Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money, "money tree", "Monetary magnet" and other techniques


As you know, there is no money much money, but their lack of people feel like a large part of people. Of course, without difficulty, do not pull out the fish out of the pond. But is it only in our desire to work? Let's try to figure out what is monetary meditation.


There is such a parable. One person asked the Lord every day about that he gave him a lottery win. Somehow angels felt sorry for this person, and they came to God to ask for him. He just shrugged and replied that he had long been fulfilled the request of the aspecting, but he would not buy a lottery ticket. Have you already bought yours?

It has been proven that thoughts have properties to materialize. If you make every day you complain that there is no money that you lack money on vacation and to buy your favorite dress, dine in that beautiful cafe around the corner, believe me, hardly something will change in your financial life for the better. To put luck to life, you need to be prepared. There are many meditation techniques for attracting money. They are also recommended to use to stop living "salary to salaries." And you need not just to talk about every day "I am rich," here you need the right approach.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

How to meditate?

We are surrounded by energy flows, the task of a person is to direct the streams you need to your side. Try to believe it, and you will understand how everything is changing around. Do not allow the idea that you lack money, and then in the wallet will stop "walking the wind". Remember several phrases that should become the motto of your life:

  • I am worthy of all the best;

  • I am going to become rich;

  • I will find my horn of abundance.

You yourself will not notice how coins will refuse to large checks.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

By and large, the rules of meditation to receive a profit differ much from others. The main thing is to believe that everything in this life is possible. Winning in the lottery, by the way, too. If you have not bought your ticket, then try one of the most famous meditation methods to quickly financial well-being, and then immediately go for the lottery.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

"I am a cash magnet"

First prepare the room. It should not be hot, better if the room is fresh. Muffle the light. There should be silence around you. Nothing should distract. Including extraneous thoughts. Sit comfortably. Relax. Inhale cool air charged with energy.

Exhale - and all the insults, irritation, fear leave you . And now mentally transferring to a green lawn or lawn. Hear how around birds sing, river and trees are noise. Touch the grass, grab for one of those beautiful colors that surround you. Feel the breath of a warm breeze. This is your "field of miracles" (not to be confused with the fact that in the country of fools). Now you feel not only fresh air, but also a pleasant smell of flowers around you, the aroma of coffee from the coffee house, which is opposite.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

People near you are the possibility of much larger than desires. They do not refuse themselves. And you with them. You get the opportunity to use unlimited resources. Above you sun. You literally skin feel his rays. This flow gradually becomes gold. He begins to decay for millions of gold coins. They will fall out around you. You seem to attract them.

Take how much you need. Immediately start their mentally spent. By drawing up a list of purchases, do not forget about the gifts close. If you wish, leave some amount for charity. And be sure to tell the Universe "Thank you" for allowing you to become the owner of all this wealth. Now "come back."

But be sure to continue to regularly make such travels.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

"Money Tree"

To begin with, create a favorable soil for its grieving. You must be comfortable alone with you. Turn off the phone even. Place comfortable on any chair, sofa, chair. A stacking stool will not fit, it is generally better to throw out. You will soon become rich and can afford to buy a new one. Close your eyes. Your body must relax. Thoughts to destroy. Your breath is calm.

Make deep breaths. It's time to start planting a tree. What do you like more - oak, maple, birch, spruce, rowan. Chose? Now imagine that you are this tree. Your spine becomes his trunk, hands - branches, legs - strong roots. You pull to the sun. Leaves on your branches are rustling. You are blown up a pleasant breeze.

Enjoy this state fully. Now you turn into a money tree. You are ready to take the energy of prosperity and abundance. The rays of sunlight envelop you with gold. Each leaf reflects its radiance. You are filled with this precious energy. The crust water streams are made to your roots. He literally "flushes" the whole negative. You are filled with new clean energy. Do not let her go.

Place the one with gold radiance in the area of ​​the heart, turquoise, which came with water, at the bottom of the abdomen. Remember this feeling and keep it as long as possible. To "consolidate" information regularly return to the tree.

Both gold rays go down at him during your meditation and the cash bills of all colors will fall to your wallet soon.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,


This technique is designed for instant money. To perform you need to do the following. Take The most convenient position for you. Remember, in it you will spend quite a long time. Now Close your eyes and gradually immerse yourself. You should not distract any extraneous thoughts. Your task is to look at the very depths of your unconscious. Place a 50-penny coin in the center of the body. You should see it as clearly and clear. Now imagine that this coin begins to multiply. Another one appears from it, and then also. So you must collect 20 coins. Collect them in a stack and draw into yourself as the air flow.

