Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS


The article says everything you need to know about the profession of engineer PTO, about his responsibilities and other provisions of the job description. In addition to deciphering the abbreviation, interested in the theme, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the professional profession of this profession and with ETKS. It is no less important to find out the details about the thermal networks and other places for the work of VET engineers.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_2


The decoding of the abbreviation is very simple: it is about the production and technical department. And this structure is engaged in the preparation of full conditions for a particular activity. Briefly, if such a department does not work as it should, no construction will not even come to the markup of the markup, and no products will not be released. Such structure is engaged:

  • formation and coordination of design materials;
  • settlement and creation of estimates;
  • everyday control of workflows;
  • drawing up contracts with subcontracting firms;
  • Operating technological maps.

But the profession of the engineer of PTO, in addition to ensuring the orderly stroke of technical and workflows, implies Active application of advanced technological developments and innovation. Therefore, no "boring digging in the drawings and items" does not go speech. To become a leading specialist of PTO - at least on thermal networks, at least in other objects, you will have to master the control of direct work and prepare for briefings of immediate performers. Along with purely technical aspects, you will need to master and planning. Many profession representatives behave independent research development.

Moreover, with any misunderstandings, primarily with regulatory documents, schemes and drawings, everyone usually go to consult just in PTO.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_3

Job description


The latitude of the functional tasks of VET engineers does not allow them in many cases to do without helpers. The larger the production or construction, the most relevant to the promotion of other people and the distribution of efforts. However, when implementing small projects, maximum powers focuses in the hands of some people. That is why it is so important any firm to edit the documents defining these powers and functions - job descriptions, staffing and tariff nets. Key features are:

  • technical Supervision;
  • checking the fulfillment of requirements in accordance with the executive documentation manual;
  • an assessment of the compliance of the stated and carried out works (production of products, the provision of technical services);
  • checking the requirements of design and estimated materials, work drawings, SNiP, GOST and standards of other countries;
  • verification of the execution of corporate specifications;
  • assessment of observance of labor protection standards;
  • assessment of observance of sanitary, hygienic, biological, electrical and other norms (according to the specifics of certain objects);
  • the establishment of the reasons for which the timeline and / or was not constructed quality of work;
  • assistance in eliminating shortcomings;
  • Technical acceptance of constructed objects, finished industrial products;
  • conducting documents on accounting of actually performed works and services rendered;
  • recalculation of cost as needed;
  • Preparation of estimates for auxiliary and unplanned work;
  • reporting;
  • coordination with stakeholders and calculation organizations, estimates;
  • Performing additional instructions of managers - within the limits that do not interfere with the execution of basic functions.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_4


So serious obligations are accompanied, of course, and solid powers for their execution. PTO engineers are entitled, for example, to give their subordinates (directly or as part of a subordinate unit) of instructions within their competence. After issuing any order, it is possible to check its execution. There is also the right to find out from subordinates how goodbye they do their main work. As needed, engineers have the right to request any information and documents.

Also, their powers include:

  • Direct (with the notification of management and with its general consent) contacts with third-party institutions and organizations;
  • making proposals for the improvement of their work and the functioning of other structural divisions;
  • The ability to achieve the maintenance of optimal organizational and technical conditions, execution of regulations by the leadership.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_5

A responsibility

To know, for which this professional is responsible, is also very important. His responsibility includes:

  • failure to fulfill their obligations;
  • late or incomplete work;
  • violation of the established instructions and other orders;
  • disclosure of official secrets;
  • the use of office employed for personal purposes, including for enrichment, in addition to the organization;
  • disclosing confidential information;
  • Disruption of labor discipline, fire-fighting and technological safety measures.

In the All-Russian Classifier, the ETCS for PTO engineers is assigned a position 16.032. Officially, it is described as an "specialist in the field of industrial and technological support for construction production." Nothing amazing - in the construction sector, such a position is more common than in industrial production. Professandard establishes such moments:

  • conducting archives of organizational and technological and executive documentation;
  • elaboration, design and coordination of projects;
  • formation of documentation for commissioning objects;
  • Input control of information materials;
  • Planning design materials by other specialists, tracking this development.

What makes the engineer depends largely on its category.

