How to wake up in the morning cheerful? How to wake up rested if she lay late and sleep a little? How to cheer up?


If a person wakes up in vigorous in the morning, he is easier for all things, it easily copes with any circumstances on its path, its personal effectiveness and performance increases, health condition improves. What you need, so that the awakening is vigorous, we will consider in detail in this article.

How to provide a comfortable sleep?

Our ancestors had such a problem, but the pace of modern life is very intense, and therefore the problem of a healthy sleep is rather sharp. In the morning, it is not possible to wake up in the morning, even if in general they lead a healthy lifestyle, try to stick to a certain mode. The reasons are numerous - a high level of night noise and lighting in cities, stresses, experienced during the day, excitement and experiences that a person is experiencing before falling down, an abundance of information flows.

The lack of a full sleep has the property to accumulate, and the result will be pending time, but always negative. A person is gradually developing a decrease in the concentration of attention, scattered appears, health problems begin. And because It should clearly know the rules that will help to provide comfortable sleep even in the conditions of modernity.

How to wake up in the morning cheerful? How to wake up rested if she lay late and sleep a little? How to cheer up? 6916_2

Determine the optimal gap

Recommendations of doctors relative to eight-hour sleep are quite conditional. Each must have their own perfect gap. Sleep is a cyclic process, each cycle lasts about one and a half hours. Somologians argue that awakening should have exactly at the end of the cycle. In this case, the person will be more vigorous than the one who woke up in the middle or the beginning of another sleep cycle. Calculate your night sleep interval with understanding that it must certainly be a multiple of 1.5. In practice, this is a half, three, four and a half, six, seven and a half hours and so on. That is why, fulfilling the Council about an eight-hour dream, we feel that you slept worse than after full of six hours of sleep.

Full sleep should be 5 full cycles, that is, 7.5 hours . If a person is sick, experiencing physical or mental overvoltage, then you can zoom to sleep up to 9 hours. If you have developed circumstances, in which there is no way to sleep this way, it is necessary to temporarily take another rhythm - to sleep on 2 full cycles, that is, for 3 hours, but after a day, Sokologists recommend back to 5 cycles to restore the shortage.

From the point of view of hormonal processes in the body The best interval of sleep is 22 hours - 2 o'clock in the morning. With a dream in a bright time, the brain suppresses the production of melatonin, namely its accumulation is important in order to wake up vigorous. Sov has melatonin is produced later than the larks. Counting your gap, Form the habit of falling always at the same time.

Very soon, the internal biological watches will be debugged, sleep quality will noticeably increase. It is important to comply with this rule even at the weekend.

How to wake up in the morning cheerful? How to wake up rested if she lay late and sleep a little? How to cheer up? 6916_3


For falling asleep, we all use our convenient postures. However, Somologian specialists are confident that it is possible to quickly form new habits, initially the accompanying efforts for falling asleep in the correct poses. The right thing is considered back . In this posture, it is possible to achieve a high degree of muscle relaxation, the optimal is blood circulation, the load on the heart is uniformly distributed. But such a posture is undesirable for those who snoring or experiencing respiratory problems, as well as for future mothers.

The pose on the side is also convenient, with it the natural bends of the spine are preserved. But on the stomach, experts do not advise sleep. With such a position, the natural position of the head and the cervical system is disturbed, the load on the vertebrae and joints increases.


If you want to sleep hard and cheer up in the morning, pay attention to choosing the right accessories for sleep. Today there is a large selection of orthopedic pillows. But if there is no funds, you can make a choice and in the segment of ordinary products. The height of the pillow should not be greater than or less than the range of 10-14 centimeters. Width need to choose the width of the shoulders. The product should not be too soft so that the head falls into it. But too tough pillow will not be useful - it will cause excessive tension of the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

Avoid synthetic materials both in the choice of pillows and in the choice of bed linen. If it is hot to sleep, you can even even count on the cheerfulness.

How to wake up in the morning cheerful? How to wake up rested if she lay late and sleep a little? How to cheer up? 6916_4


If in your bedroom "Fine" air with a high content of carbon dioxide, the brain in a dream will experience a lack of oxygen. This will lead to nightmares, "ribbon" dreams, cyclical disorders. In the end, you will not get enough sleep, even if you take the right intervals at the right time. Output - You should air the room before bedtime, as well as provide fresh air at night.

