How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn?


The fact that twice two is four, it is clear to all at least so much in a famous children's song. And what if your child does not want to remember this? There are ways to learn the multiplication table quickly and fun, about them and talk more.

How to understand the meaning of multiplication?

First of all, it is necessary to explain to the child the meaning of multiplication. It has been proven - when a person understands what he has to remember, he masters the item quickly, with a greater speed than when he simply memorizes the letters and the more the numbers. Yes, and conscious information remains much longer in the head than that that mechanically jammed. There is evidence that meaningful information is remembered four times more efficient than that that is written to the disk of our brain as a kind of plate. It is just sooner or later (rather, the first) will deteriorate.

So, before you demand that the multiplication table bounce into a child from the teeth, explain to him its meaning, why can she need him in life. And only then proceed to classes.

How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn? 6964_2

Table patterns

One of the ways that is used to make the multiplication table is easy to, - Mastering its patterns . Discover their child as a kind of secret. Let him better feel like a wizard than a great mathematician. So learn the multiplication table is not only simpler, but also more interesting.

So, immerse yourself in the magic of numbers. For example, tell us that any number multiplied by five, the result is a number with zero or five at the end. But start better with one . At first glance, a completely useless occupation, but the child will quickly remember that in fact do not need to do anything, since one unit changes nothing in another digit when multiplying.

Thus, the dises of multiplication, he will also be able to understand faster. Next, go to more complex examples. We ourselves know about the magic multiplication on the nine. Take the multiplication table. Carefully explore it. You will notice that in the column, where the numbers from one to ten are multiplied by nine, the works have the following pattern: The first digits of the result begin with scratch and end with the nine, the second are located in the same order, only not from top to bottom, but on the contrary.

Agree, fascinates. And now, your child is already wondering what will happen next.

How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn? 6964_3

Rules of learning

First, select a method that suits your child. If it is a born humanitarian and verses, it is much easier for him than the solution of problems in mathematics, take advantage of simple quatrains about the multiplication table. Examples Let us give below. If your child is rather a physicist than a lyrics, use counting sticks, for example. But in that, and in another case, you need to follow the rules.


Lessons should not tire a child. As soon as you notice that he begins to lose interest, immediately end the occupation. Do not overload the head of the little man, otherwise you will call only aversion to any kind of exercises. Do not demand from the child instant decision. Sooner or later, he will be able to multiply two two - he just needs time. In no case do not scold a child, even if he does not work.

But for each, even a small, achievement be sure to praise. No, you do not need to run to the store and buy an expensive toy in the form of a prize for the learned lesson - just tell him that he is well done. Although the small present will not be superfluous.


They should be. Even if it seems to you that the child does not want to stop, slower the process . Remember how school did? "We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. We have a little rest and write again. " This will help remove the tension: both mental, and physical.

Yes, and you yourself will be able to undergo patience during the rest. We are not annoying when our baby does not work, right?

How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn? 6964_4

Methods of memorization

It will be nice if you coordinate your actions with a teacher who has your child, and you will use the same or similar methods. But in our time, parents often begin to develop their offspring long before it turns out to be in elementary school. This is probably good. But just do not deprive the kid of childhood. In this case, the game is your optimal way to comprehend mathematics.

Scatter the designer of Lego. Surely the details in it will be enough to study the entire multiplication table and even more. Spread the details on equal heads, where their number is a multiplier, and the number of heaches themselves is a multiplier.

We proceed to solve the problem by collecting parts into some kind of design. Your task is not to create a beautiful figure, but to explain how multiplication occurs. Further is easier - in two bouches of three details, there are only six of them. Thus, and multiply 3 to 2. The main thing is to remember that in 5 minutes you do not learn the multiplication table even with the welderkind.

But the more non-standard ways you apply, the greater the chance of success. Invent interesting tasks. Get out of the box all the cars that your child has. Have you already guessed how to explain that twice two are four? Only on the time of this occupation, leave an all-terrain vehicle with eight wheels and a tractor with six too better to save. They will use us in the following classes.

Mathematics - the science is accurate, so use objects absolutely suitable for its explanation. Do not fit toys - use the other reception. Make signs where you write an example on one side to another - the solution. And proceed to such a card game on numbers. Do not stop "pester" to the child and during walks. Come up with an unconventional approach to learning the multiplication table.

