Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them


The topic of human energy is interesting and fascinating. There is a doctrine that tells about special channels. In terms of competent exposure, they can improve the general physical condition and even get rid of some diseases. To get a positive effect, you need to be able to competently affect them. In this article, consider the features of human energy channels and work with them.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_2

What it is?

The energetic channels of the person are also called meridians. This accumulation of active points, which are located throughout the body of a person. They are located on energy channels, each of which is responsible for a certain part of the body. Each channel is a separate niche, according to which the energy is distributed across the physical shell. Many experts studying this direction compare organs with light bulbs, and channels - with wires that are currently necessary for work. Points act as switches. Through them, the channels can be activated as needed.

The problem of meridian is to join the physical shell of a person with a terrain body.

For the first time they discovered Chinese doctors studying this topic in ancient times.

They believe that energy circulates by the body according to its own laws, without human participation. In some cases, the channels are poorly passable, which leads to health problems.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_3

Asian medicine indicates the existence of 14 channels responsible for many parts of the body. According to the ancient Chinese teaching, energy begins to circulate in the lungs and after the body goes. As soon as it enters the body, the force passes 12 meridians. 12 Energies make a full circle on the body of a person per day. In each of the meridians, the energy operates 2 hours. All channels are pair, this suggests that they are the same in two sides of one body.

What is needed for?

Channels nourish the body with vital power, thanks to which the body can harmoniously develop and maintain health. Stagnation of energy or blockage channels worsens a general condition. It affects the meridians when it is necessary to get rid of negative emotions, clean the body and to improve. As a tool, massage of specific points are used. It is necessary to reduce the circulation to calm the energy flows. This practice is applied during inflammation. A certain channel is filled with heat yang and it must be cooled to stop the movement of energy and inflammatory process. Energy Yan warms the body, while Yin is considered the opposite force and cools the body.

Important! Experts can affect one of the channels through points or immediately into several. The intensity will depend on which problem you need to cope.

Where are you?

The energy path in meridians occupies exactly 24 hours. Such a rhythm indicates that the body is in harmony and all organs function normally. This is the key to normal blood circulation and tissue development. There are the following types of energy:

  • base qi;
  • Male type - Yang;
  • Female type - Yin.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_4

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_5

And it is also divided depending on the positive properties on such species as:

  • generic;
  • protective;
  • Living.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_6

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_7

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_8

Ancient Chinese doctors believe that the root cause of physical and biological disorders is stagnant in the energy vessels. On the body in men and women there are 150 main energy points. Their total number is 664 points that are used for acupuncture. Points can be divided into separate groups, each of which responds to a specific organ. The image shows a diagram of points and channels. This is a detailed map of the human body. They are dissipated throughout the body.

Important! To achieve a certain result when working with energy vessels, you need to know exactly their location and compliance with a specific organ. Only professionals possess such knowledge.

In some cases, you can help yourself on your own. A large number of practices and training materials were developed, which help to get acquainted with energy channels. To achieve a positive result, you need to do not only the theory, but also practice. The regulatory exercises help to know your body and make the practice more efficient. Consider the following points that provide influence on various organs:

  • To influence the work of the lungs, stimulate points on large fingers;
  • To the heart is attached to the point on the middle finger or the maizinz;
  • Mysinetails are also responsible for activating the large intestine zone;
  • In order to affect the temperature of the body, the specialists stimulate the zone on a nameless finger;
  • Big feet are responsible for buds, spleen and liver;
  • The second and fourth fingers are connected to the stomach and bubble;
  • The moisins and heels are responsible for the bladder.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_9

How to open and expand?

Opening points and meridian is a complex technique, so it is impossible to perform it independently without appropriate training. One of the ways of exposure is the massage of energy points. Work is performed by index or thumb. If the balance is not disturbed, the process of thermoregulation will be held properly and coordinated. And also uses the awake of certain zones and tapping at points. The energy that is in the body has polarity. Yang is positive and yin - negative. Channels filled with Yang are located on the outer surface of the limbs, and Yin is on the inner.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_10

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_11

Important! Another simple and understandable way to safely affect channels is meditation. It helps to get rid of disturbing thoughts and focus on the desired result. This is a kind of pumping a person's interaction function with the world around the energy.

