Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy, "Belt Aphrodite", the best meditation of femininity and rejuvenation, forgivenessing yourself and others


The use of meditative techniques gives women a charming energy that brings joy and happiness. The female organism is rejuvenated, self-esteem increases, the relationship with the surrounding improves.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,


Compared to men, ladies have a thinner psyche. They are more than their elects prone to empathy and compassion, are stronger than stress, so the level of female energy is able to quickly decline. Along with this decline, the quality of life is worse.

Special meditations for women contribute to the return of vitality. Regular sessions improve the work of the cardiovascular system, lowers the blood glucose level, increases immunity, normalizes sleep, slows down the processes of the body's aging.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

The use of meditative practices has a number of advantages, as the control of its own emotions is ensured. , It takes place from alarming state and depression, stress resistance increases, the concentration of attention and memory improves, the entire body is healed. Hormonal background is normalized.

Meditation helps a woman to accept himself as a person and understand whether it moves in the right direction. The ladies open new creative facets.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,


Meditation is useful to carry out all the representatives of the weak gender. With their help, the woman acquires the ability to always be in full harmony with itself and nature. It is very important to love yourself with all the disadvantages, learn to listen to the rhythm of your own heart, can be able to send energy streams in the right direction.

Filling the body of female energy contributes to the restoration of forces, an increase in attractiveness, strengthening the process of rejuvenation, acquisition of femininity. The lady emitting love and joy can easily succeed, find his love, create a happy family hearth, become a loving wife and mother.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Most meditative techniques are aimed at the release of blocked women's energy. Meditations are aimed at improving self-esteem. Free circulation of positive energy flows in the surrounding space and the female body reveals love chakras. After several sessions, the lady easily acquires women's happiness.

For example, Meditative practice "Belt Aphrodite" pursues the following purpose: attracting male attention. The belt was used by the goddess at the moments of the alienation of her husband. Any woman can mentally get through this magic thing. You need to feel the amazing belt on your hodges. It is necessary to imagine it clearly. Give the will of your fantasy. How the object looks like, what patterns or signs are depicted on it, what is it made, what is his weight?

It is important to feel in it of the real goddess.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

The purpose of meditation forgiveness is to get rid of the feeling of own guilt. During her, you need to look at yourself inner look and understand that it was possible to achieve in life. What events could take place, but did they have to refuse them?

After attentive examination of wrinkles on the face, you need to take a comfortable posture, close your eyes and return thoughts into the past. Look at yourself at different ages. Remember that in those years it was important for you. Gradually come up to a 5 year state. Try to look at the little girl in the eyes. Remember that the baby is afraid of the most, what she dreams about. Mentally hug a girl and forgive her for all the mistakes she will do in the future.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

There are various techniques that target girls for beauty, acquiring eternal youth. To do this, we must mentally present the process of growing a flower from a seed. Pay attention to how sunlight helps a gentle run to break through the reservoir of fertile land. Sprout gains strength, grows and transformed into the plant.

Then you need to imagine the appearance of bud. Thanks to the ingress of sunlight, it slowly opens and turns into a huge beautiful peony. It fills the entire room with an exquisite aroma. In these moments, the girl mentally replenishes its own internal reserves and begins to clearly feel its physical and spiritual beauty.

She feels that beauty and youth will not leave her for many years.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Women recommend periodically performing meditations aimed at getting rid of stress and negative. After the onset of relaxation, the lady should mentally imagine serene floating clouds. Then it is necessary for all its negative feelings to like the black thunderstorm clouds.

Imagine that at any moment the shower can begin. Call for help strong wind and drive clouds. Leave in the imagination only fluffy white clouds. Now look close to each of them. Consider joyful events in them, fill your heart positive emotions.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,


The desired result can be obtained during the meditation at least 1 time per week. To improve the efficiency of the technician, you need to feel the energy at the bottom of the abdomen. First you need to grow the abdomen with circular motions. Make 36 rotations clockwise. Then passes 24 times counterclockwise.

After that, they distribute energy streams through other parts of the body. The ability to manage your own resource allows a woman to heal various ailments and provide themselves with good well-being for many years.