Make a deep breath for this. Money "You have a pocket." Immediately proceed to their spending. Optional to make a purchase in the store. Perhaps you will return the debt or give them to parents. Or maybe a guy with a guitar from the transition, he plays well. You probably simply list them to a charity bill. And you can buy a gift favorite friend. Do what is just your soul. The main thing is to present this process in all details.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

Then you will need to do the same thing, but already with a bill of more important, for example, with a banknote in 10 rubles. Put it at the same place and again begin to represent how it multiplies. You must be covered with money. Gather them again and again go to spend the amount received. Then come back for new wealth. Put the following bills in 50 or 100 rubles. Money again begin to "generate" similar to themselves. And here you are already in the autumn forest, only instead of yellow leaves you have under the legs of banknotes. You collect them. And then again draw into yourself as a big sip of fresh air.

Now try to understand which area of ​​the body they fall. It is here that will be your pantry with treasures. It may look like a wallet or bank cell, like a case or chest. It absolutely does not matter. Gently take the place where your subconsciously sent your luggage, look good for it, check if there is no rush in it through which money can fly out. If some holes and cracks found - immediately deposit them.

Remember, "address" of your treasury. And now take everything from there and go spend on the villa by the sea, a chic limousine, a fur coat, jewel with diamonds. You will be enough for everything. At the end of the meditation, fill your pantry again to return there. This practice will send your subconscious about the feeling of financial well-being. So feel free to go for the lottery and check the mail, you have not yet come an invitation to work your dream?

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

"Cash flow"

Remove some bills from the wallet. It is quite suitable for a small advantage of 50 rubles, and if there is no such thing - take bigger. Now close your eyes. All your consciousness is directed to the energy that around you. Collect it in the ball. With each second it increases, its color is becoming more bright. By the way, what kind of color will acquire your energy ball - absolutely not important.

Raise it above your head. Start omitting your body inside. Open the gate in the area of ​​the crown. It is important that the ball does not collapse. In the area of ​​solar plexus stop it. You will feel the pleasant sensations that he will bring to your body. But do not let him change. He must remain bright.

Now everything in the same region of solar plexus is positioned by an imaginary arrow. It should come out. Direct it to the cooked banknote. It is also filled with energy. It gets brighter, starts glowing. Now focus on what you. There is a sea of ​​money. They are collected in an immense bag. Throw into it your charged bill. The bag is spread, and money starts to fall from there.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

With every second, he rushes more stronger, and the flow of money is becoming increasingly generous. In addition to its own bills, you get an unlimited amount of funds. You will raw bills of different dignity. They begin to appear not only from above, but also from all sides. There are a lot of them. But you need a certain amount that is necessary for a specific purpose. . Do not gread, take only this part from this rain and immediately spell it on what was planned initially.

Meanwhile, the money continues to pour to you by the river. Wait in this precious water. Remember your feelings. Return to your goal again and remember what exactly the amount interests you. Do you already feel the approach of dream performance? It's time to return. Release your energy ball through the same gate and dissolve it in the air. Money that you have been charged, you need to put into circulation within a day after the implementation of meditation. Spend them in any store.

The amount you thought about should appear in the near future. You may have to fulfill additional work that you will suddenly offer, you may receive a pension, inheritance, win the lottery. But do not forget to spend this amount on what was originally planned. Otherwise, the next time you will be more difficult for you to agree with the Universe.

Do not deceive it, she does not love it, and he does not lie, it is in principle harmful to well-being.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

"Door to the world of wealth"

Close your eyes and imagine a closed door. You know that it is the path to prosperity. Himself her appearance tells you about it. It like gates to the fabulous world, which passes a little magical glow. And here the door suddenly sprinkled before you. It opens a wonderful look. This is a glade, covered with monetary bills and jewels. You are overwhelmed with joy.

You can assemble as much as you want. Fill in all pockets, take in your hands, hang on the neck, then a beautiful golden necklace. It's time to return. Please note the door remains open. So, at any time you can return and take as much as you need. In a short time, all doors leading to prosperity will begin to break off in your life. Just be ready for it.

Money Meditation: Attracting cash flow and good luck. Meditation for instant money,

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