Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day


The importance of self-development says often. People urge to develop constantly, but no one indicates areas - where and how to develop, represent a few. At the same time, everyone has the need for development. In this article, we will consider what self-development, from which it consists and how to implement it in practice.

What is it in psychology?

Under self-development is understood A certain work on oneself, the efforts and actions of a person aimed at improving themselves in different spheres of life. Until a certain age, parents are engaged in our development, then teachers, universities. But the diploma received, should the development of development? Of course not. Any stagnation sooner or later leads to degradation. Therefore, it is obvious the need to self-develop.

This is the inner need of a person, and it is even in those who rarely think about the essence of the concept as such.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_2

Self-development allows a person to maintain respect for himself, due to self-esteem . It works on himself to acquire the necessary qualities of personality, skills, characteristics that will be the basis of its existence will help to achieve the desired goals. If at school and university with definitions of tasks, everything is quite simple, they put them in front of us, then in terms of self-development everything is more complicated. No one will give tasks, will not explain the new topic, will not accept the exam and will not send to relocate. All this will have to do it yourself.

You can, of course, find schools of self-development, contact the coacters, as a last resort to enter the sect, but the practice shows that they often have completely certain goals - getting benefits, and your development as a person is absolutely uninteresting. And because To engage in self-development, as follows from the definition of the concept, it will be possible solely on its own, sometimes - by the method of samples and errors. In order for the errors less, it is worth listening to basic recommendations, on the basis of which you can develop your own development plan and successfully follow it.

There are good news - The human nature itself will be on your side, provided for the need to develop for each species. If a person stops in development, life itself is trying to push it out of the comfort zone, so that the process of evolution and training continued.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_3

Why do you need?

The desire for self-development - The need for everyone, and to some extent it is experienced without exception. Developing Personally, seeking to change myself for the better, we increase the level of our motivation, learn from the new one and discover the prospects for themselves. It is extremely important for self-realization, gaining the meaning of existence. The importance of self-development is indisputable at any age. If a person does not stand still, he gets the opportunity not only to use basic motifs, but also with his own hands to create his own life, make it interesting and rich, full and harmonious.

Choosing a path of self-development, a person sees positive changes in himself, around the world, because everything begins with him and his views, beliefs, judgments, optimism. Those who have determined self-development as an important sphere of their lives are usually more successful in work, happy in the family and relationships. They begin to achieve their goals faster, their health is strengthened. Why, with all the visible advantages of self-development, many try to avoid him? There may be quite a few reasons for this.

  1. Fearing something to change in the usual life, fear of future.
  2. Understanding that development will require certain efforts, unwillingness and laziness.
  3. Fear of being convicted with loved ones and acquaintances and risk to get into the category of "Chudakov", which are always missing something.

Vera in the fact that the best - the enemy is good, usually stops man and not giving him to move from reasoning about the benefits of self-development personality to real action. What if the improvement will have an unexpected effect? What if it becomes worse than it is now? Gradually, this approach can lead to life to banal physiological needs - there is, to sleep, multiply, defend themselves, if they are attacked, or to stay in the well-sleepy dement, if the enemies on the horizon are not expected. This is a natural version of life for an animal, but not for a person.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_4

Directions of self-development

If the decision to get on the path of self-development is made, It should be clearly understood what its components and strategic directions, species. This will help not wander in the sea of ​​information, and immediately build clear and intelligible goals, determine the areas in which they have to work further.


No one will tell you what to believe, what kind of God to worship, what commandments to take as truth. If someone tries to do this, it will be more manipulation. Only you can understand how spiritual content needs. But The spiritual direction is the most important thing, and it is recommended that it is recommended first.

Even the short-circuited atheists rely on some of their values, ideas about admissible, moral, and this can also be considered spirituality.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_5


In whatever form there is a person, he It is important to take care of your health. If it is losing it, the other areas of life will automatically lose their significance. That is why it is important to follow your body, at the time to attend a doctor, do not deal with experiments in the field of traditional medicine and self-medication. Physical exertion corresponding to age, should certainly be part of each of your day. It is not necessary to play sports professionally, it will be enough simple, but daily charge.


As you follow your body, so You need to follow my psyche, supporting it. This direction of self-development implies the mastery of relaxation techniques and stressing, regular self-control and self-analysis, mastering the methods of workout and attentiveness, concentration and thinking. Forcing the brain to work, you can adjust mental processes, avoid nervous disruptions. You will learn to hear your own feelings and thoughts, know your desires.


