there are a large number of different specializations. But it would be a mistake to focus on what of these are the easiest or taking little time. It is much more correct to look for those options that will make it more likely to work. And then it is necessary to make a reservation that the demand is not always equivalent to high pay. Traditionally, the number of such professions includes pedagogy. Many rejoices from such an activity relatively small income, high responsibility and nervous tension.

However, not everything is so bad: there are sometimes very decent positions, especially in the private sector. All kinds of teachers, including general education, university profile, as well as workers of kindergartens and correctional institutions use the demand from the employers. It is adjacent to pedagogical activities and work in educational management bodies - however, it is rather an administrative sphere, and not learning.

Similar to pedagogy Situation - in the field of care:

  • mainly "female" face;
  • relatively modest salary with a small amount of exceptions;
  • high level of responsibility;
  • The need is obligatory empathy and other positive personal qualities.

Also a large number of girls and women goes to positions:

  • hairdressers;
  • accountants;
  • secretaries;
  • sellers;
  • library workers;
  • telephone consultants;
  • cashiers;
  • employees of reference services;
  • Banking and postal workers.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_3

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_4

Review of highly paid specialties

But still the majority, of course, puts the goal not just to work out, but take a place with a good salary. And such positions are in life not so rare, contrary to expectations. Moreover, many of them relate sometimes to the previous section. After all, accountants, and hairdressers (stylists), and secretaries, and other office employees can receive decent money. Many usually earn those who are on a solid official stage in a large organization operating in a big city. Or in a firm relating to a rapidly developing, successful sector of the economy.

But you have to match, of course, increasingly growing requirements. So, the same secretaries to get a big salary must completely get rid of the stereotypical type of "coffee pedcutter". We will have to constantly develop in a professional plan, to master the workflow and foreign languages ​​(not only English, and at least one language), to understand the structure and activities of the organization, in many other things. To say exactly what this plank is impossible, but the fact that the highly paid secretaries are those who can have an equal conversation with any head of the department, clearly understanding everything that said to them.

There are, however, and some other advantageous specializations. Among them - personnel selection specialists. Having mastered this profession, you can wrap the growing claims from the employers to candidates for their favor. After all, what they are higher, the authoritative and indispensable personnel service.

On average, its employees receive 50-60 thousand, and in Moscow, partly in St. Petersburg, the main specialists of the personnel department can claim the rate from 120 thousand.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_5

The number of promising women's professions includes the activities of auditors. Any organizations, departments, specialists are required to verify - and commercial structures are ready to pay for the activities of the controllers well. Even in small cities, a number of vacancies of the auditor with a payment from 30 thousand rubles are open. To work in such an area, you will have to carefully study:

  • Document work General and financial;
  • accounting;
  • Basics of Labor Organization;
  • fundamental basis;
  • tax law.

Moreover, "just a diploma" here is not separated here - in each of these areas there is a lot of nuances, which are not taught anywhere and that can be comprehended only in practice. But the auditors always work in the premises, in comfortable conditions. It is worth noting that they not only detect problems. Sometimes, auditors are attracted to the prevention of violations, until the latter have not had time to grow to a global scale, for recommendations. Of course, there is among these specialists internal gradation:

  • Some better cope with tax issues;
  • others are looking for deviations in financial statements;
  • Third - check structural units and branches entirely.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_6

A lawyer can also be applied for high pay. Of course, we are not talking about a freshly baked graduate of the Law Faculty, but about an experienced specialist in the field of civil or corporate law. Validation also:

  • criminal lawyers (but only after a set of significant sense and a number of successful protection);
  • Professionals in the field of international commercial or some foreign law (however, there is a very narrow niche);
  • notaries;
  • Judges (their work is not only highly paid, but also accompanied by a number of other privileges).

But even recently the most fashionable profession of a psychologist was somewhat faded. Establishment has decreased, and it is already not necessary to count on impressive salaries. The exception is only those who already have a circle of solid regular customers or are ready to form it from scratch. But there are still some high-yield professions that can be mastered in 40 years and even a little later. This is about:

  • Manager tourist firms (though, in connection with the latest events, this sphere has received a very strong blow);
  • confidences (not just performing tasks, but engaged in a kind of food creativity);
  • work in the tax service, a multifunctional center, a foreign public institution, where many people are drawn;
  • the work of florists (the demand for flowers and bouquets is unlikely to go somewhere even in the most difficult times);
  • software testers;
  • realists;
  • Insurance agents.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_7

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_8

Modern prestigious professions

The rating of the most impressive and reputational attractive specializations for women with a full basis is the position of business development manager. This specialist is responsible primarily for maintaining stable contact with the clientele. The position that appeared relatively recently implies the coordination of the activities of the entire organization, any of its departments and parts. Such an occupation is very complicated, but also fascinating at the same time.

