Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education


Modern human civilization is infinitely dependent on electrical appliances - outage actually throws us for at least a hundred years ago. None of us wants to give up the usual level of comfort guaranteed by electrical appliances, and if an ordinary host can still to repair sockets and switches, and in the best case - and some household unit, the complicated technique still requires the intervention of a highly qualified professional, if fix did not escape. Electricians - this is the specialist, whose area of ​​responsibility includes the repair and adjustment of electrical networks of any level of complexity.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_2


Electricians - the concept is very broad and is not limited to primitive repair outlets and switches. Nowadays, the relevance of the profession all increased. Qualified specialists are needed everywhere, and their work is well paid. The duties of the modern expert enters absolutely any service one way or another associated with the electrician, ie it deals not only with wiring, but in general any electrical equipment.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_3

career history spans over a hundred years old, although in theory it can be increased to two hundred years - until the time when physics laboratory just starting to experiment with electricity and could be considered the first electricians. In those times of energy properties have been known for a little while they themselves were fraught with experiences and traumas, and even fatal, because, historically, that the specialty classified as dangerous and is considered the most suitable for men.

Over time it was introduced electric lighting and electric tram - the control of the company were among the first who was an electrician is needed as a staff writer. With the proliferation of domestic electric lighting, household appliances and industrial equipment, use electricity, the number of vacancies increased only.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_4

Like any other profession, the work of an electrician involves its own pros and cons. If you are still only thinking about choosing a profession, it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of this operation in advance to make an adequate idea of ​​what will have to deal with.

Let's start with the good - will list the reasons for beneficial to be an electrician:

  • profession remains one of the most pressing - humanity is still very much dependent on electrical appliances, and is not expected mass technologies in the near future that can replace a live electrical;
  • You can always help yourself and loved ones - the profession is very useful at home, and you can solve any emergency situation independently, without waiting for the arrival of third-party specialists;
  • The work of the electrician, as a rule, is observed and operational response, therefore it is possible to work immediately at several enterprises, maintaining electrical equipment in proper condition;
  • If necessary, you can get an additional income, helping neighbors or providing electrical services according to the freelance circuit.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_5

It is equally important in advance to be aware of all the shortcomings of the profession so that they do not become unpleasant surprises. So, that's what can push off the electrician's profession:

  • Home equipment uses a relatively safe voltage of 220 volts, but the serviced equipment demonstrates much more impressive characteristics, so the work of the electrician is still dangerous;
  • Communications requiring repair can be located at a considerable height, and this is always a certain risk of falling and discomfort for a person who is afraid of height;
  • Considering the profession of the electrician as a profitable and well-paid, it is necessary to understand that income is highly dependent on the complexity of the work performed and even the region, where you work: you can work with complex modern equipment on a technological factory, earning very well, but you can also be an electrician at school earning a penny.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_6

Job description

According to the classifier of professions, the electrician is not a profession, but rather, a group of related professions, one way or another related to the operation and maintenance of electrical equipment. Prografandard suggests a number of different narrow specialties, among which we will consider only a few most sought-after:

  • Electrical installation - engaged in laying of electrical networks, from large-scale highways to domestic lines, work as part of emergency or construction brigades;
  • Operational personnel - in a sense of the "theorists" from the world of electricity, which are not so much paving or ranked highways, as follows their normal and proper operation, select the optimal modes of operation in a specific period of time;
  • Electric cars - have more attitude not to wiring, but to electronic circuits, the complex equipment will be rotated, which is easiest to describe as computers;
  • Auditors - Estimates of the consumption of electricity and energy consumption involved in optimizing costs and losses for more efficient use of electrical networks.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_7

In case of employment, the vacancy can be described even in more detail, because it is clear that electricians can be techniques on the power plant, to maintain car electrical systems, work on the railway or to solder broken household appliances.

The master universal in this industry is quite rare, and to get a job, it is better to know some one sphere in detail than to understand everything, but little by little.