This direction implies the realization of itself as a social unit - like a husband or wife, mother, father, grandmother. By studying the interaction in society, understanding the connections that exist in the philosophy of relations, we begin to rethink the role of people in our own life, increase them with value, better understand our own value. A social role does not always correspond to the resulting education and profession. That is why people of different professions go to volunteers or are engaged in leisurely with socially useful affairs, for example, clean the banks of the rivers or repair public playgrounds on their own.

Through these actions, a person sells itself as a member of society, while remaining bright individuality at the same time.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_6


Intellect itself does not develop, which has long been proven by biologists and physiologists. If you do not teach a child to read and count, he will not be able to comprehend more complex sciences. So I. An adult need to constantly maintain his mental and intellectual sphere in perfect order, giving himself food for reflection.

Unfortunately, many see holidays after working day as viewing a talk show on TV. Such spectacles do not make us think, make mental work. A person on the path of self-development refuses any classes devoid of semantic load. Any minute is used by them with benefit - it will read books, solve logical tasks or puzzles, preferring even at leisure to increase your intellectual potential.


Anyone in something Creator, it is not necessary to be a representative of the creative profession to self-realize in creativity. On the path of self-development, a person learns creatively to solve its everyday tasks, to make elements of an artistic approach even in routine actions. No people who do not have talents at all. There are people who have not yet revealed them.

The creative direction does not provide for the indispensable development of drawing or modeling, musitization, it only helps to find their own talent, open it and give it the opportunity to develop.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_7


Self-development in the profession is the constant improvement of professional knowledge and skills. The desire to be aware of the whole new, which is happening in the field of activity, distinguishes the artisan from the master. The master is not enough of his luggage experience, it is always open to reception and transfer experience, he is vividly interested in all that is important for his work. With a professional self-development, a person does not need to go to work again. She gives him pleasure.

Methods of self-improvement

There are many self-development methods. Basic obvious - education, training, as well as the desire to read and comprehend new, previously unknown . Self-education in the conditions of modernity does not face obstacles in the form of a lack of information. Its a lot, and this needs to be used.

But before you choose the technique or methods, you need to find approaches to yourself. And therefore, for a start, you can study information beneficial for self-knowledge and awareness of your true goals, needs and desires. The principles of self-development imply comprehensive efforts and actions aimed at:

  • an increase in self-esteem, confidence;
  • development of their own strengths and positive qualities;
  • correction of their own shortcomings that complicate life or interfere with living as I would like;
  • improving health status;
  • promotion of social status;
  • development of their emotional and mental potentials;
  • Time management.

The main principle of successful self-development is to optimally combine theory and research using them in practice. Without implementation, any knowledge loses its meaning.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_8

Where to begin?

First step - Self-knowledge . It will help determine which aspirations are, what are your priorities, at what stage of development you are at the moment. Make a list of your advantages and disadvantages, determine which internal beliefs prevent you from achieving their goals. On the basis of this, an individual plan is formed, in which you define what you will do first than - later. Psychological tests can help in self-diagnosis.

Always when you visit the idea that generates readiness to act, stay for a second and ask yourself the main question - "Why?". Why do you want it? Why do you think it is difficult? Why exactly now the need arose? Gradually distribute this useful question on their decisions and actions, on habit, because it is very useful to know why you are more pleasant to tea than tea, and your favorite color is blue, not yellow.

Second Stage - Definition of Methods and Techniques . You can use one, you can practice immediately at the same time. Gradually will be understood that from the proposed more and less effective for you. Start watching yourself - it is very useful. Accountless observation will show real changes. Fix your thoughts that arise emotions, ideas and beliefs, bodily sensations and sudden needs. Usually there is enough pairs of weeks of such close observation to understand how this or that technique is acting on you, exercise.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_9

Example of a plan of classes

Make a personal program Everyone can . But if for a start to do it is difficult, let's try to define tasks together.

Week truth

The first seven days will be the most difficult. Your task is to be as true as possible in yourself, not justify anything, not to seek explanations to your actions. Just write down every day all your observations and more often ask yourself "why?". This week can show the most unexpected results. For example, you can understand that incredibly oppressive that you are incredibly needed new acquaintances and expanding the circle of communication that you do not want to do what all this time did, but you want to change the work that the decision to study tennis was not at all your own, but by decision Girlfriends, and you just agreed with him that you do not like your husband, but only support the marriage of habit.

