Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant?


The material is devoted to the description of the profession of flight attendant and flight attendants.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_2

Pros and cons profession

Immediately it is worth indicating that the work of stewardess or flight attendant is paid quite well compared to many other professions. The social package provides almost any airline. Work on the aircraft "Aeroflot" and other large companies prestigious. Authority and popularity is even higher than the police or civil servants, builders or health workers. Stewards are retired soon enough.

However, this moment is associated with a serious minus of professional activity. The fact that aviation specialists are retired at a relatively early age, due to significant production harm. Despite the romantic halo surrounding aircraft, it works very exhaust and harmful to the body. Even the latest technical means only weaken, but do not exclude very emerging risks. More info, rapid flights and a change of time zones, plus permanent position on the legs - unreasonable harmful factors.

Regular connectors and business trips are able to put a cross on the relationship even with the most cold-blooded relatives. Or at least, will constantly call new and new conflicts. As shown 2020, the profession of the flight attendant is also unstable. Village collaborations can occur very sharply and inevitably.

Another minus - even if the flights go regularly (and first of all for this reason), it is extremely difficult to plan their daily life, because at any moment the leadership may intervene.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_3


From the part it may seem that the conductor in the plane should be only polite, elegant, communicated, and it is still obliged to explain to the passengers different things, dispatch goods and products. But this is not all that requires aviation authorities. People working in any airline are obliged to master perfectly with emergency situations. Sometimes no one except them can give first aid. If the crash of the village was extremely away from settlements or crashed, it was that the conductors would have to:

  • collect all passengers;
  • provide the same help;
  • Coordinate self-space actions.

Of course, such situations are very rare. But nevertheless, they are preparing all professionals. The fact that flight attendants wear a headdress and generally use strictly prescribed overalls, not by chance. This is an emphasising of corporate affiliation, and an increase in prestige among passengers.

But also the work that any flight attendant does, it does not end. They appear on board long before the end of the landing. It will be necessary to check the order in the cabin, to control whether there is rescue equipment on all put places. All problems that cannot be eliminated with their own hands require immediate notification of the technical service. When ticket holders begin to climb along the ladder, work turns into a new stage.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_4

Be sure to welcome everyone and help find the right place in the cabin. It is also necessary to help post luggage on the shelves. Everyone knows that the stewards are spreading food and drinks during the flight. They also have:

  • give advice on different topics;
  • provide additional services (depending on the specific situation);
  • resolve conflicts as far as possible;
  • be a link between those in the cabin and the cabin crew;
  • carry out a flight procedure;
  • comply with emergency procedures;
  • serve pilots and technicians at the same level as business class passengers;
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the cabin (including those places where passengers are not allowed);
  • properly exploit onboard and rescue systems;
  • execute fire protection standards;
  • take into account the cultural norms of different countries in communicating with cabin crew and passengers on international flights;
  • Register the documentation necessary for work.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_5

Primary requirements

Personal qualities

Immediately it is worth indicating that each airline establishes its norms, which should be growth, and this is not connected with the caprics of directors, but with the objective requirements of aviation. The deviation from the standard parameters of the height and body weight greatly makes it difficult to move along the aircraft cabin. And if in the usual situation it may still be theoretically tolerant (turning on only a small deterioration in service), then in a non-standard setting, it is possible to turn into serious unnecessary troubles. What kind of people take, it is best to learn on the site of a particular carrier.

But the characteristics of the figure are not all that is waiting for from stewards and flight attendants. Their work is accompanied by constant stress, even when there are no obvious conflict situations and disputes. Therefore, still on Earth is trying to assess the stress resistance and cut off candidates for this parameter as strictly as possible. After all, on board will have to not just maintain the psyche equilibrium at all, but also to continue intensely and scrupulously work, without losing any details. In the air, the place is only disciplined people who know how to strictly adhere to plans and graphs, to punctually observe them.

Fate attendants must be communicable and friendly. They are obliged to find an optimal balance between customer care, coordinating them to fulfill their requirements and emphasized official politeness.

The observation is also required - the inattentive flight attendants are unlikely to be needed by any carrier.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_6

Moreover, employers check:

  • rumor and vision;
  • The ability to quickly figure out and make decisions;
  • perception of oral speech (including fast and fetus);
  • the ability to switch attention between several objects;
  • ability to quickly analyze data;
  • emotional flexibility;
  • Performance level;
  • Readiness and ability to work in a team.

Separately, it is worth staying on medical contraindications for work by the flight attendant. They are almost as wide as for a flight. It is strictly forbidden to work in this position with diabetes and other endocrine disorders, even with a weak degree of severity. A natural prohibition spreads to patients with any nervous and mental disabilities, on those who have a violated vestibular apparatus. Such a tense profession is contraindicated and for those suffering from problems with heart and vessels, with a musculoskeletal system, with respiratory authorities.

Back in the list of contraindications included:

  • convulsive disorders;
  • coordination disorders;
  • fear of height and / or closed space;
  • allergic disorders;
  • Violations of speech;
  • Dermatological problems and other pathologies that negatively affect the appearance (after all, the conductor is the company's face).