For obvious reasons, the exact list of duties strongly depends on the place of work, but at the same time there are groups - discharges that allow the electrician to receive admission to the tasks of a certain level of complexity or danger. In other words, the head has no right to demand from the employee of the fulfillment of those responsibilities that are not provided by its discharge. Strictly speaking, this classification even affects people who do not have any profile education, they are assigned to the first discharge, allowing to use electrical equipment and provide first aid. The highest - 6 category - makes its owner a universal specialist who can cope with the task of any level of complexity.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_8

If we talk about the duties of electricians and representatives of related professions in general, it is necessary to be prepared for the following work:

  • lay the electrical cable;
  • connect equipment to the power grid;
  • calculate the required size of the cable;
  • plan electrical wiring schemes;
  • prophylactically inspect entrusted electrical equipment and wiring to early detect and eliminate any shortcomings;
  • repair electrical networks on request;
  • Mount sockets and insulators;
  • perform commissioning work before connecting devices;
  • teach the younger staff with the rules of safe behavior with electrical devices;
  • Constantly learn and improve your own knowledge.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_9


Official instructions in detail may differ not only from the enterprise to the enterprise, but also depending on how the specific electrician has a particular discharge. Nevertheless, in general, the provisions will be approximately the same, which allows them to evaluate them in advance by making their own conclusions that the employee is allowed:

  • act to eliminate violations and inconsistencies associated with wiring and electrical equipment, ideally - working on ahead;
  • count on social guarantees established by law;
  • rely on the promotion of other members of the team in the realization of the rights and obligations of the electrician;
  • require the provision of specific conditions necessary for a comfortable and safe performance of official duties;
  • gain access to documentation related to electrical wiring and use of electrical equipment;
  • raise the level of own training;
  • declare the leadership of detected shortcomings and disorders in the operation of electrical appliances and wiring, to offer their own vision of the solution to the problem;
  • To familiarize yourself with the job descriptions, own rights and obligations, as well as the criteria for assessing their own work.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_10

A responsibility

Timely and adequate fulfillment of duties provided for by the job description is an important point. But the work of the electrician is also complex in the sense that it is directly responsible for emerging abnormal situations that can end with damages for the employer, injuries or even a fatal outcome for employees.

As in the case of rights, the exact area of ​​responsibility may depend on the specifics of the place of work and the position being held, but in general will be responsible in the following situations:

  • Failure to fulfill their direct official duties within the prescribed period, including the refusal to use the rights provided by the official instructions, if it entailed any unwanted consequences;
  • ignore safety regulations, fire protection, internal regulations, and so on;
  • message of the commercial secrecy of its enterprise to any third parties that do not have authorized access to such information;
  • failure to comply with the provisions of internal regulatory documents, as well as their implementation in insufficient or improper form;
  • Any offense provided for by the current legislation in the process of employment, with the suffering of punishment provided for by law;
  • damage to the employer in terms of exposure or malicious intent;
  • Excessive or unauthorized use of rights provided by the job description, including for personal gain.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_11

Requirements for profession

Electric - a man on whose shoulders rests a significant amount of responsibility, because it is by its timely professional activities depend on the well-being of the enterprise and the safety of other employees. For such an employee, sufficient qualifications are important, because the first and most important requirement for the electrician is to understand in its main field of activity without the help of auxiliary books and crib , be able to quickly assess the situation and immediately take actions to eliminate the problem. In other words, a good electrician should know the device, specifications and principles of the equipment that will work with.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_12

Also not prevented certain skills and knowledge of mathematics, physics, drawing. Of the profile knowledge, the ability to determine the eye or with the help of a special tool types of damage, understanding the causes of their occurrence, the ability to repair all sorts of breakdowns.

Separate attention is paid to personal qualities of a person, because not everyone is capable of being a good electrician a priori. At a minimum, you have to be very responsible and attentive person, because you allow mistakes in work or throw the task of an unfinished electrician has no right. Sometimes the elimination of the breakage implies a huge amount of forces applied, while it is impossible to postpone the repair - therefore, physical endurance will be appropriate. Working in potentially dangerous conditions, it is worthpolding a good reaction and a well-known share of accuracy.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_13


The desire to become an electrician as a professional rarely appears without a previously laid base - a person interested in this business one way or another is interested in the topic independently, it receives certain knowledge from the father or acquaintances, practiced at home in the repair of sockets and switches, as well as other household appliances.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_14

Today, the Internet allows you to get a lot of information about electrical engineering and wiring, and persistent self-taught, complementing all this with good literature and video tutorials, is really able to achieve a certain level. Let's say this: thanks to this approach, you can learn how to do without the masters of the houses and even earn, helping the neighbors and acquaintances, but for a permanent and official work, it is unlikely that the employer will still want to see the documentary confirmation of the received specialty.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_15

Even if you graduated from some courses of the "young electrician", it does not allow you to consider yourself a professional.