Partly adjoins the position of the Strategic Planning Manager here; This is most often the right hand of the Director-General or the direct owner of the company. Such managers are also developing, but in the context of the assessment of the whole situation in general and forecasting the likely changes in the medium term, long-term perspective. Creators of software can also be considered sufficiently successful people. Yes, the development of programs is not growing so violently as it was 5-7 years ago. However, it has reached a giant scale, and the place is found to everyone who owns the necessary skills at a good level. Another of the prestigious digital professions in the top is the data engineer and information.

The main task is to ensure that infrastructure for processing and analyzing data satisfy the increasing demands of modern life. Just write the database code, even set the conditions for its functioning is not enough.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_9

It is necessary to constantly monitor this area of ​​activity, otherwise it will be impossible:

  • add new information;
  • remove and adjust the former records;
  • change the content technically;
  • Remove information and change the form of their presentation on request.

Returning to managerial experts, it is necessary to name and product managers. They need to create new ideas, determine the course of further developing new commercial products. From such professionals are waiting for them to help increase the revenue and profit of the company. It takes to understand not only in advertising, marketing and sales, but also in the features of technology, organization of production. Otherwise, consumer requests cannot be satisfied - the time when it was possible to implement "at least something really necessary," irrevocably gone.

Separately, no matter how unusually sounded, professions associated with space. Despite the pretty loss of a romantic laid (although it is how to say ...), such specializations remain in demand. Moreover, the growth in demand for them is planned, because cosmic communications and technical means apply increasingly. Of course, to go to the orbit of the Earth (and in the future - even further), only few fewers will be able. But there are alternatives - for example, work in the astronomical observatory; Let the salary not always pleases, but it is a good chance to make some kind of discovery and become famous. And you can go and otherwise: to master the profession of engineer of the space industry. Engineering and design support for flights is also very prestigious and paid relatively not bad.

We need in the space industry and construction engineers. After all, only they can provide the right construction and repair of starting structures, various infrastructure.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_10

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_11

The most interesting and creative specialty

The role of imagination is difficult to overestimate in the field of art. It is equally necessary:

  • writers;
  • scripts;
  • directors;
  • actors;
  • Circus artists;
  • Grimers;
  • costumes;
  • artists;
  • illustrates;
  • Art photographers.

Some people are interested in ordinary professions without education. Attention: we are talking only about higher education; At least the courses or secondary special training should be necessary. This discharge falls:

  • actors of all specializations;
  • fashion model;
  • artists;
  • sculptors;
  • choreographers;
  • radio hosts;
  • TV presenters;
  • film critics;
  • sound engineers;
  • Designers of various directions.

But it is necessary to understand that in all these activities, no matter, moving or sedentary, possible at home or requiring a visit to a separate workplace, the presence of a diploma will still be a plus.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_12

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_13

Therefore, you need to think three times before rushing to look for work without education. The advantage will even be the fact that higher education will expand the horizons and make creative activity more productive and rich. Partly to creative specializations are approximate and related activities. It is not necessary to reduce them only to the career of athletes in various disciplines, although this area of ​​application is not necessary to completely ignore this area.

It is quite possible to try your hand in the ranks of commentators. Good professionals of this kind are very valued. ATTENTION: It is worth being ready for non-normalized working days. Other suitable specializations:

  • trainer;
  • Sports agent (providing athletes access to competitions, teams);
  • Sport lawyer;
  • Sports Medic;
  • Greencipers (engaged in leaving for fields and lawns);
  • sports psychologist;
  • arbitrator;
  • Manager of the Palace of Sports, Stadium or Sport Complex.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_14

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_15

Girls can try themselves and as a connection. Today, this area of ​​activity is much easier than a few decades ago, and no longer requires such a volume of physical labor. In addition, the number of types of communication has increased dramatically, and much more needed qualified specialists in this area. Work can be in:

  • Installation;
  • commissioning;
  • repair;
  • Everyday service and configuration of communication lines, transmitters.

But you can pay attention to the remote professions. For example, to the post of Internet marketer, because the need to attract customers becomes only more relevant every year. Especially promising contextual advertising on the Internet. Private subspecies - SMM manager. The text of the online promotion is provided by copywriters and editors; The farther from the monotonous writing of texts and the closer to marketing, the higher are paid.

It is also worth mentioning:

  • SEO;
  • web developers;
  • Data Scientist.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_16

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_17

Overview of options after study

After grade 9

For girls after grade 9, there are different directions of employment. And we are not only about trade, freelancing or cleaning the premises. Expand its capabilities helps training in an average special educational institution. Any teenager there may be offered to lean to:

  • chefs;
  • locksmith;
  • working engineering industry (with many specializations);
  • driver;
  • baker;
  • Construction specialties;
  • technologist;
  • metrologist;
  • social worker.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_18

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_19

After grade 11

To become in the future quite equipped with a representative of society, the girl is better to master the full school course. This opens up additional opportunities for special training or independent development of a number of professions. This is primarily about specializations:

  • cosmetologist;
  • Stewardles;
  • veterinarian;
  • statistics;
  • merchande;
  • pharmacist;
  • guide;
  • Labor protection specialist.