How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn? 6964_5

For example, saw a dog in the courtyard - we think how many paws, ears, eyes are. And how much will it be if another neighbor will be released on the street with his pet? Multiply the number of dogs on the number of their paws and vice versa. The more unusual methods, the more interesting to the child. Use some numbers again. About multiplication by 9 your child has not yet forgotten? Specify it. Does your child adore computer games? This is a real lifehak for you. Download the online simulator to the phone or tablet to explore the multiplication table.

There are other non-traditional ways. Does your daughter love to cook together with you? Calculate how much eggs need, if you make glazing from three for five days in a row. If your child is a young shopaholic, the following technique is suitable for you: Returning from the bakery, count how many loaves of bread you buy, if you go to the store every day all week. Let just need to multiply 7 on 1. The main thing is that in this case you explain the multiplication process.

Not enough fantasy - consult specialists or special literature. Here is a list of only some magic books to help you.

  • "As I taught my girl multiplication table." Tatyana Shklyarova will tell you how to master the maths with a child during the summer vacation.
  • "Quickly teach the multiplication table." This methodological manual was created by Elena Nefedova and Olga Pazorov. Their own author's program will help improve the knowledge of mathematics in general.
  • "A quick and easy way to learn the multiplication table." The author Jan Pligina became popular among the parents, as it did not just develop a unique technique, but also outlined the rules of exciting games on the mathematical theme.

Also, her book is equipped with a "magic bookmark", which causes even more interest.

How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn? 6964_6


And yet do not forget about old and proven ways. Make plates, where to write examples on the left side, right leave free. It must fill the child. So try to make large cells.

Use bright pencils or markers. Integrity baby. Do not try to "shove" a table of multiplication in the head of your son or daughter right away. Start gradually. Even every digit can be divided into several classes. And do not forget about breaks: 10-15 minutes of mathematics, and then - mobile games or lunch break.


This method is very common, but does not always lead to the fact that the child understands, as folded into a single whole number, and not words. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only as auxiliary. In addition to the already mentioned songs about twice two - four, use and others, not so well-known, but from this not less memorable.

  • Multiplying three per unit, we get to the page from the book of fairy tales for the guys about three cheerful piglets.
  • Multiply three six in two bills, rather to become a big hunt. And you know, the years quickly rush. And here you are eighteen.
  • And how many eight will be three times? During the day we will handle the question. After all, in the days, as you know in the world, just twenty-four hours.

In addition to the quarrel ever and someone and someone, you can use your own. Stand from numbers poems. It's fun. But our task is not to bother with a child even with the most serious question.

How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn? 6964_7


Educational games are now in most children's stores. There are also special to explore the multiplication table. Perhaps instead of twenty-eighth cars better buy it. Just pay attention to the design and color of the toy. She must attract a child. And of course, Do not forget about security. Ask the sellers a certificate for the goods.


Many of us and in adulthood in order to fold some numbers, use a finger account. But with the help of hands you can multiply. And this is another "magic" reception, which will help you to interest your child and make mathematics entertaining.

Druel the hands of the child. Now numb each finger from left to right. And now proceed to multiplication by the same magic nine. Select the number you want to multiply. I consider the answer on your fingers. To the left of the multiplied number will remain the number of tens, on the right - units. Well, isn't the magic?

How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn? 6964_8

Tips for parents

Do not demand more than what it is capable of. The kid is not ready to teach multiplication table at a four-year age - leave it. I will have time. Otherwise, you risks the kid feel a sense of guilt and complex of inferiority. Yes, and he is unlikely to run with joy.

To begin with, try using examples from life - toys and animals will attract much more than the attention of the CAD than the multiplication table as such. Her, by the way, can be hung in the child's room. He, not noticing himself, will draw information from it. In addition, you can print exercises. Sooner or later, anyone, even the most mischievous boy, will be interested in what it fascinated you in the computer and now lies on the table in paper.

Although modern children most are interested in what flashes on the screen. So let it be a special application for learning multiplication table. Yes, and the calculator can be used as a toy, not a car for money account.

Fantasize, it will not only add thrust to your knowledge of your baby, but also you will make more versatilely developed adults.

How to quickly remember the multiplication table? Overview of games and poems to memorize a child, non-standard learning methods in 5 minutes. How best and faster to learn? 6964_9

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