If you decide to study thoroughly to get a profession and right to work, one of three options for educational institutions should be considered.

  • School or college. Entering here, you are unlikely to be able to count on stunning vacancies and impressive salary - it would be more correct to say that "work horses" are preparing "work horses" engaged in the performance of mechanical similar problems on spent, not by them invented schemes. Plus such training in what anyone can do, and only 1-3 years will go to receive a diploma.
  • Technical College. This is an order of magnitude higher level than the one that receives in the school. The theory in this case is not limited to minimal azami, and although you can not be an engineer, most of the good vacancies will be available for choice, and therefore it will be possible to earn money. This is also relatively simple to enter here, but it will have to spend 3-4 years to receive a diploma.
  • Higher educational institutions. Higher education is given in order for the trained specialist to work, rather, heads, respectively, posts will be even more responsible and a little similar to the leadership, and the salary will naturally grow. The training will have to spend 4-5 years, and from all this time it will be spent not so much, but a huge theoretical base will be laid. It will be possible to do only after grade 11 or the end of a technical school or college. As it should be in universities, you will have to take an exam, and the exact sciences will be considered profile - informatics and mathematics.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_16

The enormous need of society in electricals leads to the fact that it is possible to obtain an appropriate education in any more or less large city - the settlement for this is even not necessarily to be a regional center. The profession of the electrician Many people choose also because it allows not to leave far from home in student years.

Place of work

The uniqueness and profitability of the profession of the electrician are that it is needed to almost any more or less large enterprise, and can also work on the principle of freelance. It is not worth wonder this - there are very few people in the world who do not face electricity at all or fully take responsibility for the correct operation and timely repair of the entire electrical equipment and wiring on the territory of their responsibility.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_17

In fact, you can knock on the door of any company and ask a question if they do not need an electrician, and with high probability will be affirmative.

In order to once again emphasize said, consider several examples of the potential places of work of the electrician, specially selected so that they are the most diverse.

  • In the management company. One of the most predictable options that allows you to serve ordinary citizens in their dwellings, as well as to repair the main communications, providing the work of elevators and street lamps, light in the entrances and so on. Work is largely a response to emergency calls, even in the middle of the night, but allows you to work in step accessibility from home address.
  • In a sanatorium. This place of work is reminded by the above-described, only customers are resting - people who have paid money for a comfortable stay at the recreation center and who do not want to endure discomfort even in the force majeure. Accordingly, a faster response is required, due to which the area of ​​responsibility is less, and the wage is usually the opposite, a little higher. If the sanatorium is also located in the wilderness, you can be the only person on which it depends whether there will be light.
  • At a construction site. In this case, the main task will not be repaired, but the primary gasket of communications, when it is possible to clearly plan your duties and work on a predetermined schedule. A huge minus is the dubious comfort of the construction site with its dust and noise.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_18

How much does it get?

Calling some one specific figure, guess the electrician's salary is practically unrealistic - the plug of salary is too diverse. Predictable, in rural areas and without northern surcharges, an employee with minimal qualifications, in whose obligations only the replacement of sockets and switches is included, will receive a decent penny - Perhaps even less than 20 thousand rubles. In principle, the employee of a large enterprise in Moscow will look like otherwise, in the north or in any other place, if this is the strategic industry, and the electrician itself is not an ordinary, but responsible for the work of complex equipment. The salary of such an employee may approach 100 thousand rubles.

The average salary in the industry, again, hesitantly fluctuates depending on the region and the specific description of the working functions, but in general it can be designated as 30-40 thousand rubles per month.

Electricians (19 photos): wizard-wagon with the electrician. Electrical appliances, alarm, Electrical design and other types of professions. Education 7115_19

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