Many girls more taste will be calm applied professions - and it is completely normal. Moreover, in Russia, many of those occupying such posts may apply for a good wage. So, with a tendency to mathematics and natural sciences, you can become a chemist engineer, a construction engineer or an engineer of the petrochemical industry. Those who want to help people are better to become dentists, although it is no longer so calm. Also among relatively serene occupations include:

  • an archive officer;
  • interpreter;
  • technical writer;
  • linguist;
  • Material person;
  • Forester or forester;
  • meteorologist.

But some girls are more romantic in kind, and some of them seeks to find their calling in aviation. The top of the dreams, of course, serve as posts directly in an airplane or helicopter.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_20

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_21

Almost always this profession of flight attendants, it is much less likely to take a seat in the cockpit. It is necessary to understand that the pilots are also different, they perform dozens of types of flights in the interests of departments and organizations, and go from one specialization to another is very difficult. It is not easier to master the piloting of a combat or military transport aircraft (helicopter).

Fortunately, there are many occupational staff professions in aviation. These are not only dispatchers, but also a huge number of people at airports, at the airfields that make the work invisible world. On the railway, the girls can also make a career. The only explicit restriction on Russian railway is the position of the driver and some other very heavy, harmful specialization. But also come:

  • bosses of trains;
  • station dispatchers;
  • audit controllers;
  • on duty moving;
  • headquarters and stations;
  • cashiers;
  • Help service staff;
  • Personnel of restaurants cars;
  • staff of railway hospitals and vocational groups;
  • signals;
  • inspections of cars;
  • Inspectors for receiving locomotives and so on.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_22

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_23

If a girl is even not enough for this, she can try to tie themselves with power structures - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, armed forces. Of course, it is unlikely that it is worth going to the number of sappers or fighters of special detachments (except that this is a tendency and willingness), but there are also rear provision, for example. We need a lot of people who will provide "organs" by food and fuel, uniform and special property, engage in logistics, repair, work in the housing and communal sphere.

A similar situation in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and in the Customs Service, and in the National Guard, and even in FSO. But the path is open and even more dangerous power professions. So, in the police, the girls and women are not so rarely becoming:

  • operatives;
  • district inspectors;
  • juvenile inspectors;
  • officers of the patrol and road and road service;
  • criminalists;
  • cynologists;
  • Convoirs.

In total, their share accounts for 30% of the police Russian Federation. In the FSB and other special services, the situation is different: there girls take almost exclusively on administrative positions and in the scope of office work.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_24

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_25

It is extremely difficult to get to the positions of working "in the field" of agents; How many of them there, as well as in CVR, GRU - for obvious reasons is unknown. It is clear only that the selection is extremely strict even among those admitted to initial training. The same situation in the Ministry of Emergency Situations: theoretically, they take all those who want, practically the requirements, including at medical examinations, very severe.

Basically, the girls in the Ministry of Emergency Situations fall on the posts of dispatchers, psychologists, experts, laboratory technicians and in the already mentioned provision. You can also get there through medicine disasters. But in the "field" rescue detachments, they are still a bit.

In the troops, including the Navy, the situation is more favorable. Quite many women become:

  • Fabricists;
  • relations;
  • air defense fighters;
  • cardographers;
  • geodesists;
  • mechanics;
  • musicians.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_26

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_27

But also gradually growing their number in the landing, rocket troops, among tankers, artillerymen and other types of troops. The whole service will go strictly under the contract. If there is a desire to work extremely in peaceful life, then you need to choose the posts:

  • Trainer;
  • Casket;
  • Shakhtar (Marcacheider);
  • geologist;
  • electromonter;
  • industrial climber;
  • infectious system;
  • Rafting instructor;
  • Diving instructor;
  • Parachute jump instructor;
  • logging;
  • Driller;
  • Employee Serpentaria;
  • polar explorer;
  • Correspondent-Stringer (often you will have to ride in hot spots);
  • Sailor of the Fisherman Fleet;
  • conductors in the mountains;
  • Metallurg;
  • roofer;
  • investigator.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_28

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_29

How not to make a mistake with the choice?

It does not matter whether it was decided to choose a new profession or master the first specialization in life - the approach will be about the same. Errors also coincide. Many are focused on the opinion of parents and friends, other relatives and senior peers. The part is amenable to fashion or focus on films, books, the situation of newspapers and magazines. Necessary:

  • do not succumb to the external charm of the profession, and to delve into her nuances;
  • ignore the surrounding pressure - because they do not work;
  • Do not transfer a positive perception of some person on his activities;
  • remember that in any field will have to work much and hard to succeed;
  • take into account their tastes, inclinations and objective physical restrictions;
  • pay attention to what is in demand in your region;
  • Think not only about the current situation in the labor market, but also how it can be in a few years.

Professions for girls: What are the women's interesting professions? The best options for girls and modern professions for women 7195_30

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