Dynamic meditation Osho: Description of technology and recommendations for the implementation


People usually relax in physical and psychological plan sitting or lying. Then the motor activity ceases to consume strength, and the person is gradually restored after any intense movements. However, there are such recreation and relaxation methods that are conducted in dynamics. For example, meditation Osho. Unusual? Then find out what this information is the following.

What it is?

The spiritual leader of Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rajnish), who was born in India, created a certain teaching, united the philosophical and religious principle. Also, this figure was confident: there are no motivation to study meditations. The desire for a goal is all the myth.

Meditation Osho promotes a simple rule: no race for the end result. Only then a person may feel happy. It is necessary to drop from the word "necessary", surround yourself with space free of obligations and just enjoy the practice.

Need to live and do not focus on material benefits. However, this does not mean that you need tomorrow to refuse money, work and other things.

The doctrine of Osho assumes that a person needs to simply connect to the world and become free, and the rest will be done by itself.

Dynamic meditation Osho: Description of technology and recommendations for the implementation 7046_2

The above philosophy indicates that the meditating person should not wait for any particular effects from the technique. This occupation may tire a person if he is expected from the occupation of an extraordinary result. Osho is a meditation conducted in dynamics, for example, in dance.

So for what reason is the meditation of Osho are movable? In order for the human body to be filled with energy. Our consciousness and feelings are in our body, it means that it is necessary to start changes from it. If a desire appears, then a little later you can try to apply more and spiritual practice.

There is another reason why you need to begin to improve yourself from the body. Imagine a man who did not pinch the muscles, but tries to raise the bar. Will it do it? Of course not. It is also the case with meditations. Before starting to train the mind, a person needs to be filled with its body.

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Therefore, the essence of the described technique is to give energy without obstacles to move throughout the body. Such energy is born when calm and relaxation are connected. It is she should, moving along the body, flush, like water, all problems and bustle.

For example, it is the same as a sick person put a dropper with saline. This treatment makes it possible to effectively clean blood. After that, the human body is able to quickly restore forces.

It should be understood that the basis of practice is the dynamics. When a movement occurs during practice, a person can no longer distract his attention to something else. He does not have enough resources. So, there is a complete shutdown from problems.

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For example, If you go on a run and you will perform it measured, then you can think about something at the same time. However, if you add a move and start moving much faster, then your thoughts will be occupied only by this activity. That is how the feeling of presence is achieved in Osho.

It is necessary to consider that the active element has the right to be different. It can be laughter, and dance, and running. After that, the stage of silence comes. And the more the person will throw out emotions in the first part, the deeper and effective will be the second part of the meditation.

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Choosing a suitable music

The meditation of OSHO is impossible to carry out without music. These are two aspects of one whole. If you take a separate music, then it will be simple entertainment, and if we consider separately meditation from music, it will be deprived of meaning and will become boring.

Remember that the melody should be as dynamic as the meditation of Osho itself. To accompany active techniques, such as Nadabrachma, Mandala and the like, there is a special music that can support human energy.

Music not only creates energy, but also indicates the beginning of meditation. When the music fills a person, then his consciousness and the universe become one of the whole. Rhythm and breathing practitioners must coincide.

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Meditation Osho lasts about one hour and has five stages.

  1. So the first stage consists of breathing exercises. Music in this case should be rhythmic. A certain rhythm will be able to provide the necessary support to your body. Breathe and enjoy the sounds until you become one with your breath.
  2. The second stage implies the freedom of body. You must follow your body. Let all your movements look like an explosion of emotions. Thanks to this explosion, all negative factors will go along with your television. Tip: best removes bad energy from the body. Heavy Rock.
  3. In the third stage, it is also necessary to use intensive music, only it should be easier. Therefore, for this part of the meditation, dynamic dance music is suitable for you, such as disco or house. When performing the movements of the hand, lift as high as possible, jump and pronounce the "Hu" mantra.
  4. In the fourth stage you must measure. And this must be done in the position in which you were in the second one. Let your intensive music be replaced by a calm and peaceful.
  5. The fifth stage must accompany joyful and life-affirming music. Under it you need to dance and express your happiness from life.

Tip: For conducting meditations, you can use the music that you like. If you can not decide, then in search engines you can find the Music of Doyter, created specifically for the meditations of Osho.

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Dynamic meditation Osho: Description of technology and recommendations for the implementation 7046_8

Technique implementation

It is divided into several parts. Each part is different, and also contains a certain meaning. As soon as you start spending practice, you will immediately understand it. Therefore, proceed.


