Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other


A normal person is usually correctly focused on the terrain. In this he helps spatial thinking. Without this point, our consciousness will be considered defective. A highly developed spatial thinking makes it possible to easily solve complex geometric tasks. Three-dimensional thinking must have people who have chosen for themselves professions such as an engineer or architect.

What it is?

Some mental activity that helps to create spatial images is called spatial thinking.

If we speak simple words, people who can easily navigate the terrain and do not use various cards, have developed visual-spatial thinking.

Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_2

You need to know that the spatial intelligence depends on the abilities below:

  • If you know how to build spatial images in consciousness, then this is a spatial intelligence;
  • If you know how to mentally rearrange images, then You have developed spatial thinking.

In the consciousness of a person possessing the above qualities, All terrain seems to be volumetric, i.e. such an individual can embody the scheme of that place that represents interest to him. For example, conductors who are easily moved by hard-to-reach places necessarily possess such skills.

Spatial thinking is a kind of figurative thinking.

Spatial thinking has a graphic basis, therefore, visual images are played here.

    When the transition of some visual images to others occurs, one whole image system occurs.

    If the individual may think in this system, it is endowed with a special gift, allowing it to navigate in many life situations. Need to take into account that Spatial thinking is formed much earlier Thinking. Although it is believed that these concepts are inseparable and can replace each other.

    Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_3

    When creating a spatial image conversion, the basis of visibility is exposed. When the manner is operated, the already created image is capable of modifying. It means that the transformation of images is laid in various stages of ontogenesis.

    Sensomotor display develops throughout the life of the individual. This process begins when the child has real objects in memory. So the child gets an idea of ​​the world. Later in adolescence and youthful age, this direction is replaced by the world of concepts.

    In psychology, it is customary to pay special attention to the growth of figurative thinking. The development of spatial skills in children is almost the main direction in pedagogy.

    Thanks to the proper operation of specialists Kids develop spatial thinking rapidly, and with it there are abilities in mathematics and in humanitarian sciences.

    No wonder neurophysiologists have proven after research In early childhood, the specific areas of the brain are developing quickly. That child who got Training in a special program, It is able to hold its developed abilities for a long time and even keep them for life.

    Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_4


    Let's start with the fact that you can diagnose the presence of figurative thinking. To do this, you can conduct a self-surveillance. To do this, you need to apply a certain self-analysis on the following items.

    • Stand in the room where there is a big mirror. Try to look at it and understand the mirror mapping of room items.
    • Try to present an empty room, and then lay out items in it, Which are going to place there. Then mentally turn the room 90 degrees. At the same time, all things should remain in those places where you installed them for the first time.
    • And here's another task. Answer yourself to the question: "You will be able to download the car trunk to the maximum?"
    • Many often go to rest in unfamiliar places. Try to present one of these places and mentally transfer the location of objects to the card.
    • If you drive a car, then you should know if you can park correctly, Namely, count the dimensions of the place where you are going to put your car.
    • The easiest method that is suitable for everyone. Look at the picture, then close your eyes and try to describe what is depicted on it. And then turn this image to the other side (you can turn down from top to bottom). All elements of the picture should remain in place.

    Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_5

    Having done the above tasks, you can say about Is your figurative thinking developed or not. And one more interesting fact.

    Women can better navigate in a small space, and men are characterized by abilities in spatial thinking. Therefore, it is believed that men are better oriented in open locality, and women can easily find any thing in a small room.

    Next, check again in the orientation in space. To do this, answer yourself for some questions.

    • Can you quickly decide on the coordinate system?
    • Can you roughly define the distance that go from one point to another? For example, what distance do you overcome when you go home to work?
    • Can I define latitude and longitude?
    • How do you oriented in two- or three-dimensional dimensions?
    • How do you use various geographical symbols, images, as well as points, lines and arrows?

    In addition, know that space - This is the mutual location of objects that are in some respect to each other. . So try to correlate familiar intersections that are constantly on the way. And also answer the question: "What kind of neighboring region is from you to the right, and which left?"

    Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_6

        An adult can test himself independently, and it is difficult for a child to cope with such a task. That's why Test a preschooler at the very first opportunity according to the methods presented below.

        • You can choose any animal, such as a dog. Give the child to mentally hide it into any box or container. Items can be different in size, such as a glass, refrigerator, booth. Specify the leading question: "Is it possible to hide a big dog into a glass?". The answer must be negative. If the answer you get positive, then spend a few more experiments. After that, you learn how strongly your baby has figurative thinking.
        • Playing on the playground, ask the child to remember the location of items located nearby. Then turn it to the other side and start asking questions: "Which side is the house, bench, slide, swing, etc.?".
        • And you can also hide toys in an opaque bag. And ask the child to the touch to determine and call the hidden items.

        Causes of violations

        The problems associated with spatial thinking may be different. Everybody is here Depends on both the person and the quality of his life, as well as various diseases.

        Even specialists cannot come to a general solution about the causes of this defect.

        Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_7

        Therefore, consider the most visible and common causes.