The effectiveness of meditation depends on human activity. If the energy of women beats the key in the first half of the day, then it is recommended to be meditated in the morning. "Owners" advise to conduct meditative sessions in the evening, suffering from insomnia - before going to bed.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,


Meditation is suitable for women of all ages. You need to be able to concentrate on some things and keep your attention on it. The tip of the tongue must be pressed to the nebu. During meditative practice, it is recommended to smile. The smile contributes to the relaxation of the body and the development of attractiveness.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

The main condition is privacy. A comfortable atmosphere can be created through lit candles using various incense and light relaxing music. Some prefer to listen to the noise of the surf, the sounds of the rain droplets, twitter birds. Another more suitable for conducting sessions in complete silence.

If you are in irritable condition, you are offended or angry with someone, then the session cannot be started. First you need to work out negative emotions with the help of other techniques.

If it is not possible to get rid of the negative, then the meditation should be postponed.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Technique implementation

Meditation can be performed in motion, sitting, standing and lying. To do it, you need to choose a convenient posture. Hold your back always right.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

Specialists offer women to focus on the technique of fulfilling the best meditative practices.

  • For filling the body, women's power must be done daily in the morning hours to conduct special meditation. She drinks a depleted uterine resource with special energy. If it does not work out every day, then practice at least 3 times a week.

First you need to choose a convenient posture. Place your palms on the stomach below the navel, the left hand should be top. Focus on this area. Close your eyes, start deeply and smoothly inhale and exhale air through the nose. These moments need to be present in the wing garden. You are surrounded by beautiful and bright flowers. You feel divine floral flavors. Inhale the gentle smell of lavender or valley, fill your uterus with a charming aroma.

Muscles of a small pelvis must be reduced and relax during peaceful breathing. Concentrated energy in the uterus after 5 minutes mentally directed up. On the breath, she must move to the heart area, in exhale - leave the body. The procedure lasts 10 minutes.

Then you need to focus your attention on the nose, completely free yourself from extraneous thoughts and go to the free contemplation. Next should be mentally moved from the bottom of the belly when inhaling up the spine, when you exhale back. After an additional discharge cycle, you can open your eyes. It is necessary to get up smoothly and calmly, feline. Sharp movements are prohibited.

Experts recommend to proceed to everyday matters after a complete exit from the meditative state.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

  • The method of getting rid of pain with the help of morning meditation involves imagine the healing of each cell cell. To do this, you must first comfortably sit down or lie down, close your eyes, completely relax. Then you need to try to feel warm in every part of your body.

Imagine yourself in a mountainous area with magnificent scenery . On the vertices of the mountains glitters dazzling white snow. You go on green grass and inhale pure mountain air. The path leads to a magical lake. Transparent healing water absorbs all your negative. It fills you with healing power.

Imagine your dive into the water. First you enter the water on the belt, then you still make several steps in it. All negative emotions are transformed into a black stone. Release it and watch how it dissolves in water. He turned into black sand and crumbled.

Dive into the lake. Feel like each cell of the body is filled with healing water. Voltage and pain release the body. Now you can open your eyes.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

  • Methods "The Return of Love to Himself" contributes to getting rid of the feeling of uncertainty. In the process of meditation, you must imagine yourself in the snow-white room. Around cleanliness and order.

On the table there is a lot of a wide variety of jars and bottles of different colors. Take the bloc of an unusual shape in it youth elixir . It is made of herbs collected in the Valley of Immortality. Apply Elixir on face and neck. Feel how the skin strains and smoothes. The substance is well absorbed and returns health and youth.

The other jar contains energy of love. Lubricate the loving elixir of the color of the damask rose area of ​​his heart. Feel like hearts filled with love and compassion. It beats rhythmic and calmly. All problems are dissipated under a powerful stream of love.

The third bottle contains a white liquid. She personifies gratitude . Mentally give the droplets of the magic elixir to all people who express their gratitude. Thank you all around your environment. Do not forget to leave a few droplets. After a deep breath, you can open your eyes.

Meditation for women: filling and strengthening of feminine energy,

All about meditation for women see the next video.

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