Revelations can be shocking, but they need to be survived and take note. This week clearly will show you, in which system you need, what should be able to direct your efforts in the first place, how to correct your life priorities. From this point on, you will no longer be deceived yourself, because the truth will already be revealed.

Contract with me

After the formation of a clear intention, conclude with it an agreement, an internal agreement, which is called a personal vision. Describe on paper and how can you know how you want to be who you see yourself who are next to you, where you live, what do you feel at the same time. You give yourself a written obligation, violate which should not. The likelihood that everything will be exactly the way you described will increase, if everything really is written on paper.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_10

Compile plan

Start with the formation of large goals in every sphere of your life. Highlight in them Interim targets and set a clear execution time. For example, a week truth, you realized that your work was tired - and the joy does not bring, like income. The goal is to engage in interesting things and get worthy money for it. Interim targets - study of the vacancy market with a period of 15 days, mailing a resume on interesting offers, meeting plan and interviews. Do not agree to the smaller, look for exactly what will fully reflect your ideas about good work with good payment.

For each goal, it is clearly defined which books, courses, you may need benefits. Consider the options for helping your acquaintances, maybe among them there are people who have the necessary knowledge and opportunities, they will not be difficult for them to help you become better and more efficient.

Accounting achievements

Create a clear account of your achievements. Even small achievements must be fixed. This will help track progress, support your motivation in difficult moments of doubt and failure.

Make records daily, every week and month summarize, determining that you learned how could apply.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_11

Sandbox method

Try to master new information that way. The method implies an intuitive understanding instead of mechanical memorization of boring and not always necessary numbers, proportions, facts and dates. The sandbox is called the sphere in which you can safely experiment without risk lose everything if the experiment is unsuccessful.

The sandbox must be free, should not be an area of ​​any risks. For example, you can get a blog and try to learn how to write well and interesting, try your hand in the photo by offering them in social networks. Analyze feedback, it will help to learn a new skill much faster. Gradually, put new conditions and knowledge in your sandbox, study the information, replenish knowledge and fill your experimental platform with new contents.

There are separate recommendations for representatives of different sexes.

  • For women . Especially follow your emotions and do not hang "labels" like "this is good" or "it is bad" on your own feelings at the start of self-knowledge and self-development. It is this that is the most common mistake of fair sex representatives. The estimated approach interferes in the end, it is correct to understand the degree of significance of a change in one or another.
  • For men. Common male error at the start - the tallest approach. Different systems and techniques are trying, and long it seems that all this works fine or can work in the near future. But in fact, a person stands in one place, not moving anywhere. To prevent this, you need to overcome the typical male reluctance to record your feelings. It is records that you can show that you have come down from the way or did not go to it.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_12

Effective exercises

Here are some more useful exercises that can be practiced daily.

  • Fairy tale . Pay for five minutes and cook your own fairy tale. It will be possible to tell the child before bedtime or write if the work is successful. Give the will of fantasy, come up with unusual heroes, a complex journey. Each Your Tale should end in a valuable advice and must transfer a part of life experience. This will help effectively engage your creative potential, which, as we have already found out, everyone has.
  • Account in the Ume. . All you need to count, try to read in the mind, and not using the calculator. This will allow maintaining a brain tone, which is extremely important to comprehend any of the self-improvement system you have chosen.
  • Three new words or terms. Every day, learn three new foreign words or complex terms, about the existence of which you used to do not even know.

It trains memory and associative perception, which is necessary in order to quickly assimilate the bulk of the data.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_13

Tips of psychologists

Specialist advice to those who comes to the path of self-organization and self-improvement are quite simple, and the main one comes down to target themselves for success, and not on failure. Any barriers to easier to overcome with optimism.

  1. Do not grab about everything, bring started to the end.
  2. We produce inner discipline in yourself, do not let yourself be lazy and not fulfill the planned plan, justifying it by different life circumstances.
  3. Learn to rest, allocate enough time for this, meditate, relax.
  4. Do not put overestimated goals, the implementation of which is unrealistic or not available to you at the current opportunity.
  5. Do not be afraid to suffer fiasco. It will become experienced and a new step in your development.

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_14

Self-development: What is it in psychology and where to start? Methods of human self-improvement. Plan of classes and tasks for every day 6910_15

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