Causes of parting: Why do people break up? Lies as a cause of parting with a guy or a girl. Why do you tear off the relationship?


The destruction of the prevailing relationship is a very difficult process. At that moment, when you need to let go of a loved one, you have to give up joint plans and dreams. The future becomes not so clear as a couple of days ago. From third-party position, it is often impossible to explain why this or that pair suddenly broke out. Yes, what to say there, sometimes the former partners themselves are aware of the reasons for their parting far from immediately and not to the end.

Once and for all?

You can part in different ways. Not too often, but there are cases when in love after a temporary break converged again. Sometimes this episode in relations even strengthens further affection to each other. But not all parting scenarios are positive.

  • Some couples after the end of romantic communications retain friendly or warm friendships. Of course, this is possible if both people were able to cope with emotions and distract from painful sensations. It happens that from the former couples in the end are very good and close friends for life.

Most often, parting ends with a complete breaking of communication. If the feelings of one of the partners did not fade, then any reminder and contact cause him sincere pain. The gap often leaves a deep offense, and people in this case deliberately tear away with each other.

Causes of parting: Why do people break up? Lies as a cause of parting with a guy or a girl. Why do you tear off the relationship? 6859_2

  • Couples experiencing a crisis of relations often take a mutual decision on the temporary pause. This is a good psychological shake, the ability to think about and test your feelings. Sincere love after reunification flashes only stronger. But you should not resort to this method at any troubles in relationships.
  • The gaps are very heavy, in which one or both partners retain sincere feelings. Regardless of the causes of separation, the person is forced to painfully rushing between the desire to be with his beloved and inability to continue the relationship. Feelings can be maintained and not fading long months and even years. To leave, loving, a huge power of will is required. Often this leads to a long depression.

Causes of parting: Why do people break up? Lies as a cause of parting with a guy or a girl. Why do you tear off the relationship? 6859_3

Causes of rupture

Why do not once loving each other people still part? What are the reasons for one or both partners tend to break the relationship? What factors and life situations lead to the breakdown of couples and family unions?

  • The reason for breaking the relationship can become Disappointment in a partner. Many people, especially at a young age, should be attached to make their beloved mass of the qualities that have no qualities, represent the ideal and desired image. Especially often rapid disappointment occurs after the start of living together. The common life reveals before that did not manifest or skillfully disguised the shortcomings and features of the personality of a person. Often, there are no voucher to joint living, even a couple who have met for several years have come safely.
  • Can lead to parting a strong distinction of interests and Incompatibility of characters. It is very difficult to be with those who do not share your hobbies, life views. In relations, mutual support is important, the adoption of a partner. But with a fundamentally opposite worldview, build and maintain trust, filled with understanding and mutual respect for the relationship is unlikely to succeed.

Causes of parting: Why do people break up? Lies as a cause of parting with a guy or a girl. Why do you tear off the relationship? 6859_4

  • Parting with a guy or a girl can occur Due to the loss of interest from the partner. At the beginning of the relationship, seeking to create the best impression and conquer the heart of a beloved person, lovers squeeze each other with gifts, pleasant words, calls and other marks of attention. After that, some hard to come to terms with the fact that all romance in the past. And women and men are very important to feel attention from their partner at any stage even a long relationship. The lack of concerns and signs of love is most often interpreted as a fuss of feelings.
  • Lie It is able to destroy both friendly and love relationships. If the deception is repeated repeatedly and deliberately, he leaves a deep wound and may spoil the attitude towards a person who is prone to such a vice. Without openness and mutual trust, relationships are becoming tense, because some of the partners should always be alert.
  • Excessive jealousy and possessive of one of the partners also convert relations into essential torture. Jealous wants to control every step of his lover, often suits aggressive interrogations, scenes of distrust and scandals. Joint life turns into a real battlefield. One partner is fighting for the holding of their freedom and the right to personal space and interests. The other wants to put it as much as possible, submit to its control.

Causes of parting: Why do people break up? Lies as a cause of parting with a guy or a girl. Why do you tear off the relationship? 6859_5

  • Full habits or dependence of a loved one. Alcoholism, addiction to drugs or games is a very difficult problem, hurting and concern to all close dependent. Heavy forms of alcoholism and drug addiction are often accompanied by violations in behavior. Therefore, the maintenance of normal relations becomes impossible, and the joint accommodation is simply unbearable.
  • Relatives and relatives of someone from the pair may intervene in relations. Often, the parents of Ryano prevent the Union, as the chosen one or the elect, in their opinion, are not suitable for his beloved Chad. Due to the financial dependence or excessive attachment, young people often force themselves to follow the parental will. However, the elderly parents can manipulate and quite adults who have achieved even middle-aged children.
  • Psychological or physical abuse, blackmail, manipulation - very good and justified reasons for parting. A person who is prone to such and systematically embraced the partner a squall of negative emotions and insults, is unlikely to abandon his behavior model. But the one who, gritting his teeth, will endure all this, risks earn a nervous breakdown, chronic nervous exhaustion and long to say goodbye to adequate self-esteem.

The cause of separation can be such a banal thing as money. Financial problems may suddenly even have a very successful person. Well-being and confidence in tomorrow's day are very important for a couple. An obvious perspective to stare with his beloved in a poverty will make few people.

Causes of parting: Why do people break up? Lies as a cause of parting with a guy or a girl. Why do you tear off the relationship? 6859_6

  • Treason It hurts and repels from the one who decided on such a step, while having a permanent relationship. Many guys and girls are able to forgive much, but not only. And when treason occurs after a long year of prosperous family life, she just confuses. Survive treason and maintain relationships at the same level manages a very small percentage of steam.
  • Problems in sex life couple They can push to the cessation of relationships. Very bad if in a pair are not ready to adequately discuss sexual life, express its wishes or comments to the partner. As a result, the couple gradually moves away from each other.
  • Monotonation of living together The lack of new interesting impressions does not contribute to strengthening relations. For couples living a joint life for a long time, the crisis of habits occurs at a certain point. The existing link is bored and the desire for change occurs. If none of the partners feel another threat and attempted to make something new in relation to the relationship, the pair can disappear.

Causes of parting: Why do people break up? Lies as a cause of parting with a guy or a girl. Why do you tear off the relationship? 6859_7

  • Serious test for long-term relationships are Age crises. For their lives, every person is experiencing several complex and turning periods. At such moments, the threat is often marriage or relationships. For young crises, impulsiveness is characterized by a sharp desire of cardinal change. At such periods, the guy or the girl tend to "chop up a spare", they entail all the new, unknown, thirst for change for the better and willingness to active actions. Middle-aged crises are often accompanied by apatine, depression, a feeling of disappointment in life. In such situations, it is important to recognize the root of the problem and provide partner adequate support.

With severe forms of the flow of age crises, it is better to take advantage of the psychotherapist.

About when it is necessary to part with a man, see the next video.

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