How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options


Digital information is abstract, so it is not always amenable to memorization. There are a lot of memory training options that facilitate this process. Consider more about how to remember the numbers.

How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_2

Features of memorization of numbers

Without special exercises for the brain, an ordinary person is able to remember the numbers by pronouncing aloud in direct order of 7 characters, and in the opposite - 5. The trained memory is endowed with limitless possibilities. It is important to find a suitable memorization method. There are certain groups of receptions.

  • "Figures - Images" - Create stable images of each digital sign. It is necessary to focus on the external similarity to the specific object. For example, a unit looks like a spear or a pillar. Often use a knitted story to recreate the number of numerous digital series.
  • "Figures - Words" - Each sign is assigned an alphabetic equivalent. It is necessary to find 10 suitable letters that will replace all the unambiguous numbers. Sometimes at memorization of numbers, words starting with the necessary letters come up with. Then make up proposal. Dual digits are usually encoded, turning into finished words. The deposit system offers to select words with the coinciding number of letters in the figure. For example, the number 2865675 turns into an offer "on the rack for a long time there were scientific books." It is enough to remember the phrase to reproduce the number at the right time.
  • "Numbers - numbers" - Separate the necessary associations with numbers and are used to memorize the digital series.

For example, the number 23021941 is easy to remember when turning it into date on February 23, 1941

How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_3

How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_4

There are simple techniques for memorizing numbers.

Popular method of figurative hooks. You need to present the following pictures to visualize each digit:

  • the unit mentally turn into a nail or an arrow;
  • Two - in the swan or curved snake;
  • Troika - in the mustache or flying seagull;
  • the fourth - in a turned chair or sail;
  • five - in a five-pointed star or fishing hook;
  • Sistor - in an outdoor mounted lock or whistle;
  • Seven - in a stick or a kochergu;
  • eight - in a nevosha or hourglass;
  • nine - in the headastrics or jumped dolphin;
  • For memorizing the digit "0" can serve a bagel, a lifebuoy, ball, plate, etc.

How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_5

How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_6

    So create hooks in imagination. For example, using this method you need to remember the number 804. It is enough to imagine a snowman resembling the eight. Next to him is a snowball - a blank for a snowy woman. This comes like zero. Loaded in the snow upside down a chair, which in the imagination seems to be the fourth. The picture is imprinted in thoughts, and at the right moment is reproduced.

    Large numbers are easier to remember if you create two-digit combinations from them and tie with bright images, namely:

    • The combination of two nozzles resembles glasses;
    • 03 - ambulance machine;
    • 11 - skis;
    • 25 - quarter of the year (snowy winter, golden autumn);
    • 69 - sixty-nine (6 virgins);
    • 78 - seventy eight (sowing, you can expand the word: north), etc.

    How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_7

    For memorization, individual associations often use numbers. It is necessary to attach a number to some important date, growth, size, the school number in which he studied. If you need to memorize the digital code of the lock, your passport data, certificates or phone numbers you need to remember important events from your life.

    For example, someone is in search of work. Driving on the trolleybus past the banner with the phone number of the organization where experts are required, the person does not have the ability to record a room. Output one: quickly remember.

    Consider on the example, as with the help of personal associations there is a memorization. Suppose the telephone number 942-16-39 is recorded in memory as follows:

    • In 1942, her grandmother was born;
    • The 16th day was a wedding at the brother;
    • The last two digits coincide with the apartment number of the best friend.

    After that, in the imagination, a visual image is created: grandmother at the wedding of brother in the apartment of a friend. In the future, you can not record this number, because it is imprinted in memory for a long time.

    How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_8

    How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_9

    Digital-letter code is used to memorize long numbers. First, the numbers are translated into the letters and then fold into different words. Thus, the number of ID 864610 is transformed into the word "in the evening" with a mental comparison of the eight with the letter "B", the seisters - with "E", the fourths - with "h", units - with "P", the numbers "0" - with the letter " O".

    Some replace the number of the initial letter of its name. Zero turns into "N", one - in "E", Two - in "D", Troika - in "T", four - in "h", five - in "P" and so on. At the right time, the code phrase pops up automatically in memory. When memorizing short numbers, the visualization method is often used in its pure form.

    We need to mentally imagine large bright numbers.

    They can blink, move, fall. Simultaneous pronaling loud allows you to quickly remember the desired number. For example, the hallways are made to buy a shoe cabinet, which should be recorded by gigantic red numbers in the imagination right on the wall.

    How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_10

    Location method It implies the mental use of items located clockwise in a familiar place. You can attach any number to them. To do this, numbered all items and remember well the corresponding figures.

    Memory training for children

    The method of associative ties is ideal for working with children. The kids are easier to learn to recognize the figures on the pictures, on which the same number of items are depicted next to the digital sign. For example, 2 apples were drawn about two, fourths - 4 strawberries. Two-digit numbers are best remembered during folding and recalculation of cubes.

    How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_11

    There are many interesting copyright techniques for young children. One of them offers small rhymes aimed at creating an association of an object with a digital form, deliberately placed at the end of a stamped twist.

    The use of this technique makes it possible to root in the memory of the child.

    To memorize units, such an associative poem is used:

    "Thin nosed Mr.

    It is always one post. "

    To memorize, two often use the winch image:

    "The grass grows around the pond,

    Swans sailed. There are two of them. "

    In one of the copyright techniques, the poem sounds like this:

    "Swan floated to us hardly,

    Turned into a number two! ".

    How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_12

    How to remember the numbers? Simple and fast methods for memorizing phone numbers, memory training options 6999_13

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