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_7

Knowledge and skills

Persons both female and male wishes to take the position of flight attendant must answer and purely professional criteria. They need to be impeccable to master:

  • The main rules for passenger and luggage transport;
  • Principles of rescue equipment;
  • methods of salvation with emergency situations;
  • actions that allow in 90 seconds to bring all passengers from the aircraft in 90 seconds;
  • Completeness of rescue on board;
  • English (and also other foreign languages);
  • psychology;
  • Basic information about culture, traditions, customs and modern state of countries, where to fly mainly;
  • Legislation of Russia and other major states in the field of air transportation, turnover of goods and material values.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_8


As it has already become clear to become a stewardess or flight attendant, you need to answer very strict requirements. However, this does not mean that only intellectuals-unicumes with model appearance can occupy such a position. Considerable people have a considerable chance of success, if proper perseverance is shown. Study study - both men and women are organized in many airlines. Thus, they immediately prepare for themselves ideal for internal staff requirements. Even if training is coming separately from the company, it often pays targeted training.

To get to such a training program, it will be necessary to immediately go through the interview and medical commission (But then there is no addition to passing them). The training course takes from 3 to 6 months. While candidates teach, they pay corporate scholarships. However, there is a minus - after graduation, they will have to work out 2-3 years in the same airline or pay the full cost of preparation with premature dismissal. True, for many people it is rather not minus, but plus: a guaranteed device and the opportunity to immediately demonstrate their skills. If there are free personal funds, you can enroll in the School of Fate attendants. There are even teaching those who have not passed the corporate interview. There are several such schools, including civil aviation universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the training center in Vnukovo. The cost of learning is 40-60 thousand rubles.

It is often mentioned that graduates of such courses can be almost guaranteed to get on air work. However, not everything is so simple - in addition to obtaining education, it will have to take additional branded examinations and get along with the instructors of 30 hours on real sides. Higher education is not necessarily for stewards, but it sharply increases the chances of employment.

In addition, the combination of higher education, training in corporate courses and English proficiency makes it possible to go to international flights. Those who do not meet these requirements allow only an intraolesk report, which is as less prestigious and worse than paid.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_9

By entering the Training Center "Vnukovo", it will be necessary to give at least 48,000 rubles. Important: For receipt there is required at least to complete the school in the amount of 11 classes - at the same time candidates, both to 19, and after 25 years will be cut off. Those who will be "sieve" selection and medical examination will have to study 3 months. It is worth considering that they are taught in Vnukovo only registered in Moscow and in the Moscow region of people, and necessarily - citizens of the Russian Federation. Cadets are engaged in simulators, work is searched independently.

The training center of the carrier S7 charges a board of 45,000 rubles. But those who agree to work out a certain period on boarding goods, it will be possible to study for free and even get a scholarship. Candidates must be at least 18 years old. As in the previous case, you need to finish school. The conditions of preparation in Aeroflot are somewhat different:

  • In case of employment, it is not necessary to pay for training in the company itself, but the fee will be deducted for some time from the salary;
  • preparation time - 45 days;
  • Provide real training departures;
  • Candidates may consider citizens of Belarus;
  • Allowed to the courses only having at least secondary special education are allowed.

If a graduate after the passage of training in the Aeroflot Aviation School wishes to work to another airline, then he will have to give away from 60 thousand rubles for training. Among the secondary schools, there is only a Civil Aviation School in St. Petersburg. Be sure to require certificates of the Russian and literature.

You can also take objects such as mathematics and Russian on the entrance tests. This is done according to the application of the contestants. Another option is also in St. Petersburg - the Rosaviation Training Center.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_10

The salary

Typically, novice flight attendants in Russia earn from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. As already mentioned, the costs of training can be deducted from this amount, so that the real payment for the month is sometimes even less than average values. However, as a set of experience, the situation is corrected. Some air conductions with great experience have an income of more than 80,000 rubles. Salary in Aeroflot starts from 40 thousand rubles.

When typing there, it will be possible to claim 1500-1800 dollars (but it is on external flights at the current course). In the internal message rates modest. It is worth noting that they pay forward by the conductors, taking into account the region of residence. So, in the Altai Territory the average rate is equal to 150,000 rubles. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 120 thousand rubles are obtained, in the Moscow region - 106, in Tatarstan - 86, and in the Republic of Altai - only 65 thousand.

Other carriers provide such picture:

  • Utair - up to 30 thousand;
  • S7 - from 25,000 to 70,000;
  • "Victory" - about 50,000 rubles for experienced employees.

Abroad, the situation is as follows (in rubles at the rate at the beginning of 2021):

  • in Kazakhstan - 120 thousand;
  • In the USA - about 200 thousand;
  • In Germany and the United Kingdom - about 150 thousand.

In addition to material rewards, you can count on other promotions. Many firms provide solid discounts to personnel to their tickets. Often pays voluntary medical insurance. Compensation may be made for food and temporary accommodation in arrival places. Another air personnel is usually guaranteed to leave 70 days.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_11


It is mainly happening inside the profession. For example, you can go from regional flights to national and then to an intercontinental message. Or begin to serve not budget passengers, but a business class. Or go to a more solid airline. Some air guides become chiefs of administrative services (but this is already a fundamentally different kind of activity).

Conclusion: career growth, if any, then, rather, he is conditional.

Review reviews

The flight attendants themselves respond to their work ambiguously. Many of them say that payment far does not correspond to the complexity of the functions performed. The greatest objective minus, except for various doubtful decision-making, is a completely unpredictable schedule. Temporary gap from landing to takeoffs often try to fill in corporate training. The rules of work are very complex, often contradict each other.

At the age of 40, when the external attractiveness is no longer that, flight attendants often "squeeze" from posts. The plus is official employment. Wages are really good for domestic standards.

Very much depends on luck (which colleagues and pilots will come across). Passengers in many cases belong very badly.

Stewardess and flight attendant (12 photos): how much do you earn in Russia? Features of work in Aeroflot. What do you need to become a flight attendant? 7090_12

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