Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control?


Control other is much easier than yourself. The one who possesses self-control is considered a self-sufficient person. However, not every person boasts such a feature character. Most of us often does not own fully personal feelings and desires. Therefore, there are multidirectional problems. But do not rush to get upset. If you have already thought about this issue, it means you are going to correct the situation. And then you need to act.

What it is?

First you need to decide with the value of the word self-control. So, the word self-control speaks for itself, namely: a person must always rule over his emotions, thoughts, feelings, words and others. Any of us to one degree or another has the will, and it, in turn, affects the development of self-control. The will is an internal skill that allows each of us to be competitive, makes it possible to realize all its goals and desires.

Such a definition, as self-control, provides for the implementation of complex actions. However, he does not imply the displacement of emotions, but implies self-regulation concerning the moral part in the behavior of the person.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_2

The physiological and mental features of a person can perform self-control. Physiological features are laid by genetics, and mental - in the process of upbringing, for example, in a child, this happens when it passes socialization. If you rely on biology, it can be said that the self-control function allows you to achieve the frontal proportion of the brain. With the weak development of this section, the individual arises aggressiveness and even criminalization.

Psychology argues that due to the interaction of the two main opposite systems (reflex and impulsive), self-control occurs. The reflex side provides foresight of the results and even affects the adjustment of the actions, and impulsive provides a rapid response to what is happening around us. For example, a person wants to quit smoking. Nevertheless, he sometimes takes a cigarette. It is thus they control pulses. If this person turns on the self-control in time, he will be able to resist the desire to smoke a cigarette. So the control of your "I" is triggered.

There are three types of self-control.

  • Temporal. It is divided into productive and current. It provides for the control of the aimed itself, as well as the consideration of the results.
  • Spatial Conducts adjustment between the difference between the modal channels of perception.
  • Arbitrary Adjusts variable factors: emotions, thinking and psyche.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_3

Advantages and disadvantages

Self-controlling can not be a disadvantage in the character of a person, since this moment significantly allocates it among the others and gives many advantages.

  • A person believes in himself and can appreciate his capabilities, which means he is peaceful.
  • When a person controls himself, he can also manage other people. This is ensured by great life experience.
  • A person has no external restrictions for development, and it is free.
  • A person looks at himself from the side, can manage his feelings and emotions. This gives him the right to self-esteem.
  • When a person acquires self-control, he becomes patient. In addition, he is able to find himself and correct the shortcomings that are present in its character.

However, the main advantage of self-control is an increase in efficiency from making any decisions. At the same time, a person can easily prevent his impulsive behavior, and it increases at times its chance for success.

With the help of self-control, human concentration is improved, as well as it can easily get rid of bad habits.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_4

Examples of self-control

Self-adjoint is such a quality that a person is not easy. Discipline is part of control over yourself. For example, the professor needs to finish the started project, he works on him not to give up his hands, instead of going to the movies or in a cafe. There are social controls. For example, a person undeservedly accused of something and insulted. Instead of rush into a fight, he will hold his emotions. Thus, it will prevent the development of conflict.

Such self-control costs expensive. Thanks to him, people can remain people even in the most extreme situations. In the process of activity that must be brought to the end, many of us surrender. For example, a schoolchildren fails to solve the task. The student who has in its own character "volitional rod" will definitely solve the problem itself or with adults. If the child has no self-control, he will throw classes and runs out to play football outside.

The same can be said about students. In training activities, they have to learn a lot of new material. If in this case there will be no self-control, then the student will not be able to learn the necessary knowledge, and therefore will not become a high-class specialist. Therefore, the control of their behavior and its activities is very important for any person. It helps go ahead and reach the goal.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_5

How to develop?

Self-control can be developed. To do this, you need to make a conscious choice and develop a certain direction in thinking. Various exercises will help in this, as well as trainings for adults and children.

And remember that With the development of self-control, you should not expect that everything will go "like oil". Only regular practice and volitional configuration will help achieve results. First of all, you should develop some useful habits.


First of all, it is necessary to start from this moment. To fulfill it, you should compile a piece of paper on a piece of paper. Make it beautifully. Let each item be written in multicolored ink. For example, Start every day with a lift at 7 am, as well as with charging and delicious breakfast. Next, decide on how to go to work. From the evening, planning the activity you will do during working hours. Be sure to consider such items as rest and entertainment, and enter them into a daily schedule. Go to bed in a strictly defined time. First, these recommendations will seem difficult to you.

However, if you show perseverance and perseverance, and you can also overcome yourself, you will gradually get used to implement such simple self-tasks.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_6

Healthy nutrition

This item plays an important role in the development of self-control. If you are accustomed to eating fatty and fried food in the mornings or dinner what remains from the evening, you should give up such a habit.

Healthy food provides excellent well-being, and this is a direct path to calm and deteriorating emotions. Your body should be in perfect order, and such a condition will help to perform tasty and high-quality food. For example, we have a very good taste in the morning oatmeal, which will provide your body with all the necessary substances.

And it is also not forbidden to eat for breakfast eggs, butter, bread, vegetable salads, fruits. For lunch is useful to eat soups and porridge. Do not forget about the utility of compotes. Boiled meat will be much more useful than roasted or stew.

