Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat


With the onset of the cold season, the coarse fur coarse, as always remain in the fashion trend. The peculiarity of such fur coats is in their crop. The product is the transverse stripes of fur. Various can be the length and longitudinal option of the lanes. For sewing used different fur. In general, the coarse fur coarses are difficult to confuse with other models.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_2

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_3

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_4

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_5

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_6

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_7

What is fur coat?

The fur coats have long ceased to be exclusively the subject of luxury. This element of the wardrobe is distinguished by aesthetics and practicality. The presence of a fur coat in the wardrobe of a modern woman is more likely a sign of taste and love for yourself (which is not always bad). From a variety of models of fur coats today, you can often find cross coats, as an option of fur design.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_8

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_9

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_10

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_11

Fur coats can be:

  • Classic straight cut:

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_12

  • Intended type:

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_13

  • Length to the floor:

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_14

  • Cropped:

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_15

  • Combined:

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_16

  • With the presence of decor.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_17

All these models combines the overall quality - a special cut in the form of transverse strips. Stoys of fur cuts differ in color scheme and style.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_18

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_19

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_20

The uniqueness of the fur products consists in a cross-boring, which allows you to create an original image. In addition, the transverse model allows you to demonstrate all the beauty of fur. The transverse lines just highly emphasize the beauty of natural fur when he sparkles and overflowing into the light. Smooth invoices allow us to evaluate all the advantages of natural fur coats.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_21

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_22

How sew fur transverse models?

Some fashionable styles have inserts from genuine leather or fur with a different pile. To obtain a high-quality model, the manufacturer must strictly observe the technology of sewing coarse coats. Therefore, the real model of such a fur coat is worth a lot of money. Cheap analogs will quickly disperse on the seams and water. A real and high-quality model shines with beauty and grace. This is a reference fur coat.

For sewing models, fur stripes of different lengths and widths are used and just fastened.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_23

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_24

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_25

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_26

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_27

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_28

What fur coat is better - transverse or longitudinal?

Longitudinal fur coats are not less sophisticated than transverse. However, when choosing a model is to be guided by nuances. Of course, the fur coat first should just like a woman. The classic version of the longitudinal coat in the floor looks elegant and expensive if it is dressed in a slim long-legged girl with a beautiful posture. Such a fur coat has a perfectly smooth uniform surface and just as equivalent color.

You should buy that style of clothing that advantageously emphasizes the figure and hides flashes. Fur coat in this regard - the perfect option for all types of figures, despite the crossbar.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_29

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_30

When choosing a fur coat, you need to pay attention to how it sits on the figure. Usually there are no complaints. The model can be with a bulk hood or on the belt. Due to the successful cut fur coat, the fur is very beautifully overflowing, visually does not put emphasis on the line of the figure. A fur coat with a transverse cut looks more luxurious than the longitudinal model.

Fashionable interest in fur coarses will never run out, so you can safely try to try you like a style with the calculation for the next season.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_31

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_32

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_33


Of particular interest in fashionistas cause models of fur coats with transverse cut. It can be products:

  • Hooded:

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_34

  • Shuba Chanel:

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_35

  • With a collar - resistant:

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_36

Today you can pick up the styles of fur coats for the most demanding taste.

The sandy fur coat or model from Chernoburki look like the most fluffy in volume. The cost is more expensive models. The most democratic in the price range is muton cross coats. But the larch coarse fur coars are most popular, although this fur is not the warmest.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_37

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_38

For sewing, the fur coats never choose coarse and large skins of inelastic and severe texture. Woolen fabric and leather are used to decorate the product.

Also interesting models of a coat with fur inserts, sewn on the principle of the transverse cut. Although the fur coats will still be called transverse, even if the strips on the model are located "Christmas tree". In addition, it can be models from long-tested stripes or with sked fur. Fur options can alternate. Each type of fur has its own texture, and transverse stripes can begin with the waist line.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_39

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_40

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_41


The color of the fur coats is a special selection criterion for model. Of course, much depends on the fragrance of fur and the quality of the finish. Products with transverse cuts are presented today in a colorful manifold. Although most manufacturers adhere to classic standards when choosing shades:

  • black;
  • graphite;
  • Mahagon;
  • Brown;
  • nut;
  • Gray;
  • Cheerful ice.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_42

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_43

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_44

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_45

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_46

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_47

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_48

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_49

Who comes up?

Women with a nonideal figure is usually recommended to avoid clothing styles with transverse cut due to concerns that such a model will be even more complete. That's right, but with one reservation. The crossbar fur coat has its own characteristics associated with the length of the pile. Very fluffy fur products, the same sands and Chernoburka, are able to visually increase the figure. But the mink coats with transverse cut is visually slim, as if pulling the figure.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_50

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_51

When choosing a fur coam, it is important to pay attention to the silhouette of the product. It can be free or straight style, you can also consider the model of the butterfly or Cleopatra. In some models, the thigh is not so much visible, while this area of ​​the figure is emphasized at the other.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_52

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_53

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_54

Ladies with especially magnificent forms should not be experimenting with the models of the year, with large collars and bulk hoods. It is also wrong to choose models with a wide belt.

The perfect transaction is selected according to individual parameters, taking into account growth and size, shade and line of transverse strips.

How to choose?

When choosing a fur coat, do not hurry with the conclusions. What is fashionable, not necessarily to face. To select a suitable product, you must first decide on the fur and the fur coat, considering the cost of such products. And in order to guess with the size and length, it is better to go to the fitting room. Then everything will immediately rise. Also when choosing a suitable model of fur coats, you should search for a compromise. Perhaps initially you were focused on a completely different style, but seeing the model on the shop window, could not refuse to buy. Moreover, the model perfectly accounted for a figure.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_55

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_56

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_57

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_58

A woman should feel comfortable and confident in the selected fur coat. There should be a desire to demonstrate its individuality to this world in this fur coat. Why there ... The woman will never agree to part with the model you like. True, you should not neglect simple rules when choosing a product.

It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the seams of the model, to try the product for hidden defects, check the lining accuracy.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_59

It should not be late below. Also should evaluate the quality of the fur. It can be squeezed into the palm and let go sharply. Have a good swallow fur quickly back to its original position.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_60

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_61

What to wear?

The new fur coat is valuable in itself. However, no one has canceled the rules of combinators. The transverse is perfect for entering or for everyday socks. And the appearance depends on the properly selected wardrobe. Depending on the length of the coat model, it can be worn with classic straight trousers or with a pencil skirt. There are so many models of universal character with the length below the knees.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_62

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_63

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_64

The average length of the model allows you to wear under the fur coat as dresses and trousers. Shoes are another important nuance when building a wardrobe. A combination of fur manto with a transverse cut with boots on a heel and high-herbal is distinguished. Although more and more women today give preference not to elegance and chic, but to your comfortable feeling. Therefore, it can be shoes on a wedge or on a small but stable heel.

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_65

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_66

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_67

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_68

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_69

Cross coat (70 photos): hooded, graphite colors, mahogany, what fur coat is better transverse or longitudinal, what is fur coat 686_70

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