How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities?


If you notice that you are more difficult to concentrate attention, you forget simple facts or cannot solve the challenges that you have previously coped, the brain work can be stimulated by exercises. Problems with memorization and attention can be overtaken at any age and it is possible to fix them only through proper nutrition and regular workouts: exercise and mental load. In this article you will find the most effective ways to improve the memory and work of the brain.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_2

Physical exercises

Not only mental exercises affect our cognitive abilities. You can start with physical education. Small motility is directly related to the work of the brain - improving it, you can develop cognitive abilities. Yes, and any physical exercises can also affect the brain. Consider popular techniques that will help in workouts of memory and mental activity.

First of all, it is a finger gymnastics - it will always be useful for the development of shallow motility. It is no secret that the movements of the fingers are associated with the work of our brain. The more artistic, we know how to perform small exact movements with your fingers, the better the brain feels. To stimulate an improvement in memory, you can draw animal figures from your fingers, try to blend or bend your fingers, resisting the second hand, try to bend one finger, leaving the rest in a static position. It is unlikely that one development of small motility will be enough for a serious improvement in memory, but in parallel with other classes it will become a great help.

You can try to perform Fingerling is the exercises for the development of the brain, which are made by one fingers. They are aimed at the consistency of two hemispheres, so help to improve the memory and work of the brain.

Their essence is to fingers on the right and on the left hand to perform different movements.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_3

The most simple fingerboard is to connect the little finger on one hand with a thumb, and on the other - the thumb with the index. After that, it is necessary to consistently change your fingers - in one hand moving from the little finger to the index, on the other, on the contrary. The exercises are better to perform regularly, the speed and accuracy are important in them - at first it is better to perform slowly, but correctly, and over time, build a pace.

To work the brain also useful Kinesiological classes. These exercises involve all muscle groups - with exercise, our body sends certain signals into the brain, which can stimulate mental activity. Such workouts are different and suitable for people at any age. The simplest thing is stretching, try to engage every day, trying to stretch the muscles, but not to zealous - do it better after normal charging and do not bring yourself to severe pain.

Another simple kinesiological exercise - in the standing position to stretch into the string and strain all the muscles, and then relax completely and do it for several approaches. Finally, the respiratory gymnastics can also help, for example, breathe alternate nostrils, closing the other fingers.

Training to improve memory, attention and speed of thinking do not require any simulators, the ways can master any and without coaches. The main thing is the regularity of classes, without it you will not achieve the desired effect. Even if you have little free time, it is important to paint at least a few minutes, but daily.

It is also important to combine physical education with the solution of mental tasks and proper nutrition.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_4

How to train memory?

Develop intelligence and brain activity in different ways. As is known in psychology, many simple and exciting classes are able to increase mental abilities and influence thinking. To strengthen memory, attention and improve cognitive functions, you can taste different classes.


If you like to read, but notice that I do not remember the content, do not understand the written or confusing the details of the story, you can try to retell read. Try to read several pages, and then reproduce the content written as much as possible. It can be done out loud or record the leaf on a sheet of paper - as you are more convenient. Over time, increase the number of pages to retool, but do not reduce your stories - it must be as detailed as possible.

Try to retell the content read immediately after reading, a few days later, in a week. If it is difficult, write yourself the main theses that you will disclose. Try to ask yourself questions and before reading. For example, every time sitting on the book, try to concentrate on something one: either on the descriptions of nature, or on the appearance of characters, or on dialogs.

Try to get all the details in the most details. This method is good for training attention and logical thinking.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_5

Memorizing poems

To develop intelligence, vocabulary and ability to memorize, may be useful and memorizing poems by heart. You can find any poems that you like to my soul, while remember that Too simple texts will not bring the result, it is better to take for difficult tasks. You can take a part of the poem and gradually memorize - so you yourself will be able to stop in the event of difficulties and do in your pace.

Learning techniques are very diverse. You can either memorize whole stanzas, or to memorize each line. Try as little as possible to refer to the text and as many as possible try to play in memory - this is how you will train and improve your results. Recalling, even if it causes effort and doubt, is an important process for the development of brain activity.

The regularity of classes and the sequence are very important. - Do not forget the poem the next day after memorizing. Try to repeat it about yourself or loud several times a day. It is better to try not to spy in the book and try to remember the entire verse entirely, but then it is necessary to contact the text and adjust your mistakes.

Best take a long verse or poem and Learn them in stages. Nothing terrible, if at first you can remember only a pair of stanz. Take a rule at each occupation to increase the task, for example, on one storm, repeating all the previous ones. Such a cumulative effect will be very useful for memory. If some volume will cause serious difficulties, you can stay on it and repeat a few days the same thing that the text is firmly strengthened in memory. Gradually, you can overcome your threshold and learn longer texts.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_6


Many hobbies can be useful for the development of cognitive functions. First of all, these are any classes related to the shallow motor. Knitting, embroidery, modeling, papier-mâché, picking up puzzles - all this perfectly affects the intellect and in children, and in adults. You will probably have a similar useful hobby, choosing something like.

