Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image?


"Image - nothing, thirst - everything!" - So reads everyone known advertising. However, any sensible person understands that this is, of course, not. It is from our appearance that the impression we will produce on others will be able to become "their" in certain circles. Any change in life is best to start with the change of image. And how to do it - read below.

Psychological aspects

First, let's talk about when the cardinal change of the image is most often happening.

  • With the feeling of the incompleteness of life, dissatisfaction with it. The person wants to "deploy life to 180 degrees" and for this is changing both externally and internally.
  • The man himself seems to be "dim", "no" and believes that people do not perceive him as he would like to . Then there is a new style of clothing, new haircut, decoration, makeup. Changes in this kind, as a rule, entail lifting self-esteem.
  • Very often, the change of image occurs due to the choice of another lifestyle. For example, the girl began to play sports and much lost weight. Now she feels sexual, instead of baggy clothing masking extra kilograms, she wants to wear dresses with a decollete, shorts, tight jeans.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_3

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_4

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_5

When is the change of image?

Some people love to change very much: experimenting with color and style in clothes, make a variety of hairstyles, amenable to fashion trends. Others, on the contrary, conservatives, years wearing the same favorite sweater. However, in life and those and others there are times when the change of image cannot be avoided.

  • Achieve a certain age . The style of a 15-year-old boy and a 35-year-old man cannot be the same. This is due to the fact that they have absolutely different values, a circle of communication, a hobby.
  • Changed status . This includes career growth, marriage with a high-ranking person (politician, top manager of a large corporation, etc.).
  • The desire for receipt new promising position.
  • Sharp change (He was a person rim, became a stylist hairdresser).
  • Completely, men and women change the image after painful parting with a partner, Wanting to forget everything and start living "from pure sheet."
  • Dissatisfaction with their appearance, complexes, closure and insecurity - Great prerequisites for image change.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_7

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_8

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_9

Search for new style

How to find the style that will correspond to internal attitudes and will bring harmony to self-perception? This, of course, the problem is not empty. To begin with the analysis of the following aspects:

  • how old are you;
  • What are you sex;
  • What are the peculiarities of your figure;
  • What is your colorboard (combination of leather shades, eyes and hair).

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_10

So, you analyzed all this data. Now find ... style icon! No, no, we do not recommend that you blindly imitate any star - Just look at the Internet photos of celebrities similar to you on anthropometric indicators, age and worldview. Mark how they dress, what kind of haircut, makeup, accessories, and, most importantly, make sure that such a style really goes to the "idol" - then you can take individual elements of the image and "try" on yourself. And only then go shopping.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_12

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_13

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_14

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_15

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_16

How to change yourself?

We will analyze the main stages of the shift of the image of the girl.

  • It is best to start with the revision of the existing wardrobe. Throw things, whose color does not harmonize with your color, as well as morally and physically obsolete, not suitable in size that are not relevant to the current worldview. The remaining clothes should try and critically evaluate: whether it emphasizes your advantages, will it fit into a new wardrobe, whether it will be easy to pick up / bottom, accessories, shoes. If yes, we leave the thing, no - we carry on the garbage. Now it is necessary to draw up a list of purchases, including all the missing items of the future wardrobe.

Try to create a so-called capsule where all things will be combined with each other.

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_17

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_18

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_19

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_20

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_21

  • Monitor the trading points of the city and go shopping . If you can't buy everything at once, do not worry - get things gradually, starting with the main and ending with complementary.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_23

  • Now I critically examine the wardrobe for the combination of new things with old things. . After that, you may want to go back to the store, throw something back. It is absolutely normal. As a result, only those things that perfectly fit into your new image will remain.

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_24

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_25

  • To maintain your "capsule" in the current state, you must constantly track fashion trends and purchase at least a couple of new things in the season. However, one should not follow all fashionable trends and perceive them too literally. Remember, personal style is something much more than fashion. It is he who will help you become recognizable, unique, while excessively indulging fashion is fraught with the fact that you simply replenish the army of "fashionable clones" and get lost in their crowd.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_27

  • We change the hairstyle. Hairdresser's art today has reached unprecedented heights. All sorts of options for monotonous and color staining, various types of haircuts and styling, impairs, dreadlocks - yes, there is where to get roasting! If you decide to drastically change the color of the hair and trimmed, you will have to turn to the experienced wigmael-stylist - it will not only pick up the perfect shade of hair for you, but also recommends a haircut that will emphasize all the advantages of your face. If the sharp change of image is not yet included in your plans, you can experiment at home: to twist the curls, braid an unusual pigtail.

Another option is to cut or repel the cheek.

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_28

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_29

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_30

  • We face. If there are rashes (acne, acne, rosacea) we go to the dermatologist and solve the problem. It is not even discussed. Clean skin for the girl is a prerequisite for beauty. Recently, in the trend wide well-groomed eyebrows. Therefore, if you still leave to desire the best, visit the Broow Masters - let it put them in order and recommends the means for home care.

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_31

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_32

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_33

  • Make-up. Relying on your color, find out which shades of lipstick, shadows, tonal means are suitable for you. Look at the pair of training videos, which are now quite a few online. Always start with a small one: learn how to make everyday nude makeup, gradually moving to a more complex - evening.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_35

  • The smiling girl, of course, has more to himself, rather than gloomy and dissatisfied. Therefore, always follow the health of your teeth. The curvature or the wrong bite will help to correct braces, the spoiled tooth can be replaced with aesthetic closed construction. Snow-white smile will make professional whitening. If it is contraindicated to you, the Uz-cleaning does not prevent anyone.

We will not talk about the daily procedures - this is so obvious.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_37

  • Learning beautifully moving . Light gait, elegant casual movements - signs of femininity. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to go correctly: not fussing, "rolling" a foot with a heel on a sock, holding a back smoothly. "Dörgany" movements also leave in the past.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_39

  • Acquire expensive perfume. "Cherry" on the cake of your new image is good perfume. Do not buy cheap dubious quality - it will smell a tasty a few minutes, but the "aftertaste" will give such a product with his head.

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Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_41

Useful advice

And several recommendations finally.

  • Decide what you want to see in the end. You should not start fully change your style without understanding, but what should happen. You must keep a clear image of your future in my head, right up to the smallest things. Examine the features of each style, be it Glam Rock, Casual, Sport Chic or Bocho. Coming to the store, focus on the information received and do not deviate from the selected concept. Otherwise, you will simply become the owner of things that are not combined with each other.

  • Ask yourself the question: "Why, in fact, I change the image?". Due to the choice of a new profession, the change of social status or because of the new worldview? By giving an honest and frank answer, you can easily navigate in choosing the wardrobe and other parts of the updated style.

  • We have already talked about it, but we repeat: find an example for imitation among domestic or foreign stars. Just look how they dress up, how things are combined, in what form they go to people, and in what - in the supermarket. You do not need to repeat everything blindly - it is important to only remember the main elements of the "idol" style, we are adjusted for something, exclude something.

  • Form the capsule wardrobe. So you will save a bunch of time and money. All your things will be perfectly combined with each other, and it will help you make a new onion daily.

  • What inside, then outside. This postulate is one of the most important. Hippie in the shower is unlikely to feel well in the tuxedo.

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_42

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_43

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_44

Changing the image (45 photos): How to change your style yourself? How to start a girl and a man? How to drastically change the image? 7036_45

Several tips on changing their style are presented in the video below.

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