Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take?


The description of the Profession Profession and the main responsibilities of the reporter is very useful for those interested in this specialization. It is important to find out in advance what makes and how much receives a correspondent. Other actual moments - how to become without education, what items need to be passed, etc.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_2

Characteristic profession

Correspondent (reporter) is a person who prepares information blocks for various media. He has to be engaged not only by simple "informational inclusions", but also by copyright. You can master a similar profession in various educational institutions or in your own practice. Correspondents, like other journalists, appeared in the XVII-XVIII centuries, when large newspapers and magazines have arisen with significant circulations. As technology develops, the journalistic practice has changed.

It is customary to divide correspondents for a regular and freelance composition. The first form constantly cooperates with only one media or editorial group. The second - independently chooses who to interact with.

One way or another, they all work in the non-normalized mode almost always. Business trips are also quite frequent.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_3

What are there?

The authors of articles for the media are divided into many varieties. Even judicial reporters differ significantly among themselves. Some more write about economic and arbitration disputes, others - about criminal processes. In the courtroom, many restrictions have to be observed, and communication with the participants in the process participants is strictly regulated.

We'll have to master the skills of stenograph.

With judicial specialization is closely connected and Criminal Report . This activity is sometimes very dangerous.

And you can also conduct reports on:

  • sport;
  • medicine;
  • secular scandals;
  • politics;
  • cultural issues;
  • economy;
  • automotive technology;
  • household appliances;
  • energy;
  • agriculture.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_4

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_5

More correspondents divide on:

  • preparing materials for printing publications;
  • cooperating with the Internet press;
  • working on radio;
  • leading television broadcasts.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_6

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_7

Professional duties

The correspondent is the main work consists in preparing reports.

Clear grandmariov can not be by definition.

Assign the media directors to this position. Representation of them makes the chief editor. According to a typical job description, the correspondent is obliged to understand:

  • media legislation;
  • rules for the preparation of materials;
  • features of information work;
  • subtleties of editing;
  • techniques for receiving an interview;
  • journalistic ethics;
  • Rules for applying voice recorders, cameras, other equipment.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_8

When working, the journalist is guided by the legislation of Russia (as well as other countries where he has to collect information). For standard specialists, the norms of the organization's regulations and other regulations, direct orders of management. Regardless of the sphere of journalistic work, the correspondent makes about the same types of work. The most important feature is a message to the editorial office of operational information and other materials, as well as the preparation of its publications.

He must, having received Editorial Task, establish contact with:

  • civil servants;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • other journalists;
  • representatives of the public;
  • local self-government;
  • celebrities and their surroundings;
  • leaders of public opinion;
  • politicians, heads of trade unions.

A good journalist travels to the seats of events personally, if necessary, accompanied by a team of assistants. If required, it is obliged to receive accreditation in the prescribed manner.

Interview is also a whole art. It takes place on a predetermined list of questions, which is not so easy to master. After taking an interview and collect other materials, evidence and official comments, it is necessary to process all this, make their conclusions and assumptions.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_9

The correspondent independently makes the records - in notepads or using audio and video equipment.

At the same time, both during the analysis of records and in the final processing of materials will have to personally check the accuracy of the collected information.

More correspondents help editors develop topical and promising work plans. They are entitled to make proposals, what topics to illuminate, independently search for new topics. Journalists are also responsible for accuracy:

  • numbers;
  • titles;
  • Names;
  • dates and other facts.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_10

Professional media reporters are valid since 2014. According to him, their responsibilities:

  • collect, prepare and provide topical information through the media;
  • follow the infamation;
  • Plan an interview and reports, articles and notes;
  • Collect the data that is necessary for a specific material;
  • form the material at the level that allows it to be easily edited, and ideally - immediately send to print, transfer to the broadcast service;
  • coordinate the subject of materials with editors;
  • Deeply study your topic or a few topics, related information;
  • Formulate the main storyline of planned materials;
  • Preparing reasonable graphs for each task and coordinate them;
  • master the principles of efficient communication;
  • perform the analysis of major information arrays;
  • conduct photo and video shooting of events, background, individuals;
  • organize the actions of the film crew;
  • work in the frame and in front of the microphone;
  • Organize other participants in the reportage or film crew.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_11


In the XXI century, many well-established performances changed significantly. Pretty many people managed to become correspondents even without education. In this case, useful will be:

  • copywriter or other text skills;
  • solid stubbornness that allows barriers to break;
  • Deep knowledge of some one theme, the maximum of two (more topics to study professionally will be almost unreal).

But still much more chances to get enough, if you get a profile education. In this case, it is worth finding out what items should be passed. Admission to Journalism usually implies exams on:

  • Russian language;
  • literature;
  • English language (in other universities - social science).

Do not think that you can only come on the faculty of journalism.

Although special education is useful, a considerable number of outstanding journalists initially did not have a profile training. There are many among them:

  • linguists;
  • philologists;
  • philosophers;
  • engineers and technical specialists.

Best profile training lead in:

  • MSU;
  • HSE;
  • MGIMO;
  • REU named after Plekhanov;
  • RGU;
  • SPbSU;
  • URFU;
  • Southern Federal University.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_12

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_13

Place of work

It may be difficult to find a correspondent:

  • on TV;
  • in the newspaper;
  • In the magazine;
  • in the Internet edition;
  • on radio stations;
  • in the advertising agency;
  • in the publisher;
  • in the press service;
  • As a press secretary.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_14

How much does it earn?

An ordinary correspondent salary varies from 35,000 to 60,000 rubles. Gradually, reaching the post of chief editor, it will be possible to receive at least 80,000 rubles. The demand for journalists is relatively small. But it is necessary to take into account that the journalists working at the exit of journalists predominantly payment. The tariff depends on the place of events, urgency and importance of information; In some cases, pay extra for risk.

On average, the minimum rates are as follows:

  • In Moscow - 37500;
  • In Kazan - 40000;
  • in Khabarovsk - 42000;
  • in Vladivostok - 43000;
  • in Voronezh - 33000;
  • In St. Petersburg - 30000 rubles.

Profession Correspondent: What are reporters? What does and how much does it get? How to become them without education? What objects need to take? 7110_15

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