The main thing in the exercises on fine motor is the accuracy of movements. Therefore, for example, the mixing of the dough for the cake will not fit, and calligraphy will be very useful. It is important that you strive to correctly perform small movements, focused in the process. Over time, you will enjoy not only the time spent, but also the results of labor, and our own brain activity successes.


All sorts of crosswords will help develop and memory, and logic, and erudition. They are in printed or electronic form, you can choose the level of complexity that will be able to you and cause interest. And you can also search the thematic crosswords in the areas you are interested in. The advantage of crosswords - they can be solved between the case, it is not necessary to separately allocate time for them.

You can deal with the solution while we are going in public transport, dinner or stand in the queue. So imperceptibly for you can develop intelligence and with time notice tangible improvements.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_7


This is an interesting and intellectual game that can be an excellent hobby. For maximum benefit, it is good to explore the rules and not hurry during the game: to succeed, it is important to think over and their moves, and the moves of the opponent. You can play with anyone - with friends or relatives, it will be useful for everyone.

Chess are good in that it is possible to start from any level, and there is no limit to perfection. This game can become an exciting way to leisure. As well as the big advantage of chess lies in the fact that They develop all the brain functions at once.


Meditative classes can also help significantly improve memory - Combine them well with useful hobbies and exercises . You can choose meditation and yoga programs, go to classroom classes or try to work out on your own. At the time of meditation, you need to postpone all your daily activities and devote time to yourself.

Find the place in the house where no one will disturb you, sit down or lie in a comfortable position. Concentrate attention on your body, heartbeat, try to consistently relax every muscle. Then try to completely free your thoughts from domestic worries. People who are engaged in meditation seriously reach a state when they do not think about anything, but for this will have to do for a long time, study themselves and their body.

Meditation is useful for intelligence in what allows you to fully relax and reboot all the thought processes. Then, with new forces, you can proceed to mental tasks, find ways to unusually take a look at the usual problems.

Meditation will give you peace of mind and composure that are necessary to solve any tasks.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_8

We choose food

Proper nutrition is very important for physical health, and for mental activity. The food must be useful and balanced, try to abandon Fastfud and harmful sweets. Instead, use the products described below, which are considered particularly useful for the mind.

  • Walnuts contain many useful omega-3 acids, trace elements and oils. They stimulate brain activity, increase concentration and efficiency, reduce fatigue. Eat at least a few nuts per day and you will feel the changes after a couple of weeks. You can add nuts to breakfast or dessert - they are great for adding in porridge, yogurts, ice cream. And also with them you can cook the first and second dishes, for example, Harcho soup or fried eggplants.
  • Beans - This is a vegetable source of protein, which is also extremely useful for the work of the brain. Especially to improve cognitive functions is good red beans. It can be added to soups and second dishes, it will become an excellent addition to meat or vegetables.
  • bitter chocolate - This is a useful dessert, which is also useful for focusing the attention and speed of thinking. This product gives an instant effect: if you have a responsible event, it is useful to pre-eat a piece of bitter chocolate. It is also an excellent alternative to harmful sweets for children and adults.

It is not necessary to abuse bitter chocolate, but several tiles per day can afford to maintain tone and mental activity.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_9

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_10


Brain activity is important for solving many tasks: in the career, and in training, and in everyday life. Problems associated with memory, attention and speed of thinking are relevant to all regardless of gender and age: students and older people, and working men and women are facing them. The reasons for the weakening of brain activity can be many and methods for improving cognitive functions is also sufficient: with simple exercises you will learn to think faster, it is better to remember, you can increase the concentration of attention and efficiency.

It is important to remember the general rules that are relevant for any occupation.

  • The regularity of the tasks is very important. - You can give exercises quite a bit of time, but you can not skip them. Best of all, if you can give every day at least a few minutes, it will not be any sense from classes once a week. If you have a downloaded schedule, some exercises can be performed between the case. If classes come in your habit, the result will not make yourself wait long. If you lack motivation, you can always choose a useful hobby that will bring you pleasure.
  • Take care of difficult tasks . If you do not leave the comfort zone, you will not strain, then there will be no effect. If you can solve the task without any problems, complicate it. Even if you have errors, this is the learning process. And the motivation will not wait long to wait - you will experience pride from performing complex exercises and from improving your brain activity.
  • After the very first results and visible improvements, do not stop doing. It is necessary to work on yourself constantly to support intelligence. You can do less often, but at least sometimes come back to useful hobbies or game techniques. So you save the clarity of the mind for a long time.

How to improve memory and brain? Brain training with exercises. What improves memory and increase mental abilities? 6986_11

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