  • Those to whom it is not yet assigned, mainly perform the simplest actions under the constant control of more experienced specialists. 3 category allows you to prepare simple drawings and secondary documents, but do not solve any responsible tasks.
  • Two categories can safely perform the same as the employees of lower groups, and without constant control of management. There is also the right to independently prepare assembly and assembly drawings for serial exhaust solutions.
  • A specialist 1 category may in some cases, to indicate the leading engineers of PTO or the main engineers of organizations, independently prepare materials for new types of products or new construction objects.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_6

Requirements for a candidate

Candidates for the post of engineer of PTO are obliged to possess powerful professional knowledge. Key skills are:

  • the ability to draw up and analyze all types of technical and financial plan documents, compare them among themselves and with reports;
  • readiness to form technical plans and cost estimates;
  • the ability to correctly evaluate the work done from the technical and economic points of view;
  • Knowledge of control equipment, the ability to read its indicators, apply them in the finished form or by calculating according to formulas.

A good specialist should know:

  • specific work at all and on specific objects or in organizations;
  • norms of legislation;
  • provisions of job descriptions;
  • prescriptions of various departments and regulatory organizations;
  • GOST, SNIP, army of rules;
  • strength of materials;
  • General physics and higher mathematics - within the course readable for technical specialties of universities.

Personal qualities are important. The production and technical department almost always operates in a tense mode or zadietic mode, because stress resistance is extremely significant. Also relevant:

  • concentration of attention;
  • Pedantism (in the good sense of the word);
  • high level of responsibility;
  • Analytical image of thinking;
  • The ability to switch between different tasks.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_7


Get Education in the specialty Engineer VET can be in technical educational institutions - secondary special or universities. However, this does not mean that it is indifferent where it is specifically to learn. Unambiguous preference should be given Institution or even university training. If you choose a college (college), then the advanced training will be needed very soon, and it is not even that it will be possible to find a job. In the process of preparation, we will naturally need to master mathematics and natural sciences at a good level.

Specific specialization is almost not regulated. It usually belongs to construction, communal economy, overhaul or energy. The main part of the training positions is open in educational institutions of the architectural and construction and polytechnic profile. You can even find them in the average city population. But it is necessary to take into account that production and technical departments at industrial enterprises of different profiles also need specialists - and therefore training can be passed in industrial educational institutions.

Major curricula:

  • industrial and civil construction;
  • Mine and underground construction;
  • Production and application of building materials, products and structures;
  • Design and construction of engineering systems of power supply and livelihoods.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_8

Training of PTO specialists lead to:

  • MEI;
  • Crimean Federal University;
  • Ranhigs;
  • Polytechnic University named after Peter Great;
  • FEFU;
  • Russian Geological Exploration University;
  • RUDN;
  • MISIS;
  • URFU;
  • Kuban Agrarian University;
  • MEI;
  • SQFC;
  • Far Eastern University of Communications;
  • Technical universities of Voronezh, Samara, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don and Volgograd;
  • Novosibirsk architectural and construction university;
  • Siberian University of Water Transport.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_9

The salary

The income of PTO engineers in Russia may vary greatly. The usual bet it is:
  • Tyumen region - 66000;
  • KHMAO - 69000;
  • Krasnodar - 57000;
  • Irkutsk region - 69000;
  • Tyva and Chukotka - 90000;
  • Yakutia - 89000;
  • Sverdlovsk region - 55000;
  • Amur region - 74,000 rubles.


You can usually make a serious career step in 2-4 years of work in the specialty. Having worked on a number of projects as a qualified senior engineer, you can head the department. Further, depending on the hierarchy and the favor of the leadership, you can gradually get to the post of head of the enterprise.

Having gained experience, you can begin to fulfill the applications of small firms that do not have regular engineers or estimates. Much depends on the decisiveness and professionalism of the workers themselves.

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_10

Place of work

Many small organizations open vacancies for people without experience . The terms of payment are not too favorable in them, but you can gain experience and experience. You can find a job and otherwise: already during the student's period to seek part-time job - with a similar method good for those who want to quickly receive solid money. You can search for vacancies:

  • on vodokanal;
  • in heat supply organizations, power supply;
  • in the organization of gas and sewage networks;
  • in the oil and gas industry;
  • in the coal;
  • in a construction organization;
  • in metallurgy;
  • in production (in mechanical engineering and metalworking).

Engineer PTO: Responsibilities and job description. Heat networks and other jobs. Decoding abbreviation. Professandard profession and ETKS 7119_11

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