Arbitrary memory: What is it? At what age begins to form? Methods for developing memory among younger students and in adults


"Emission it out of my head, learn better table multiplication!" Sometimes such requirements for the child cannot be performed. They are not interconnected, as we store different information on different "disks" of their arbitrary and involuntary memory. The first one is responsible for ensuring that we know the multiplication table, the second actually acts on its own and enters our memory everything that it is pleased with the bright events, strong emotions, interesting images, ingenious ideas and so on.

But our task is not to go for her and leave a place for knowledge. They can only be obtained specifically, using arbitrary memory.


The task of arbitrary memory is to fix the information obtained by its owner specifically (memorizing the same multiplication table, for example). She helps us learn a poem, remember your address, passport data. Yes, in reality there are people who know them by heart, and sometimes it is actually very useful.

However, such memory is being formed at the age, when the citizen is still far from obtaining the chief document. In psychology it is believed that This happens in primary and high school when a child has a conscious desire or the need to learn something (remember).

The development of arbitrary memory implies many factors. Including what was laid in us in a very young age, even before school bench.

Arbitrary memory: What is it? At what age begins to form? Methods for developing memory among younger students and in adults 6970_2

How it works?

The level of efficiency of arbitrary memory depends not only on what exactly we teach and why, But from the methods that we use to memorize. Who is not familiar to the condition on the exam when, going to him, we feel in full war readiness, because behind - a day in the library, sleepless nights over textbooks, and getting a card with questions, fall into a stupor with an admixture of amnesia or, on the contrary, unexpectedly For themselves, we demonstrate the best sides of your arbitrary memory and get the highest score.

Of course, you can train memory and need and in adulthood, but, as you know, All the problems come from childhood and this is what you need to pay attention to parents so that their child does not encounter problems in adulthood.

  • Try to take part in various games, ideally - periodically took leadership.
  • Try to repeat with the child already experienced events, remember hiking in the zoo or circus. Let the child tell you what he remembered by one or another beast or performance on the Manege, what a clown jokes seemed especially funny to him. After a couple of days, go back to this topic.
  • More often use games using words. Just do not immediately "ship" the kid by games in the "cities", "edible - inedible" for a start is quite suitable. The leader throws the ball to the participants and at the same time says the word, the task of the child is to catch the ball, if something edible is called and not catch if the name of the inedible thing was uttered.
  • Do not force a child to sharpen anything, try to call emotions in it, try to colorfully describe it a one or another item or event so that in its memory is not only the name, but also images.
  • Teach the child to understand what he teaches.
  • Explain to the child, as well as we will use the knowledge gained.

Arbitrary memory: What is it? At what age begins to form? Methods for developing memory among younger students and in adults 6970_3


Arbitrary memory allows us not only to participate in the competing of readers or competitions like "What? Where? When?". The knowledge embedded in our storage brain through arbitrary memory is needed both in professional activities and in everyday. You do not get the cooking book every time before you start cooking soup? Draw? Then you just do not know how to cook them. Maybe you're an avid traveler? Does the knowledge gained and fixed by your arbitrary memory at school, have never helped you?

From here - the obvious functionality of arbitrary memory, it is she who helps us collect luggage knowledge.

Arbitrary memory: What is it? At what age begins to form? Methods for developing memory among younger students and in adults 6970_4

Features of development

Generating arbitrary memory ends Approximately 14 years. From how successful this process turned out, it depends, how the life of a person will flow in the future. After all, it is arbitrary memory that helps us to think logically, draw conclusions. For its development, younger students, namely, at this age there are all the chances of creating a fertile ground, when the necessary information will literally "grow", there are many ways and techniques, including those listed above. But the main thing is to teach the child to work with information.

And for this you need to instill the following skills.

  • The ability to allocate the main idea. To begin with, try simply to emphasize what is most significantly in the text. It is also recommended to apply various schemes, graphs, drawings in the learning process. Thus, to help arbitrary memory you will call and visual.
  • The ability to work with large amounts of information. Explain to the child that you should not be afraid of a large number of rows or numbers that you need to remember. Teach them to split them on logical chains, combine in meaning, seek interconnection.
  • Repeat material passed. It is necessary to do this with the understanding of what they learned. It is necessary not to simply pronounce gloomy phrases or rules, but to be thought out in the sense that they say. By the way, it is the repetition of information necessary to memorize out loud that it helps to postpone it in our memory and for a longer period.
  • Work on errors. This is not a whim of our teachers from the Soviet past. When a child himself corrects his mistake, he remembers the correct word writing, formulas. This will not only protect him from the assumption of such misses in the future, but will make it more diligently to work on the fulfillment of the next task. To whom I want to spend an extra time to study, when the guys are driving under the windows in football, and in the social network has already been "hanging" in anticipation of a beloved classmate.
  • The ability to draw up a associative series. "Attract" new information to the already familiar material. As an example of the same Soviet childhood - the poem to memorize the order of flowers in the rainbow "every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits." Use similar tricks to memorize "uncomfortable" for your brain information.

Arbitrary memory: What is it? At what age begins to form? Methods for developing memory among younger students and in adults 6970_5

And a few more tips that will help make arbitrary memory better than both children and adults.

  • Concentrate on the task . If you need to learn the poem, then you should not be distracted by how fly sat on the jam, why the dad (husband) climbed into the refrigerator, and what the SMS came.
  • Sort the information you need for general or similar features. . Yesterday I studied the structure of the skin, and today try to remember the geographical position of Italy? Boots are made of leather, and Italy, if you look at it from a bird's eye view, very similar to boots. Look for associations in everything.
  • To remember the numbers, do the same. Instead of tool, remember which associations cause a number of one or another. For example, 1970 - year of birth, 16 - first love and so on.
  • Going to a new country, learn at least a few words in the language on which they say there. It is even better to master a number of phrases that will allow you to exchange courtesy with staff when settling in the hotel, order food in a restaurant. So you will not only be respected by local, but also improve your memory.

By the way, the study of foreign languages ​​is even scientists recognized as a faithful way to enhance intellectual abilities. And we are trying to this and seek, developing your brain and arbitrary memory.

Arbitrary memory: What is it? At what age begins to form? Methods for developing memory among younger students and in adults 6970_6

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