Through deep breath and through the concentration of attention you can go through seven chakras and feel them, and you can also harmonize them and wake.

Before starting practice, close your eyes. So you can remove control, and everything that happens will become clearer. Next, you need to turn on the music, get up smoothly and put your legs on the width of the shoulders. The knees should be slightly bent. Then start breathing deeply through your mouth in the tact of music.

At the same time, you need to send attention to the side of the spine - this is your first chakra. Next, transfer attention to the area under the navel - this is the second chakra. Solar plexus is the third chakra, and in the next movement you need to postpone exactly there.

Then you need to move attention towards the chest. Here is the fourth chakra - heartfelt. It combines the Earth and Divine Energy.

The throat is the fifth chakra, and after all that is happening you must focus on this point. Feel your neck and relax the cervical vertebrae.

The interbra area is the third eye or the sixth chakra. Focus on it, and then transfer to the area of ​​the painshush. This is the seventh chakra.

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ATTENTION: This part of the meditation has 3 cycles. After the first passage through the chakram, start moving in the opposite direction, that is, from the seventh chakras to the first. So you will pass one cycle, and then you will stay 2 more cycles.


This part is a health. Therefore, it is considered the most important thing in the practice of Osho. Thanks to the shaking, capillary blood circulation is restored. However, this paragraph has its own contraindications. People with weakened health are not recommended to conduct such intensive actions.

Shaking in meditation is not a mental process, and the action in which our mind rests. Therefore, it is better to carry out this part under intensive music. To carry out such actions, close your eyes and start shaking your body as you can make your physiological possibilities for 10 minutes.

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Modern people move very little. Therefore, jumping are for many wellness output from the current situation. Thanks to the jump, a person can get rid of the swelling due to the fact that the intensive pushing of lymphs along the vessels will begin. Vessels and muscles in such classes over time become elastic.

To carry out this part of the meditation, include dynamic music and start jumping. Try not to tear the socks from the floor, raise your heels. Then lower the heels and intensively knock them on the floor. Thus, you will create the necessary vibrations in the body.

Perform data of manipulation is necessary within 15 minutes.

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To carry out this part, zerite in the position in which there were, or just lie on the floor. Stay at the stage of fading for 10 minutes and realize that you are completely freed from problems. In your body there is lightness and nonsense. Negative retreated and will not return anymore.

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This part symbolizes the joy that you were freed from everything that you strained and pulled down. Therefore, you have become free.

This event must be noted. Therefore, dancing and have fun for joyful music until you have enough strength.

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The most important points in dynamic meditation

If you really want to succeed, then be stubborn. Then everything will turn out. And then you need to take into account the following points.

  • You need to move forward, through "I do not want." So you not only strengthen your physical health, but you can work out the power of will.
  • It is not necessary to think that effective meditation can only be "sitting". Osho changes stereotypes. When you start practicing, you will understand this.
  • Movement is life. Therefore, if you start intensely move and invest in this activity all your will, you will be able to prolong yourself years of life.
  • Each of the five stages must be carefully performed, since they all bear a certain meaning. The correct execution guarantees one hundred percent and fast effect.
  • During the audience, do not think about the result, but focus on the process. Then you can change your life and attitude towards it.
  • The meditation of Osho is better to spend in the morning, since at this time your potential is at the height, and your mind is configured to positive.

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Description effect

Meditation cannot be learned. It will lead you to spiritual development if you can understand her essence. Then you will receive an unlimited increase in your being.

Meditation will help add some positive moments to your personality, and you will come to the complete transformation that will occur inside your mind. Transformation will also change your body.

Meditation Osho will make a man "blossom" and grow. Growth is added. Thanks to this meditation, you will quickly approach universal love, which gives us the universe. This feeling will enrich you with new sensations, and you will acquire your new quality start. You will shine and emit light.

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Your love will be similar to a certain sphere around you. At the same time, you will radiate the light of love. This light will feel the people around you and reach out for you with all our souls. At this point, you will feel the right and right person.

Meditation Osho destroys all obstacles. Therefore, a person ceases to be dependent on society and becomes much more consistency. And this factor opens up great opportunities. For example, you can do any activity that you like and will bring you success.

Thanks to the practice of practice, any person will find freedom and enormous potential for further promotion through life.

About how to conduct dynamic meditation of Osho, see the next video.

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