        • If the temporal areas of the brain are affected, That man is difficult to navigate in the surrounding world due to violations of thinking and memory. These disorders do not give a person to fulfill the usual tasks due to the fact that the individual initially receives distorted information. Therefore, it in principle cannot navigate in space.
        • Brain Tumors of Various Directivity Also can contribute violations of mental activities.
        • Very negative about spatial thinking influence various disorders a. They give impetus to minimalization of thought operations. The patient at the cellular level cannot correctly perceive the environment, it concerns both people and objects. Such pathologies lead Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia.
        • Various psychosis do not give a person to focus on information. As a result, he cannot streamline it. His brain does not perceive the surrounding reality realistic. There is observed thoughts, and there is no connection between logic and thinking. It turns out, there is no associative communication between objects and situations. The result is a violation of spatial thinking.
        • Thinking a healthy person is designed in such a way that it is looking for a way out of this situation, relying on past experience. If thinking is broken, then failure in the entire system of consciousness.
        • When a person cannot keep his thoughts under control. It relies only on those events that are valuable for him. It means that its figurative thinking is broken.
        • Inability to abstract from the surrounding discomfort It may lead to different depressive disorders, as a result of which there is a violation of spatial thinking.
        • Various bad habits, Such as tobacco and alcohol, reduce the level of figurative thinking.

        Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_8

        Methods of development

          Develop the figurative thinking uniquely needed both adults and preschoolers. Various techniques developed by experts will help to improve intermetrack interaction. Consider exercises , which Will help hold correction, significantly improving visual thinking Both an adult and a schoolboy, as well as a teenager.


          Training can be carried out regardless of your location. In this case, your brain will act as a simulator.

          • When you go to work and are inside the bus interior, try to choose a traveler, the image of which will need to carefully consider and remember. Before falling asleep, describe a person in his mind. Try to remember all the details in his clothes and appearance. If he said something, then remember these words.
          • Put the subject (you can bright children's toy). Consider it carefully. Close your eyes and describe the subject in all details. Open your eyes and compare your image with the original.
          • Think about the animal you like. Imagine it mentally and describe in your mind. Then think what benefit or harm brings this creature. If you chose the cat, then imagine how it catches mice, goes near your feet. Fantasize as if you are looking at any documentary.

          Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_9

            Children of preschool age are still poorly perceived by some tasks. Therefore, to form a figurative thinking, apply other ways.

            • We try to play the reincarnation of images. For example, a child depicts a chanterelle, and in five minutes he must try on a bunny image.
            • Reading the stories must be accompanied by the Mimic elements, Gesticulate and apply a large number of emotions.
            • It is necessary to ask for children so that they in turn compound various stories or fairy tales. Complete their stories more colorful moments.
            • You need to draw a lot. Let's task to younger kindergartens so that they draw any characters from fairy tales.
            • Walking on the street, you can ask children to associate clouds with any g Erota from a cartoon or, for example, to find an unusual tree and compare it with a fictional hero.
            • Make riddles.


            The formation of spatial images occurs with the help of intermetrous interaction. Then you can solve the tasks of the geometric orientation. For example, it is possible to draw objects that consist of lines and various figures (cube, triangle, etc.).

            Shielding classes are also very well helped to develop spatial thinking.

            Try to decompose the matches so that it turned out any animal. Remove a few of them and ask the child to restore the image with the help of missing sticks.

            Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_10

            Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_11

            Solve tests - this is also a lesson that helps to develop a figurative thinking. For example, you can apply the following test. Draw a square and divide it into several involuntary parts. Choose one of these parts and reduce to a separate sheet. Offer the child to find this part inside the triangle.

            Also, the development of the figurative thinking will help the test, which is called "Cuba's rotation". Draw a cube and designate one of its side of the letter A. Consider how the image follows. Then try rotating the cube in different directions in your mind. The letter of the letter A.

            Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_12

            Games "Find attendance"

            Various games help develop spatial thinking in children. Try to play with shadows. Go out into the street in sunny weather when the figures of children begin to discard the shadows. Consider each of them. Change the location and repeat the exercise again. Let the guys learn to determine the location of the body's parts by arrangement of the shade.

            In addition to this simple technique there are various designers for development.

            Construction details and cubes are essentially developing both a child's motorcy and its figurative thinking.

            You can apply different games. For example, The game "Find attendant". In special pictures, the animals are hidden so that they are immediately impossible to see. Therefore, everyone The participant of the game will have to apply attentiveness and imagination, Before it turns out to cope with the task.

            Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_13

            Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_14

            Scope of application

            First of all, this issue should worry those who choose a life path. Professions associated with figurative thinking are diverse. Need not to make a mistake with the choice.

            Some are interested in high technologies and various puzzles. Others succeeded in drawing and love to attend exhibitions and theaters. And those and others have figurative thinking.

            That's why You need to know how your intelligence is about thinking. Learning this, you can easily pick up the scope of activities that you like and in which you can easily navigate.

            Examples may be set.

            Artists possess highly developed spatial thinking.

            Having data abilities, they draw pictures. Recently, such a direction has become fashionable, Like 3D design. Without the above qualities will not be able to compile bulk images. In this case, creative imagination is the basis of the process.

            The ability to operate with spatial images possess mathematics. To submit an object and calculate its parameters, You need to learn how to move geometric shapes in your mind with special accuracy. Only after that you can make the right calculations.

            Spatial thinking: What is it? How to develop spatial thinking from a child and in an adult? Diagnostics, tasks and exercises, games and other 7013_15

            The same can be said about those Who is engaged in geophysics. They need to imagine how tectonic plates are moving. But you should not think that the figurative thinking is characteristic only by people who are engaged in accurate sciences. Doctors, namely neurosurgeons, mandatory should know and represent the structure of the brain. Otherwise, they will not be able to navigate in all its fields.

            Only so doctors can save the life of a person, since without special methods and knowledge nothing will happen. And these knowledge are supported by the abilities.

            Creative people should also have figurative thinking. For example, a writer will never be able to create a story if in his head he does not draw a complete picture of what is happening. Only after that, he can describe the plot and transfer it to paper. For figurative thinking, it is necessary to fantasy.

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