Create a microclimate, at which the fallback will be light, and the awakening is vigorous. The air temperature should not exceed 21 degrees, and air humidity should be maintained at 50-60%. Do not forget to walk before bedtime. After a walk, fall asleep is always easier.


Regardless of whether you stick to the principles of healthy nutrition or for nothing to give up your cupcake in the evening, stick to the general rule - The last meal should be made 3 hours before the night rest. Late meals lead to the fact that at night the body does not rest, and diligently digested that you "shoved" in it, spending a tremendous amount of energy.

If you are on a diet, then the risk is also at risk . As soon as the daily volume of calories drops below 1,200 kcal, you risk obtaining a disorder of night sleep, since a deficit of important substances, for example, folic acid, iron appears. Those who wish to awaken cheerful should eliminate the reception of coffee and tea after 15 hours of the previous day. Tanin and caffeine can have an effect stretched over time until 11-12 hours. It is better to give preference to evening herbal teas, brave mint.

The use of glasses before bedtime, contrary to the general opinion, does not contribute to rapid falling asleep. Alcohol processing requires high energy consumption from the body, which also violates the cyclicity of carotid processes. That is why after the subject we can suddenly wake up among the night and hardly fall asleep after such episodes.

How to wake up in the morning cheerful? How to wake up rested if she lay late and sleep a little? How to cheer up? 6916_5

Evening ritual

Good evening rituals are promoted to sleep . A couple of hours before the departure time to bed, try to reduce the lighting intensity, eliminate the keyword and films, using a tablet or smartphone. Instead, you can read a couple of chapters of the book, listen to pleasant music, go out on the evening walk with children or a pet.

Eliminate all light sources in the bedroom. . Highlighting switches, LED alarm clocks, indicator light bulbs - all this is better to close something, for example, cardboard, cloth. At night, such light makes negative adjustments to the melatonin synthesis processes.

Actions before bedtime are worth a habit. Observe the sequence - washed, changed, checked whether household appliances were turned off, whether the door is closed. Try not to change the usual order.


Once in bed Try to focus not on the experiences of the day or fears for the upcoming, but on your own breath . Dimensively make breaths and exhalations, relax in turns all groups of muscles. Do not decide in the head of problems, do not remember the bad, better imagine a pleasant summer forest, singing birds, the sea, a stunning imagination of mountain landscape. Try to maintain this state at least ten minutes before immersed in sleep.

How to wake up in the morning cheerful? How to wake up rested if she lay late and sleep a little? How to cheer up? 6916_6

How to wake up correctly?

To wake up a rested and vigorous, it is important not only to go to bed right, but also competently build your awakening. It's not just that you later lay down, little or a lot sleep, but in how you manage to organize morning awakening. We offer a few steps that will help to get up in the morning.
  • "Communication" with alarm clock. Specialists advise you to stop hateing a clock clock. You can do it by applying a little secret. Put the alarm clock not at the rounded time, but on the "uneven" - not at 7 am, and for 7 hours 3 minutes, for example. Put a pleasant melody, it should not "pull out" you from sleep, how do rattling mechanical alarms do.
  • "Time for gratitude." Dedicate five minutes after a call to the alarm with a useful exercise with the same name. Tell relaxed, think about everything is good that there is in your life - about a child, your loved one, mom, hobby, soon vacation. Thank you for what you knows how to appreciate and love. It will be an excellent "baking" for good mood and motivation during the day.

Useful morning habits

A clear ritual of morning action will help to cheer up.

  • Charging and shower. At least five minutes you pay physical exercises. If you do not be friends with sports, limit up simple sipping, lifting hands and legs, head turns. Morning Running was previously considered effective, but recently experts refute its value, because he forces it to immediately mobilize his strength, as a result you will be tired before. Water procedures will become the following action. The water temperature should be comfortable, not too cold, but not so warm so that you wanted to go to bed again.
  • Breakfast . Add proteins and carbohydrates to the morning diet. Cottage cheese, eggs, porridge - here is the best breakfast, and not at all sandwiches or muesli.

For breakfast, try not to be distracted by viewing news, ribbons on social networks, on workflows, for example, on a challenge for a day - all this can wait.

How to wake up in the morning cheerful? How to wake up rested if she lay late and sleep a little? How to cheer up? 6916_7

How to wake up in the morning cheerful? How to wake up rested if she lay late and sleep a little? How to cheer up? 6916_8

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