Despite the fact that the location schemes were drawn up, with their help it is impossible to determine the exact finding of the "switches". In this case, you need to be as attentive and take into account the features of the structure of the body: depressions, muscles, tendons, and so on. An experienced specialist will easily determine their exact location and will be able to influence them to the body.

With an independent examination and disclosure of the channels, it is recommended to start with the most simple energy points. One of these is called "Point of longevity." It is located on the outer part of the knee, in the depression, below the knee cup. It will not be difficult to find it. Experts believe that the daily massage of this part of the body will have a positive effect on the general state. The necessary energy functions are activated, and all the power inside the body is stabilized. All this leads to improved health status. All similar manipulations are recommended to perform in the morning, preferably up to six in the morning.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_12

There are the following contraindications, because of which the point impact should be abandoned:

  • high body temperature;
  • oncology;
  • Myocardial infarction.

Important! Specialists use special practices, such as grounding programs. They include a specific series of action.

Another important point on the human body is Feng Fu. She is responsible for the health and rejuvenation of the body. According to professionals, stimulation of this zone leads to improved blood circulation. As a result, the regeneration process is launched. This practice is widely used to establish the work of the cardiovascular system and get rid of chronic diseases.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_13

This is the effective prevention of premature aging. Stimulation of just one point helps to preserve youth and attractive appearance. Detect it easy. It is located on the border of the joining neck and head. In the anatomy, this site is called the "Big Napilla".

To stimulate the point, the adherents of Eastern Medicine use the migratory method of herbal cigarette. This option is not recommended to use at home. Otherwise, there is a risk to harm yourself. A safe impact option is to attach to an ice cube point. Such a simple action will strengthen the bloodstream. The procedure is better done early in the morning, before breakfast. Approximate time of exposure - about a minute.

Despite the safety of this method, it also has the following contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to the stimulation by cold;
  • discomfort during the procedure;
  • deterioration of general well-being.

In the process of impact on the body, you need to be attentive to your own sensations, with the slightest ailment, the procedure should be stopped.

How to clean?

Cleaning energy channels is a special process whose task is to restore the human's astral body. And the cleansing is necessary to eliminate the negative that has accumulated in aura. Stress, fears, experiences, excitement, problems - all this is absorbed by the power membrane of a person. Full development and health prevents "trash" surrounding each of us. Specialists are confident, the cleaning process is needed by almost all people. A modern man lives in such a rhythm, in which stressful situations appear every day. Fully get rid of them with the help of an ordinary rest will not work.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_14

There are many techniques of energy purification. This popular procedure attracts more and more attention. Many fraudsters in search of light profit offering paid cleaning of energy channels. In order not to spend money in vain, you need to approach carefully to the choice of a specialist.

Professional duties - to accurately determine the diagnosis, detect internal locks, clamps and only then, start work. And it is also necessary to make an individual cleaning program for each person. During sessions, you need to listen to the reaction of the body. Negative signals say that cleaning is incorrect.

Experienced specialists can affect the human body remotely. Some people are more comfortable to work in such a format. This allows you to reveal and focus on the desired result. For a session, a new photo may be required. If a real professional is taken for business, the effectiveness of the remote cleaning process will also be high, as with personal contact with the body.

The most common and secure cleaning method, which can be used independently - meditation. Stay at rest is useful for both physical and essential shell. Meditate is needed in a calm and quiet place. It is advisable to remain one throughout the session. In the warm season, it is recommended to clean outdoor cleaning. The most common posture for meditation is the lotus posture. In this position, you can sit for a long time without the feeling of discomfort.

Human energy channels: opening and cleansing channels under the grounding program, simply and understand about the meridians on the body and working with them 7042_15

How often work with meridians?

Meridian cleaning is recommended not only if there are symptoms (headache, poor health, disease, discomfort, etc.). Preventive procedures will help maintain the body and spirit in shape. The number of healing sessions each specialist appoints individually. It depends on the state of human health, its way of life, expected results and other factors. When exposed to specific energy flows, the course includes several stages: drawing up a program, stimulation of the necessary points, break, re-stimulation. The time of exposure to the point is gradually increased.

About human energy channels, see the video below.

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