How to quickly remember the text? How to memorize a big text by heart for 1 and 5 minutes? How to learn how to remember foreign text easily and for a long time?


In the life of each person there may be a need to memorize some information. It can be the content of educational literature, speech for a responsible event, a theater role or something else. Do not do without workout memory and when learning a foreign language.

However, it should not scare it. There are many effective techniques that make it easy to remember the texts of any volume. You only need to get acquainted with each of them and choose the appropriate option.

Fundamental rules

Memorization of various texts can help not only in specific situations, but also in later life. This is an excellent memory training, which develops intelligence, makes a person more intelligent, resourceful.

Specialists are distinguished visual and auditory memory. Each type is developing in different people inequal. Some more easier to memorize the text when I speak out loud. Another necessary visualization of information. Therefore, it is worth testing different methods of memorization and reveal which one is suitable for you. In some cases, a combination of various techniques is better. This option is also welcome. The main thing is to understand what we are talking about in the text, to identify the main idea and theses.

But the mindless jar of material is usually ineffective. Even if you manage to memorize the text without aware of his meaning, at any time you can stumble, distracting something. After that, continue the presentation of the material from the place where you stopped will be difficult.

In addition, most people have a well-developed ability to memorize only in childhood, and then gradually worsens.

How to quickly remember the text? How to memorize a big text by heart for 1 and 5 minutes? How to learn how to remember foreign text easily and for a long time? 6976_2

Fast memorization methods

Consider effective methods that allow you to quickly and for a long time to memorize information, in more detail.

We write down that we learn

First method - writing . Here, the visual memory is involved (since you see the words that appear on paper), and the muscular (movement of the hand, writing phrase, are also postponed in consciousness).

At first, it is necessary to slowly and carefully read all the information and highlight key points. You can read out loud. Then you need to take a sheet of paper and rewrite text from hand. Do it without a rush. It is important to delve into the essence of each sentence that you write.

When all the material turns out to be on paper, retell what you remember. Prying in a sheet is not worth it. Maximum can be made 1-2 times. Then take a blank sheet again and write down what managed to remember it. Re-read what you wrote and repeat again. The procedure can be repeated several times.

How to quickly remember the text? How to memorize a big text by heart for 1 and 5 minutes? How to learn how to remember foreign text easily and for a long time? 6976_3


Learn this technique is easy. For starters need Read the text and allocate the main thoughts. Then Each important moment should be depicted graphically. Do it, as you are comfortable. This can be a realistic drawing, drawing, character set or abstract image.

The drawing quality does not matter. The main thing is to be clear to you, which is shown on paper, and with which your graphic element is associated with you. The inscription is better not to do. Try to express everything in images.

If the images succeed in several, their sequence must correspond to the movement of the main thought of the text. You can try to combine all drawings in one by creating a general graphic description of the article. Such an associative image will stay in memory for a long time.

You can not immediately draw to draw, but first read the entire text completely. If this is not a book, but the sheets printed on the printer or information in electronic form, it is advisable to allocate key thoughts with bright color.

On separate sheets you can also make notes, having them in the fields. Perhaps it will help you create a visualization read.

How to quickly remember the text? How to memorize a big text by heart for 1 and 5 minutes? How to learn how to remember foreign text easily and for a long time? 6976_4

Division on parts

If the volume of the material is large, it can be divided into several parts. Each passage must be learned separately by choosing any of the technician described above. You can simply read out loud and repeat if this method is more convenient for you. . It is permissible to divide into parts and medium in volume texts. In this case, paying one excerpt, for example, a minute, the entire amount of information you can learn in 5 minutes.

Permanent reminder

If you need to learn the text by heart, you can use an interesting reminder method. This method will be used if you have enough time to memorize the material. It will be necessary to give this very little time during the day, doing the usual household matters, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

In this case, the text is also divided into parts. Each passage is written by hand or imprinted on a piece of paper. Then these notes hang around the house. Try to place sheets in those places where you are or who see most often: in the bathroom, on the refrigerator, on the mirror, over the kitchen sink. So you will return to thoughts to the learned text while cleaning the teeth, washing dishes and other things. At the same time, the information will be securely consolidated in consciousness.

You can not rewrite the entire text, but to designate key phrases on paper. Looking at the sheet, you will remember the entire passage, which refers to the dedicated offer.

How to quickly remember the text? How to memorize a big text by heart for 1 and 5 minutes? How to learn how to remember foreign text easily and for a long time? 6976_5

How to remember the text in a foreign language?

The most difficult is to memorize foreign texts. A special approach is needed here. For example, You can read what you want to learn out loud, writing everything to the recorder. Then you can listen to the audio player during the day. This can be done not only at home, but also on the street, in urban transport, public institutions.

Of course, it is not enough to listen to the material. It should be molded into it, mentally repeating, periodically pusing pause. It is advisable to translate the text in advance to understand the meaning of all the proposals, and not to memorize the words incomprehensible to you. This method can also be used to memorize the material in the native language.

How to quickly remember the text? How to memorize a big text by heart for 1 and 5 minutes? How to learn how to remember foreign text easily and for a long time? 6976_6


In conclusion, it is worthwhile to give several valuable recommendations to all Who wants to make the process of learning texts quick and productive.

  • Experienced by experts identified the best time to memorize new information. . According to scientific data, it is 3-4 hours before sleep and 3-4 hours after morning lifting. Although, of course, you can also learn at another time.
  • Create a quiet atmosphere to study and memorize the material . It is desirable that the room is quiet. Turn off the TV, radio. Do not be distracted by Internet, correspondence in social networks. External stimuli should not interfere with the process. An exception can be made to those people who, on the contrary, are better focused under the quiet background music. Of course, it should be melodies without words.
  • Be sure to take breaks. You can not learn from morning to evening. You just create an excessive tension for your body, and the information will be confused. Do not forget to eat, breathe fresh air, warm up, do the charge. After small breaks, you can return to work with new forces. In this case, the process will be much more efficient.
  • Full Sleep - Another important condition for good assimilation of information. It is better to go to bed in the evening, and in the morning to continue learning than sitting all night, absorbing coffee litters. Rest not only will allow you to keep well-being, but also will give the brain the opportunity to streamline the information received and prepare for the reception new.
  • If the article has a summary and plan, you should not ignore them. A couple of minutes will learn to study this information, but it will immediately give an idea of ​​the main theses, the general idea of ​​the written idea.
  • If the literal memorization is optional, it can be concentrated on the middle part of the material . Usually at the beginning and end of the text contains little specific and important data. As a rule, these are only introductory words and logical conclusions.
  • If you feel about people who better perceive information on rumor, read without expression. It is important to clearly utter words. In this case, muscle memory is connected (lips movement). As for intonation, it will only distract you from the meaning.
  • If possible, begin to teach the material not at the last moment, but in advance. It is better to finish the process a couple of days before the speech (exam, report). So you can break the information into several parts, so that every day the optimal number of pages accounted for every day, and on the eve of the responsible event, you can pay special attention to the repetition of the most difficult areas and restoration in the memory of the general structure of the article.
  • If you come publicly, train to tell information in front of the mirror. Imagine that you are already in front of the audience, connect the facial expressions, gestures. This will help reduce the excitement and tension during the performance. You will not be distracted on how to present yourself to listeners and fully focus on the text.

How to quickly remember the text? How to memorize a big text by heart for 1 and 5 minutes? How to learn how to remember foreign text easily and for a long time? 6976_7

How to quickly remember the text? How to memorize a big text by heart for 1 and 5 minutes? How to learn how to remember foreign text easily and for a long time? 6976_8

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