Dairy products are useful at any time of the day. If you are hungry between dinner and dinner, you can afford to drink a glass of kefir or eat 200 g of cottage cheese. Dinner should be easy and consist only of quality products.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_7

Punctuality and execution of the promised

After you decide to develop such a quality of character, like a self-control, you will need to get used to never go anywhere. This will help the development of useful habits. At the same time, it is not necessary to think that you will have everything from the first time. The main thing is the desire, and then you will be much easier to move towards the goal.

In order for you to stop being late, move all the hours half an hour ahead. This is the best and proven way. To come to the meeting earlier it is not yet rebeling, but the lateness threatens with sanctions. In addition, if you promised something to fulfill yourself or a strangers, try to fulfill the promise. Therefore, never promise what you can't do. Do not speak with ease and about the difficult task. Before encouraging people, think about the process of implementing your commitment. Remember that the obligation must be taken only when you are confident in your abilities and opportunities.

If you still encouraged yourself or people, then do not forget that you have taken responsibility. Let this thought leave you until the final moment.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_8


When a person is confident in his knowledge, he may not worry about his capabilities, so it is able to keep his emotions under control. To be confident, it is necessary to constantly engage in self-development.

  • Set goals They are long-term and short-term. Moreover, they should not be contradictory and must have some flexibility.
  • Self-knowledge. If you are a sensible person, you should be able to express priorities and have certain ideals. These factors will help you move forward and not stop there.
  • Put the task. You must definitely find ways to solve this problem.
  • Act always and everywhere. Only then can you move towards the goal.

So that everything happens, proceed according to the items below.

  • Select a priority direction. It needs to be done in order not to get off the way.
  • You must take the world not gray and faceless, but draw it in paints. Then it will be much more interesting to live.
  • Clean focus on the goal.
  • Record your desires and thoughts.
  • Appreciate time. Do not spray on trifles.
  • Choose such an environment that will allow you to move forward, not back.
  • Do not give in stressful situations.

Very good in self-development helps reading books. You can study any sciences or such activities that are very necessary for people. For example, volunteering or repair of household and audio equipment. The choice is great, you can only find a lesson in the shower.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_9


Very well helps to carry out self-control of meditation practices. Such methods will not harm you, and if you regularly deal with spiritual practitioners, you will have a chance to calm your mental state. And this, in turn, will raise your self-control.

Those who want to solve the problem in this way, it is necessary to start with the easiest technique. So that you all happen, perform a number of conditions.

  • Before meditation, it is impossible to go.
  • Decide with the place for meditation. It must be quiet and cozy.
  • Sit on the chair or set up comfortably on the sofa.
  • Close your eyes and start breathing deeply. Concentrate on this process.
  • After that, you must relax and imagine that in your breast there was warmth. This is the energy that begins to grow with each breath.
  • Energy becomes so much that it applies throughout the body. First gets into the heart, and then redistributed to all organs. As a result, even the smallest part of your body is filled with light strength.
  • With each sigh, you feel that get stronger, and the negative, which accumulated inside your body, takes time and forever.
  • Coming complete peace.
  • Now you have been freed from internal barriers, uncertainty and doubt.
  • They were changed warm, comfort and complete relaxation. You are calm and ready to share this calmness with people.
  • To complete meditation, once again breathe deeply and exhale. Open your eyes and sit in a comfortable position a little more.

Comprehensive the process and feel the confidence that you have gained as a result of practice.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_10

other methods

Success depends on many factors, including from self-control. Those who possess them are in most cases successful and wealthy. They are very difficult to break, as self-control is the quality of character characteristic of the winners. Nevertheless, the research of specialists has proven that self-control is a limited resource. As soon as a person begins to use them, he loses energy. Following this, the level of glucose is reduced in its organism. Psychologists such a process is called "exhaustion of the ego", since the forces in self-controls are quickly burned.

That's why, If you constantly hold yourself under control, reward yourself for it. Top up forces will help movies to cinema, theaters, in a cafe, and you can also visit various trainings. Such methods will not only stimulate you on further promotion, but also reassure your psyche. The above method is incentive. And yet you need not only to encourage yourself, but also scold. It is necessary to punish yourself if you have shown weakness and could not keep your "I". Uncontrolled behavior can lead to trouble, and this can not be allowed.

If the person was sophisticated and could not resist him, he should punish himself. For example, a lady holding a diet, ate half a cake. She should be punished. The girl should give himself a promise that will not get ready for sweets within 1 month. This challenge will contribute to the development of self-control and self-discipline.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_11

All temptations are outside the consciousness, so it is necessary to stay from them at a distance. It is necessary to constantly monitor brain activity and reorient the brain in such a way that he will seek the highest goal, and not to eating a cake.

In this case, it is necessary to observe full optimism. If something does not work, you should not lower your hands. It is necessary to strive for the result anyway. For example, think about your way to achieve a goal is not so difficult as interesting. Therefore, your external and inner worlds should not be dark, but optimistic.

In addition, there are several recommendations that indirectly affect the development of self-control.

  • Write and speak competently. This method will significantly raise self-esteem, and along with it, self-controlled.
  • Always admit your mistakes and be polite with the surrounding people. This method develops a responsible attitude towards other people, which means that self-control.
  • Never complain. From such actions you will not be easier, but the mood you will spoil significantly. Following your psyche. Then it will be difficult to keep your feelings under control.
  • Cheat makes a person feel insecure in society. So, do not deceive.

Self-adjoint: What is it in psychology? Its main methods. How to develop an internal self-control? 6902_12

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